Course | Fees | Duration |
B.Tech | Rs 3,54,000 - 3,92,000 | 3 - 4 Years |
M.Tech | Rs 1,24,000 | 2 Years |
Diploma | NA | NA |
Course | Entrance Exam Accepted |
B.Tech | JEE Main, MHT-CET |
M.Tech | GATE, MHTCET MTech |
Overall: enviroenment of this collage is very favrable,,i meet so many stranger in this collage,,, after one year they all are became my life,, i called my best friends
Overall: this is very good collage,,, this university has alll necessary facility,,, large playing ground,,, neat and clean classroom,,,with fullly air condition covered
Overall: Best chemical engg collage in Maharashtra after ICT MUMBAI. Chemical Branch is the most Famous branch here. Is present in Warananagar which is thirty three kilometres away from Kolhapur.
Faculty: Faculty are all pHD Professors. they are simply best in what they are and provide utmost attention to each and every student regardless. Teaching quality is also top notch
Overall: People living nearby the college it's a good college for them but if u gonna come from far away with high expectations then don't it not that good and u would regret it
Faculty: Faculty is not that good and they have the experience but they don't know how to handle a class so all the faculty are highly experienced but not that supportive
Overall: college acadamics are very strict and good. Staff and processers are highly educated and they train and build the students personality and knowledge. This is an autonomous institute.
Faculty: Faculty of this college are brilliant . They are well educated and good teachers.they teach each and every student. And mentor all student . professors are very close to the students
Overall: By locking over all the college is nice
Faculty: Over all the faculties are good and creating the 100% accedamics enviornment so students can grasp maximum knowledge in classroom only. Also the faculties are runing different programs and sessions for students of different branches.
Pune (Maharashtra)
Kolhapur (Maharashtra)
Nashik (Maharashtra)
Pune (Maharashtra)
Nashik (Maharashtra)
Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology
Mysore College Of Engineering And Management Mysuru
CEC Cherthala
IIT Roorkee