NCHMCT JEE 2025 Syllabus PDF - Download Latest NCHMCT JEE Syllabus for All Subjects

Updated By Mrunmayai Bobade on 02 Sep, 2024 17:22

34 days Remaining for the exam

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About NCHMCT JEE Syllabus 2025

Alongside the NTA's official notification which will tentatively be made public in February 2025, the administrating authority will release the complete NCHMCT JEE syllabus 2025. Before starting their preparation, applicants who intend to take the NCHMCT 2025 exam should comprehend the important topics and frequently asked questions beforehand. The areas and concepts included in the official NCHMCT JEE syllabus 2025 are those that candidates will be assessed on in the final examination. By accessing the official website, students may assess the weightage of different sections in NCHM JEE 2025 using the NTA-prescribed syllabus. Furthermore, the NCHMCT JEE syllabus 2025 will assist applicants in organising their NCHMCT JEE preparation strategy.

The NCHMCT JEE syllabus 2025 will help candidates comprehend the varying weighting assigned to each section of the entrance examination. In addition to pinpointing topics that require a lot of time, applicants can evaluate their strengths and weaknesses and modify their study plan correspondingly. The syllabus for NCHMCT JEE 2025 will help applicants with their exam preparation as well. It functions as a preparation guide since it encompasses every lesson and section. Exams can also be easily mastered by completing sample papers, mock exams, and previous year's NCHMCT question paper PDFs while creating a thorough study schedule that will bolster each test topic. On this page, applicants can review the comprehensive NCHMCT JEE syllabus 2025, as well as the test's format and essential preparation tips.

Detailed NCHMCT JEE Syllabus 2025

These academic courses are intended to evaluate a variety of skills and knowledge related to the hospitality and hotel management sectors. You may find the most complete and current NCHMCT JEE syllabus 2025 information in the official booklet or by visiting NTA's website. Keep in mind that topics and information in each area can change significantly from one year to the next. There are five main sections incorporated into the syllabus for NCHMCT JEE 2025, each of which is explained below.

Section Name


Aptitude for the Service Sector

This section's goal is to evaluate applicants' readiness for the service sector, which is essential to the hotel and hospitality industries. Assessments of social and communication skills are part of this field of study.

English Language

This component evaluates the applicant's command of the English language. Sentence structure, vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, and language competency are all included.

General Knowledge and Current Affairs

As the name suggests, this section evaluates the applicant's knowledge of recent events, current happenings, and general awareness. Question types about history, politics, geography, current affairs, etc. can encompass a wide range of additional topics.

Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude

In this section, a candidate's numerical and mathematical abilities are evaluated. Math, percentages, averages, profit and loss, data interpretation, and other topics are covered in the questions.

Reasoning and Logical Deduction

This part evaluates the applicant's ability for logical reasoning. Among other things, it involves questions about evaluating, problem-solving strategies, and analytical skills.

Also Read:

NCHMCT JEE Syllabus 2025 for Reasoning & Logical

Check the section-wise NCHMCT JEE 2025 syllabus is provided below:


Problems Based on Visual Ability.

Verbal Series


Routes & Networks

Non-Verbal Series

Direction and Distances

Data Interpretation Test

Linear Arrangements

Ordering & Sequencing

Coding and Decoding

Data Sufficiency Test

Symbols and Notations

Analytical Reasoning

Problems Based on Symmetry

Complex Arrangements

Alphabet Test

Blood Relationships



Also Read: How to Prepare for NCHMCT JEE 2025 Reasoning & Logical Deduction Section

NCHMCT JEE Syllabus 2025 for English Language

The English Language NCHMCT JEE 2025 syllabus can be checked here:

Unseen Passages

Sentence Rearrangement

Word Formation


Theme detection

Sentence Completion

Passage Completion


Idioms and Phrases

Passage Correction



Idioms and Phrases

Subject-Verb Agreement

Sentence Correction

Error Correction





Fill in the Blanks


Also Read: How to Prepare for NCHMCT JEE 2025 English Language Section?

NCHMCT JEE Syllabus 2025 for General Knowledge and Current Affairs

The General Knowledge & Current Affairs NCHMCT JEE 2025 syllabus is as follows:

International Current Affairs

Science – Inventions and Discoveries


Knowledge of Current Events

Indian Constitution

Current events


Scientific Research

Countries & Capitals etc



Important days

General Politics


India and its neighbouring countries

National Current Affairs

Also Read: How to Prepare for NCHMCT JEE 2025 GK & Current Affairs Section?

