There are total 8 M.H.M. (Master of Hotel Management) colleges in West Bengal. Out of the total, 8 M.H.M. (Master of Hotel Management) colleges are private.
Total Number of colleges | 8 |
Average Fees | ₹ 1.05 Lacs |
Applied Filters :
78,333 - 1,54,667 Fees
Govt. of W Accredition
CBSE 10th Exams
78,333 - 1,20,333 Fees
Govt. of W Accredition
CBSE 10th Exams
56,250 - 1,20,000 Fees
UGC Accredition
MAT Exams
25,000 - 99,000 Fees
63,500 - 1,07,750 Fees
NSDC Accredition
UGAT Exams
62,500 - 1,32,500 Fees
MAKAUT WB Accredition
82,000 - 97,500 Fees