Reliance Foundation Scholarship

Reliance Foundation Scholarship provides financial aid to talented and intellectual students who cannot afford higher education due to economic constraints. The scholarship is offered to candidates who are enrolled in first-year UG and PG courses.

About Reliance Foundation Scholarship

The Reliance Foundation Scholarship is one of the well-known scholarship programmes in India. Reliance Foundation is committed to strengthening young students’ access to higher education in India through a programme called Reliance Foundation Scholarship. The main objective of this scholarship programme is to provide financial aid to talented and intellectual students who cannot afford higher education due to economic constraints. Reliance Foundation Scholarship is offered for meritorious candidates who enrolled in first-year UG and PG courses. Through this programme, around 5000 UG and 100 PG meritorious students are rendered financial aid through a perfect process of selection. The scholarship programme is based on a merit cum means criteria. The Reliance Foundation Scholarship is designed to assist students to become successful in their careers and to realize their goals.

Reliance Foundation is dedicated to empowering students to continue their education without financial burden. Reliance Foundation invites applications from eligible candidates who wish to pursue undergraduate courses irrespective of branch. The application process for the Reliance Foundation Scholarship for undergraduates usually concludes in October.

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Who Can Apply for the Reliance Foundation Scholarship?

Candidates who would like to apply for the Reliance Foundation Scholarship for undergraduates must be citizens of India. Students qualified in class 12 with 60% can apply for the scholarship. Candidates must note that the annual income of the family must not exceed INR 15, 00,000. All the interested candidates must appear for the Aptitude Test conducted by Reliance Foundation.

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Reliance Foundation Scholarship - Eligibility

Candidates aspiring to receive the Reliance Foundation Scholarship must check the eligibility criteria before applying. The edibility criteria of the Reliance Foundation Scholarship have been provided below.

  • Candidate must be a citizen of India
  • Students should be qualified for class 12 with a minimum of 60% marks
  • Applicants must have enrolled in a 1st-year degree course in any stream as a full-time
  • Candidates must take the Aptitude Test conducted by Reliance Foundation
  • The annual parents' income must be less than INR 15 lakh and high preference given to the candidates whose family annual income is less than INR 2.5 lakh
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How to apply for Reliance Foundation Scholarship?

Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria laid by Reliance Foundation and who wish to benefit from Reliance Foundation Scholarship can apply by following the instructions provided below.

Step 1: Visit the Official Website

Candidates must visit the official website of Reliance Foundation Scholarship at

Step 2: Click on the Application Portal

After landing on the official portal of Reliance Foundation, click on ‘Application Portal’. A new page with Member Login will be opened.  For New Registration, candidates must fill edibility questionnaire by selecting the option called ‘Click Here’.  Applicants must provide their Names, Mobile number, and Email ID along with the other details. Upon Submitting, candidates will receive a Login ID and Password.

Step 3: Login to Fill Application

Applicants must log in to the Application Portal with the credentials received.  Fill out the application Form with the details asked in the form.

Step 4: Upload Required Documents

Candidates after filling out the Reliance Foundation Application Form must upload the required documents. Applicants must note that all the necessary documents should be uploaded in the prescribed format and size. Without uploading the required documents, candidates cannot submit the application Form.

Step 5: Submit the Application Form

Once filling out the application form and uploading the necessary documents is done, the candidate can submit the application form.  Applicants are advised to go through all the details provided in the application form before submitting the form. Once the application form is submitted, it cannot be edited.

Step 6: Download and Print the Application Form

The Reliance Foundation application form will be successfully submitted after clicking on the submit button. Once the application form is submitted, a pop-up message with a unique application number will appear on the screen. Candidates can download the application form in PDF format. Applicants are advised to keep the application form printed out until the selection process is complete. 

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Reliance Foundation Scholarship - Documents Required

The authorities will grant scholarships for candidates based on merit cum means scholarship only after checking the supporting documents uploaded by the applicants. The documents, that must be uploaded while filling out the Reliance Foundation Scholarship, are listed below.

  • Passport-size photographs
  • Address Proof
  • Marksheet of Class 10
  • Marksheet of Class 12
  • Bonafide Students Certificate
  • Family Income Proof Issued by relevant authority
  • PWD Certificate (if applicable)
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Reliance Foundation Scholarship - Last Date

According to the official notification, interested candidates could submit the Reliance Foundation Scholarship application form for Undergraduate courses till October 15, 2023(11:59 PM). After the submission of the application form, the candidate need to appear for the aptitude test conducted by the Reliance Foundation.

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Reliance Foundation Scholarship - Aptitude Test

All the applicants after submitting the application form for the Reliance Foundation Scholarship must take an online aptitude test as part of their application. This aptitude test will be conducted remotely. Candidates can take this exam from anywhere and complete the test on their own. Aptitude Test will consist of multiple-choice questions.  

Reliance Foundation Scholarship aptitude test question paper consists of three sections viz Verbal Ability, Analytical & Logical Ability, and Numerical Ability. The test takers must answer 60 questions in 60 minutes. Candidates with disabilities will be given 30 minutes extra time to complete the test.   

Applicants will be able to select their Reliance Foundation Scholarship aptitude test date from available dates while filling out the application form, in the final submission window.  Soon after, applicants submit the Reliance Foundation Scholarship application form, they will receive a confirmation email regarding the successful submission of the application form. The same email will consist of the details of the test like the date and time of the test and instructions online aptitude test.

