To promote reading interest among users time to time efforts are being made. College library is maintained in such a way to attract students for their intellectual upliftment & stimulate creative thinking. Their is separate & ventilated library building. Library has collection of 8500 books in the discipline computer science, biotechnology, library science & journalism, cost of these books are near about 28 lacks. Subscribes 60 journals & Magazines published in different research fields. Also library have reference books like Who's who, genius, world record, Road atlas, encyclopedia's, like Britannica, Marathi vishwakosh, Bhartiya Sankrutikosh & other sub-wise encyclopedia. Dictionaries likes Chambers, Webster's, Oxford. Some of the facilities include well ventilated classrooms, recreational areas, hostel facility for boys and girls, indoor and outdoor games, stocked library, seamless internet/wifi connectivity, medical facilities etc.
Infrastructure: Well when i leave college then i missed one thing that is infrastructure... That college back bone is infrastructure i always miss my campus really join the best college in latur
Hostel: Swami vivekanand campus is fulfil by all facilities like hostel and much more thing there is 2 separate hostel for girl and boys and fees is near 45-50 k per annum as casual fees structure
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Kolhapur (Maharashtra)
Nashik (Maharashtra)
Pune (Maharashtra)
Pune (Maharashtra)
Annai Hajira College (AHC), Tirunelveli
MMNSS College