
SS Degree College Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

LocationAgra (Uttar Pradesh)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 05:57 PM IST

SS Degree College Overall Rating

(Based on 1 reviews)
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What students says about SS Degree College

  • Easy admission process
  • Good college campus
  • Qualified and friendly faculty
  • Competitive fees
  • Regular exams
  • High cut-off marks
  • No entrance exam
  • Limited job opportunities
  • No semester system
  • Difficult to score good marks

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

SS Degree College Reviews

Better college and best education
By Syed Sameer | Bachelor of Education | 2023
February 12, 2024 12:20:56

Overall: College Infrastructure No great infrastructure and only classrooms and classes are conduct only in building. No new infrastructure or buildings. Government college and that makes this university not so extraordinary college only normal. Academics This university is only known for its simple curriculum and also syllabus is good. Regular classes will be there on weekends and books will be given as per the syllabus and examination will be semester but earlier it was yearly based examinations. Placements No placements will be provided to the students. It is best known for the open education for the bachelors courses. Students will get regular notifications and now whatsapp group will be formed for proper guidance. Campus Life Weekend classes on their regional centres alloyed to the students where they will attend classes. No proper campus only different colleges of Delhi university where weekend classes will be conducted for students

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Related Questions

Ankita Sarkar •  May-02-2023
The SS Degree College in Agra was established in 2010, and run by the Pandit Govind Ram Sikhsha Samiti, Agra. It is affiliated to Dr B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra. It offers B.Ed and D.El.Ed courses. Candidates with 50% marks in Graduation in any field are eligible. Other than these it also offers programmes in Arts, Science and ITI. The full form is SS Degree College (SSDC).
Subhashri Roy •  Jul-24-2020

Dear Student,

Please mention which course of SS Degree College, Agra you want to apply to so that we can assist you with a relevant answer. The college offers two courses, namely D.El.Ed and B.Ed. For B.Ed, you would have to take the UP B.Ed JEE that is conducted by Lucknow University and if you want to apply for D.El.Ed, you are required to apply for UP D.El.Ed Counseling that will be based on merit in the qualifying exam.

You can also read more about Uttar Pradesh (UP) B.Ed Admission 2020B.Ed Admission 2020, List of B.Ed Entrance Exams 2020, Tips to Prepare for B.Ed Entrance Exams 2020, List of Best Books for B.Ed Entrance Exams 2020, etc. on CollegeDekho.

Please write back to us for further assistance or call us at 1800-572-9877 for free admission counselling. 

Thank you.

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