
VSBM Bargarh Admission 2025 - Dates, Form, Online Process, Fees

LocationBargarh (Odisha)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 12:34 PM IST

VSBM BCA Admission

To be eligible for admission to First Year of BCA course a candidate should have passed the +2 Arts, Science, or commerce examination of Council of Higher Secondary Education, Orissa or any other Board recognized by the Academic Council as equivalent thereto.
Admission shall be made from the merit list of UGMAT and/or common Entrance Test conducted by Government of Orissa. However if no candidate is available for UGMAT/CET and seats fall vacant, the Management of the Institute may fill up the vacancies from the general candidates provided they have secured a minimum of 40% marks in the aggregate of the qualifying examination. Admission already granted before the existence of the present regulation shall not be reopened. All admission to First BCA programme shall be over by 31st Oct. of the concerned year.
Readmission to First Year:
The following categories of students may seek readmission to first Year.
Those who have discontinued study in the First Year of previous academic year on valid ground and have obtained prior permission from the principal.
Those who have fallen short of required attendance in the First Year of previous academic Year.
Those who have failed in the sessional examination of First Year in the previous Year (academic).
Those who have been rusticated for some definite period in the first Year of previous academic year provided the period of punishment is over by the time of admission.
Admission to 2nd & 3rd year:
A candidate shall be allowed admission to 2nd and third (3rd) year of BCA provided he/she passed in all sessional of first year and 2nd year BCA examination respectively.
A student who fails in sessional of any examination shall have to take readmission to that year in the subsequent batch.
A student who fails more than to theory paper in any examination shall become non- collegiate student for clearing the papers in which he/she failed. He/she may take any number of chance to pass the subjects provided the conditions stipulated in para 2.5 is fulfilled.
The maximum period allowed for completing BCA shall be five academic years from the date of first admission to the 1st year. After this the name of the student shall be struck off from the rolls and he/she shall be debarred from attending classes and registering for any examination.
The name of those students, who do not attend class or do not register for examination for a year without taking prior permission from the Principal shall be struck off from the rolls and he/she shall not be allowed any further admission in the college excepting through UGAT examination/CET.
A student who discontinues his/her studies and does not register his/her name for examination with prior permission from the Principal due to valid reasons may be readmitted and latter date subject to the condition that he/she fulfills the conditions stipulated in para-2.
Transit regulation in case of change regulation of courses of studies: When a student seeks admission or readmission to a year other than first year at a later academic year due to various reasons he/she has to prosecute study according to the new courses of study from that year onwards. But he/she shall be governed by the regulations prevalent at the time of his/her admission to 1st year shall have to appear in back papers of previous year according to the old course.

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VSBM BBA Admission

To eligible for admission to first year of BBA course a candidate should have passed the +2 arts , Science, or commerce examination of council of Higher Secondary education, Orissa or any other Board recognized by the Academic council as equivalent thereto.
Admission shall be made from the merit list of UGMAT and or common entrance test conducted by Government of Orissa. However if no candidate is available from UGMAT/ CET and seats fall vacant, the management of the institute shall may fill up the vacancies from the general candidates provided they have secured minimum of 45% marks in the aggregate of the qualifying examination admission already graded before the existence of the present regulation shall not be reopened. All admissions to first BBA programme shall be over by 31st Oct. of the concerned year.
Readmission to first year 
The following categories of students may seek readmission to first year:
Those who have discontinued study in the first semester from previous academic year on valid grounds and have obtained prior permission from the principal.
Those who have marginally fallen short of required attendance in the first year of previous academic year provide they have attended 60% or more classes in each subject.
Those who have failed in sessional examination of first year in the previous year (academic).
Those who have been rusticated for some definite period in the first year of previous academic year provided the period of punishment is over by the time of admission.
Admission to 2nd and 3rd year.
A candidate shall be allowed admission to 2nd and 3rd year of BBA provided he/ she passed in all sessional of 1st year and 2nd year BBA examination respectively.
A student who fails in sessional of any examination shall have to take readmission to that year in the subsequent batch.
A students who fails in more than three theory papers in any examination shall become non collegiate student for clearing the papers in which he / she has failed. He/ she may take any number of chance to pass the subjects provided the conditions stipulated in para 2.5 is fulfilled.
The maximum period allowed for completing BBA five academic years from the date of first admission to the 1st year after this the name of the student shall be struck off from the rolls and he/ she shall be debarred from attending classes and registering for any examination.
The names of those students, who don’t attend class or do not register for examination for a year without taking prior permission from the principal shall be struck off from the rolls and he/ she shall not be allowed any further admission into the college excepting through UGAT examination/ CET.
A student who discontinues his / her studies and does not register his / her name for examination with prior permission from the principal due to valid reasons may be readmitted at later date subject to the condition that he / she fulfills the conditions stipulated in para -2.
Transit regulation in case of change of regulation of courses of studies when a students seek admission or readmission to a year other than first year at a later academic year due to various reasons he / she has to prosecute study accordingly to the new courses of study from that year onwards. But he / she shall be governed by the regulations prevalent at the time of his / her admission to 1st year and shall have to appear in back papers of previous year according to the old course.

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Abhinav Chamoli, CollegeDekho Expert

-Answered on Sept-08-2020

Dear Student,

Vikash School of Business Management (VSBM), Bargarh does not offer an MBA course. Only BBA and BCA courses are available at the institute.

Here is an article on Distance MBA in India, where you will be able to find some of the top colleges for distance MBA along with their course fee and other details such as the scope of the course etc.

Please note that an MBA course is one of the top distance learning courses in India and has widespread availability. You can also check this article on the top 10 distance learning universities in India for more details.

If you'd like admissions-related help, please fill the Common Application Form (CAF) or call our helpline number 18005729877.

Thank you.

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