NCHMCT JEE Syllabus 2025 for Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude

The NCHMCT JEE 2025 syllabus for Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude is mentioned below in the table:

Work and Wages


Pipes and Cisterns

Problems on Trains

Problems on ages

Ratio and Proportion

H.C.F. and L.C.M


Mensuration: Areas and Volumes

Chain Rule

Clocks and Calendars

Mixtures and Allegation

Number Systems

Time and Distance

Fractions and Decimals



Profit and Loss

Time and Work

Cube Roots

Cube Roots

Elementary Mathematics

Volume And Surface Area of Solid

Races and Games


Boats and Streams


Area and Perimeter of Plane Figure


Square Roots

Simple Interest and Compound Interest


Also Read: Prep tips for NCHMCT JEE 2025 Numerical Ability & Analytical Aptitude Section

NCHMCT JEE Syllabus 2025 - Current Events

For the section on current affairs which is part of the NCHMCT JEE 2025 syllabus, the applicants are expected to focus on the following areas:

  • Awards

  • Sports

  • Economy 

  • Persons

  • Authors

  • Places

  • Science and Technology

There are numerous topics and sub-topics under each section having different weightage and the candidates must go through the entire syllabus in detail to perform well in the entrance examination. The candidates must check the latest syllabus of NCHMCT JEE 2025 of all these sections to enhance their preparation for the upcoming exam.

NCHMCT JEE Exam Pattern 2025 — Important Points

See the following important details regarding the NCHMCT JEE exam pattern 2025:

  • There will be 200 questions in the NCHMCT JEE exam paper.

  • Every question will be an objective question formatted as multiple-choice (MCQ).

  • The entrance exam will be carried out in a Computer-Based Testing (CBT) mode.

  • The NCHMCT JEE question paper will be available in both Hindi and English.

  • It is a three-hour exam with total questions worth 200 marks.

  • The NCHMCT JEE question paper is broken down into five sections: English language, reasoning and logical deduction, general knowledge and current affairs, aptitude for the service sector, and numerical ability and analytical aptitude.

  • Applicants will receive one mark for each right answer, and 0.25 points will subtracted for each incorrect answer.

NCHMCT JEE 2025 Exam Pattern

While preparing for the NCHM JEE exam, students must know the exam pattern. Knowing the NCHM JEE syllabus 2025 along with the exam pattern will help to score the best marks. Candidates can check the NCHMCT JEE 2025 exam pattern mentioned below.  

  • Mode of Exam: The NCHM JEE 2025 exam will be held in Computer based online mode (CBT). 

  • Type of Questions: The NCHM JEE question paper will have multiple choice questions divided into five sections.

  • Number of Questions: In the NCHM JEE 2025 exam paper, there will be a total of 200 questions.  

  • Time Duration: The duration of the NCHM JEE exam is three hours.

  • Language: The NCHM JEE 2025 exam will be conducted in two different languages i.e., Hindi and English. 

  • Marking Scheme: The marking system for the NCHMCT JEE exam is four marks for every correct answer and one mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.

NCHM JEE 2025 Paper Pattern

The exam pattern of NCHMCT JEE 2025 includes the marking scheme, questions, and a total number of sections. It will also include the subjects which will be asked in the question paper.


Number of Questions

Numeric ability and analytical aptitude


General knowledge and current affairs


Reasoning and logical deduction


Aptitude for the service sector


English language




NCHMCT JEE Sample Papers 2025

The NCHMCT JEE sample papers help an aspirant prepare for the exam depending on the topics. Candidates can learn time management, exam patterns, and topics depending on the exam while solving the sample papers. Students can check the NCHMCT sample paper to prepare for the exam and get the best marks.

NCHMCT JEE Syllabus 2025: Key Preparation Tips

Those who want to score as high as possible on the NCHMCT JEE 2024 exam ought to analyse the top study strategies recommended by toppers or seasoned professionals. Furthermore, if students have a solid foundation in areas like maths and English, they will be better equipped to prepare and take the test confidently. Take into consideration the following tips to comprehend the step-by-step NCHMCT JEE 2025 preparation strategy:

  • Apply the Divide and Rule Concept: The first step in the preparation process should be to divide the NCHMCT JEE syllabus 2025 into sections and subsections. It could be simpler to adhere to the curriculum and memorise the topics that have been instructed.

  • Personalise Your Schedule and Adhere to it Strictly: If you start with a well-thought-out plan and stick to it for the entire test, not even missing an hour, you will remain abreast of many other applicants. Making a study strategy is just as important as preparing for the exam itself.

  • Seek for Assistance When Required: Candidates' comprehension will increase and they will be more likely to start preparing for the entrance test without getting overwhelmed if they are not afraid to ask for help from their instructor, guide, senior, or classmate.

