Sumandeep College of Nursing has all the Facilities and Infrastructure as per the requirement of I.N.C., G.N.C. & U.G.C. A Well Planned Building as per architectural plan with Natural Sun Light, Ventilation and Learning atmosphere. All the Classroom have ultramodern teaching and learning facilities like - Well Planed Seating Arrangement,ceiling LCD Projector, Comfortable chairs with wooden benches. All Labs like Foundation of Nursing and Medical Surgical Nursing, Maternal & Child Health Nursing & Obstetrical Nursing have all the modern equipments articles models charts simulator, Adult CPR Dummy, Child CPR Dummy and Procedure Dummies are available. Preclinical Science Lab with Anatomical model of Human body and organs like Human torso,Brain, eye,GIT,Spinal cord,skeletal etc. There is a good Facilities of Cold Drinking water available of college and hostel.
Vadodara (Gujarat)
Junagadh (Gujarat)
Surat (Gujarat)
Vadodara (Gujarat)
Vadodara (Gujarat)