Library has a rich collection of technical books running in thousands. College also subscribe magazines and journals. We have General and SC/ST book bank facility for our students. They take full advantage of this facility to enrich their technical knowledge Center for Continuing Technical Education in Karnataka (CCTEK) functions as an autonomous governing body and contributes to the technical education programs in the field of computers, information technology and other areas. The Minister of Higher Education is the Chairman and the Secretary of Higher Education is the Vice Chairman of CCTEK. Officers of Technical Education Department and representatives from industry and technological university are the other members of the governing body. The target group who are benefited from the CCTEK programmes are community people, physically handicapped, socially backward, women, etc.
Bengaluru (Karnataka)
Bengaluru (Karnataka)
Bengaluru (Karnataka)
Bengaluru (Karnataka)
Bangalore (Karnataka)
IIT Roorkee