  • Attempt Mock Exams Regularly: Perform as many NCHMCT JEE 2025 mock tests or sample papers to help you manage your time and become familiar with the examination's structure.

  • Examine Previous Years' Question Papers: By reviewing previous years' NCHMCT JEE question papers, candidates can gain knowledge about important subjects that are frequently addressed in exams.

  • Stay Up to Date with Current Events: Regular newspaper reading might help with current events understanding and English language proficiency.

  • Expand Your Language Knowledge: Aspirants who want to improve their English language proficiency must set aside time each day to learn at least five new terms along with their corresponding synonyms and antonyms. To improve their writing skills, candidates may consider writing an essay that is at least one page long every day.

  • Become an Expert Reader: Reading fiction books, periodicals, magazines, newspaper editorials, and other materials will help you become a better reader, writer, and speaker of English.

NCHMCT JEE Syllabus 2025: Best Books for Preparation

Candidates should select the best books for the NCHMCT JEE exam. Choosing the correct and best books can help you understand the NCHMCT JEE 2025 syllabus, all the major subjects, important topics, and characteristics. Check out the recommended NCHMCT JEE 2025 best books by CollegeDekho.

Want to know more about NCHMCT JEE

FAQs about NCHMCT JEE Syllabus

What does the NCHMCT JEE syllabus include?

The NCHMCT JEE syllabus includes five different sections English Language, General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Reasoning and Logical Deduction, Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude and Aptitude of Service Sector.

What are the important topics in the NCHMCT JEE syllabus?

There are no important topics in the NCHMCT JEE syllabus by which a student can ace the examination. All topics are equally vital and any question can be asked in the assessment based on them. However, students may get a good idea about the critical exam topics by referring to the previous year's question papers.

What is the NCHMCT JEE syllabus for the Numerical Ability & Analytical Aptitude section?

The NCHMCT JEE syllabus for the Numerical Ability & Analytical Aptitude section includes subjects such as Compound Interest, Cube Roots, Number systems, Profit and Loss, Ratio and Proportion, Simple Interest, Simplification, Speed, Square Roots, Unitary Method, Areas and volumes, Work and wages, and more.

What is the NCHMCT JEE syllabus for the Reasoning & Logical Deductions section?

The NCHMCT JEE syllabus for the Reasoning & Logical Deductions section includes subjects such as Analytical Reasoning, Blood relations-related questions, Coding and Decoding, Complex Arrangement, Direction and Distance, Linear Arrangement, Series, Statement arguments, Statements action, Statements assumptions, Syllogism, Visual Ability, and more.

What is the NCHMCT JEE syllabus for the English Language section?

The NCHMCT JEE syllabus for the English Language section includes subjects such as Analogies, Antonyms, Fill in the blanks, Word substitution, Rearrangement of a sentence in paragraph, Paragraph completion, Paragraph formation, Rearrangement of words in a sentence, Sentence improvement, Vocabulary, Sentence Reconstruction, Synonyms, and more.

Who prescribes the NCHMCT JEE syllabus?

The NCHMCT JEE syllabus is prescribed by its conducting body i.e., the National Testing Agency (NTA) on the official website in PDF format. Students must check out the syllabus to be aware of the topics, sections and important topics.

What is the NCHMCT JEE syllabus for the General Knowledge & Current Affairs section?

The NCHMCT JEE syllabus for the General Knowledge & Current Affairs section includes subjects such as World organisations, Sports, Solar System, Prizes and awards, Music, Languages, Inventions and discoveries, Inventions and discoveries, Fashion Events, Earth, Disasters, Dances, Currencies, Animals, and more.

What is the NCHMCT JEE syllabus for the Current Events section?

The NCHMCT JEE syllabus for the Current Events section includes subjects such as Authors, Awards, Economy, Persons, Places, Science and Technology, Sports, etc. To excel in this section, students can refer to books such as Arihant General Knowledge, Manorama Yearbook, etc.

What is the NCHMCT JEE syllabus for the Aptitude for Service Sector section?

The NCHMCT JEE syllabus for the Aptitude for Service Sector section majorly includes subjects and questions related to hotel management. You can have a sense of the questions that can be asked and their level of complexity by taking NCHMCT mock tests, NCHMCT JEE syllabus pdf, and sample papers.

What is the importance of checking the NCHMCT JEE syllabus?

NCHMCT JEE syllabus should be checked by the candidates who will appear for the exam as it will help them better understand the topics in each section. However, they should only refer to the syllabus prescribed by the administrating body on its official.

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