H.E. Dr. P.C.Alexander, Governor of Maharastra who was a student in the college in the intermediate class during 1936-38 has donated Rs. 600 to this college. The Annual interest of the amount will be used for the award of scholarships to eligible students.
This Fellowship is instituted by the children of Late Vidwan P. Gopalan Nair. The interest accrued annually from an endowment of Rs. 11,00,000/- will be used to provide Fellowship to brilliant research scholars in Malayalam.
During the Platinum Jubilee period, three scholarships were instituted by our Alumni abroad (Mr. George Varghese & Mr. Shaji Varghese, U.S.A., Mr. Thomas A. George, Kuwait and Dr. M.G. Sarngadharan U.S.A. The objective of this scholarships is to lend a helping hand to needy students of the College who cannot otherwise, continue their studies. The interest on the endowed capital will be available every year under the scheme. The student grantees need to execute a bond that the loan will be repaid after they start earning a regular income.
Trinity Scholarship from the Madapad Alummootil Foundation N.Parur In addition to Trinity loan scholarship and Trinity scholarship in Mathematics, the foundation has instituted an aid fund scheme. ( pre allocation for the current year ) Rs. 5,300.00
Middents Endowment for Psychology department (condition to be decided by the department) instituted by Dr. Gerald Middents, Austin , U.S.A Rs. 4,800.00
Prof . T.R. Anantharaman Endowment Instituted by the Chemistry Dept. Rs. 5,300.00
Prof. Mathew Koshy Endowment scholarship for MCA students to the top scorer of first semester Mathematics Rs. 600.00
Dr. Abraham C. Kulangara Scholarships : Six Scholarships of Rs. 2000/- each, one each for the second year B.A. and B.Sc., third year B.A. and B.Sc. and Second year M.A. and M.Sc. classes (the selection of students for the Scholarships in consultation with the scholarship committee constituted by the College staff council, on the basis of merit and need)
B.Sc. and Second year M.A. and M.Sc. classes (the selection of students for the Scholarships in consultation with the scholarship committee constituted by the College staff council, on the basis of merit and need)
Scholarships and prizes endowed by the Chechamma Memorial Trust :-
The Chechamma Memorial Trust has instituted ten prizes of Rs. 200.00 each in memory of eminent teachers who served the College during the early years. These teachers are :
Dr. T.I. Poonen Prof. T. B. Ninan
Prof. K. Jacob Rev. T. V. John
Prof. C.P. Andrews Prof. A. Aruvamuda Iyengar
Prof. T. S. Venkitaraman Prof. D.P. Unni
Prof. Kuttippuzha Krishna Pilla
The prizes have been listed under the different departments.
Five more scholarships also were instituted by the Trust to be awarded on the basis of intellectual merit and financial need. The five scholarships are named as follows :
K.C. Chacko Memorial Scholarship
A.M. Varki Memorial Scholarship
C.P. Mathew Memorial Scholarship
V.M. Ittyerah Memorial Scholarship
R.O. Hicks Memorial Scholarship
All the five men with whose names these Scholarships are associated were distinguished teachers who were on the staff of this College, men of outstanding ability who willingly accepted teaching as their vocation and dedicated themselves to it. A brief account of their life and work is given in the following pages.
This Scholarship is given from the interest of the amount gifted by Prof. Kano Yamomoto of International Christian University, Tokyo, through the UBCHEA. The Scholarship is given to each student selected by a committee on the basis of merit cum means. This year the amount comes to Rs. 1300/- approximately.
Gender | Male | Female |
Total | 229 | 549 |
OBC | 0 | 0 |
SC | 0 | 0 |
ST | 0 | 0 |
Muslim | 0 | 0 |
PWD | 0 | 0 |
Minority Community | 0 | 0 |
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Thanjavur (Tamil Nadu)
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)