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Instructions for Reliance Foundation Scholarship Aptitude Test

  • Candidates must ensure the face is identifiable in the video during the entire test
  • The test taker should switch on the camera and microphone at all times
  • Students must take the assessment in full-screen
  • Candidates appearing for the test must share screen feed before attempting the test
  • Examinees must not open different windows or tabs on the browser
  • It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that there should be no conversation or noise in the background
  • Nobody other than the applicant should take the test
  • Test takers should make sure that no one should be there in the test room. 
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Reliance Foundation Scholarship- Aptitude Test Exam Pattern

Candidates have a glance at the examination pattern of the aptitude test of the Reliance Foundation Scholarship from the table provided below. 

Name of the SectionTotal Number of QuestionsTime AllottedTotal Marks
Verbal Ability20 Questions20 Minutes20 Marks
Analytical and Logical Ability20 Questions20 Minutes20 Marks
Numerical Ability20 Questions20 Minutes20 Marks
Total60 Questions60 Minutes60 Marks
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Reliance Foundation Scholarship - Selection Process

Candidates who would like to benefit from the Reliance Foundation Scholarship must know the selection process for the scholarship program.  The selection process has been provided below.

Filling out the Application Form

Initially, all the interested candidates will be filling out the details in the application form. Details like personal and contact information, Academic information, and information related to Achievements and awards must be filled in the application form. As a part of filling out the application form, candidates should upload the required documents.

Aptitude Test

All the candidates who have successfully submitted the application form for the Reliance Foundation Scholarship must appear for the Aptitude Test that is conducted by the Reliance Foundation. The online Aptitude Test is mandatory for all applicants.  Applicants must note that this aptitude test is also a part of the application process. Candidates can select the date of their exam in the last stage of submitting the application form. Based on the date and time of the aptitude test, candidates must take the test. The duration of the test will be 60 minutes and 60 Multiple-choice questions will be asked from three sections namely Verbal ability, analytical ability, and numerical ability.

Initial Selection

The First level of selection takes place after the aptitude test.  Reliance Foundation evaluates all the applications utilizing the combination of aptitude test scores and academic and personal information. Candidates who score the highest marks in the aptitude test and obtain a good percentage of marks in the last qualified examination will be given high preference in the initial selection process of the Reliance Foundation Scholarship.

Result Announcement

Reliance Foundation will finally make the announcement of recipients of the scholars. The authorities can select up to 5,000 undergraduate scholars. All the candidates will be evaluated based on merit cum means. Reliance Foundation Scholarship awardees will be given financial aid yearly. The amount of up to 2 lakh will be awarded to the selected candidates. The amount will be transferred directly to the student’s accounts. 

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Reliance Foundation Scholarship - Benefits

Candidates who are selected for the Reliance Foundation Scholarship for UG will be given up to Rs. 2, 00,000 for the entire duration of the degree program. The scholarship amount will be transferred directly to the student account. Reliance Foundation Scholarship can be utilized for Tuition Fees, Hostel Fee, Laptop Purchases and Academic books and courses

Other Benefits

  • Soft-Skills Training
  • Engagement Opportunities 
  • Networking Opportunities 
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Reliance Foundation Scholarship - Contact Details

Candidates, who have any query or want to get in touch with the concerned authorities of scholarship, can contact them. The contact details of the Reliance Foundation Scholarship have been provided below.

Helpline No- (011) 41171414


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Reliance Foundation Scholarship - Status

Candidates after submission of the application form must take the Aptitude Test on the specified date. After completing the test, Reliance Foundation will provide the scholarship based on the scores of the Aptitude Test and Class 12 Marks along with family income. All the shortlisted candidates for Reliance Foundation Scholarships will be notified individually. 

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Reliance Foundation Postgraduate Scholarship

Reliance Foundation offers scholarships for post-graduates. The scholarship programme for PG students is for the best and most intellectual candidates. Irrespective of socio-economic background, candidates can apply. Reliance Found will identify 100 bright students and support them with a grant of INR 6 lakh. Interested candidates must fill out the Eligibility Questionnaire initially. Then candidates can fill out the Reliance Foundation Scholarship Application Form.  Candidates must attend the aptitude test. Finally, the selection is based on merit cum means. For the selected candidates, 80% of the funds will be transferred at the beginning of the academic year to meet direct academic expenses. The remaining 20 % of the fund will be granted upon request for professional development.

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Who can apply for the Reliance Foundation Postgraduate Scholarship?

  • Candidates must be a resident Indian citizen
  • Students of First Year PG who obtained between 550 – 1000 marks in the GATE Examination or
  • Candidates who have not attempted GATE but scored 7.5 CGPA in their Undergraduate
  • Candidates pursuing the following degree programme only can apply. The programmes are Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics & Computing, Electrical/or Electronics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Renewable & New Energy, Material, Science & Engineering, and Life Sciences
  • Candidates who enrolled full-time in any one of the degree programmes mentioned above only are eligible
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Reliance Foundation Postgraduate Scholarship Benefit

Reliance Foundation selects up to 100 scholars for this programme. Each selected candidate will be granted INR 6 lakhs throughout the degree programme. 80% of the granted amount will be advanced at the beginning of each academic year and can be utilized for tuition fees and direct academic expenses. The remaining 20% of the funds will be released upon request and it can be utilized for professional development. 

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