Aeronautical Engineering Syllabus & Subjects 2024

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Sep 24, 2024 21:16PM IST

Aeronautical Engineering Syllabus & Subjects Overview

Aeronautical Engineering is a notable discipline of engineering that studies the design, development, and production of aircraft and propulsion systems, as well as the operation of aircraft and rockets. The aeronautical engineering syllabus and subjects are aimed to educate students on fundamental engineering principles that will subsequently be applied to aeronautical sciences. The core aeronautical engineering subjects covered in the curriculum are, Aerodynamics, Thermodynamics, Aircraft Maintenance, Engineering Mechanics, and so on remain consistent. The aeronautical engineering course emphasizes applicable mechanical engineering ideas as well as electronics for aviation operations. Candidates will also learn about electrical key courses related to flight operations.

Since aeronautical engineering is an applied discipline, the teaching technique is significantly different from that of other engineering topics. Aside from typical lecture-based teaching, students receive extra practical training through the use of cutting-edge technology laboratories, projects, and piloting activities. Moreover, the aeronautical engineering syllabus might vary from college to college as each university designs course structure differently. Read the full post to get details on the aeronautical engineering syllabus and subjects. 

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Aeronautical Engineering Year Wise Syllabus

A BTech in aeronautical engineering is a 4-year undergraduate degree that consists of 68 semesters. A bachelor’s degree in aeronautical Engineering t focuses on the application of fundamental engineering ideas to the field of aeronautical sciences. Candidates can check the year-wise BTech aeronautical engineering syllabus given below. 

Aeronautical Engineering Syllabus Semester IAeronautical Engineering Syllabus Semester II
  • Engineering Mathematics-I
  • Professional Communication Skills
  • Basic Electrical Engineering 
  • Engineering Physics
  • Introduction to Aerospace Engineering
  • Basic Electrical Laboratory
  • Engineering Physics Laboratory
  • Computer Programming (Theory + Laboratory)
  • Engineering Physics II
  • Materials Science and Metallurgy
  • Chemistry Laboratory
  • Engineering Chemistry
  • Engineering Mechanics
  • Environmental Studies
  • Engineering Maths - II
  • Basic Electronics Engineering (Theory+Lab)
Aeronautical Engineering Syllabus Semester IIIAeronautical Engineering Syllabus Semester IV
  • Aero Engineering Thermodynamics 
  • Mechanics of Solids
  • Fluid Systems
  • Engineering Mathematics - III
  • Machine Elements and Drawing
  • Material Strength Laboratory
  • Fluid Systems Lab
  • Thermodynamics Lab
  • Kinematics of Machines
  • Aircraft Systems and Instruments
  • Applied Dynamics and Vibration
  • Engineering Mathematics - IV
  • Aerodynamics
  • Elements of Aeronautics
  • Aerodynamics Lab
  • Aircraft Systems Laboratory
Aeronautical Engineering Syllabus Semester VAeronautical Engineering Syllabus Semester VI
  • Microprocessor and Microcontrollers
  • Atmospheric Flight Mechanics
  • Aerodynamics - II
  • Spaceflight Mechanics
  • Automatic Control
  • Propulsion (Theory + Laboratory)
  • Aerodynamics Lab
  • Aerospace Structures
  • Control Engineering
  • Optimization Techniques in Engineering
  • Professional Elective I
  • Professional Elective II
  • Aerospace Structures Lab
  • Control Engineering Lab
Aeronautical Engineering Syllabus VIIAeronautical Engineering Syllabus VIII
  • Aerospace Vehicle Design
  • Heat Transfer
  • Basic Avionics
  • Professional Elective - III
  • Professional Elective - IV
  • Flight Mechanics (Theory+Lab)
  • Avionics Lab
  • Summer Internship and Training
  • Practical Viva Voce
  • Project Work
  • Industrial Management and Economics
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Stream Wise Aeronautical Engineering Syllabus

The availability of specializations in aeronautical engineering courses enables students to develop knowledge in their selected academic specialties and pursue careers in their chosen engineering sectors. Check out the stream-wise aeronautical engineering syllabus given below. 

StreamCore SubjectsSubject Details
Ground VehiclesGround Vehicle SystemsThis specialization explains the ground vehicle systems utilized in the aerospace sector and their importance.
Aircraft StructuresAircraft Structures and Materials

This specialization explains the construction of aeroplanes and the materials utilized in their construction.

Aerospace ElectronicsElectronic SystemsThis specialization covers the electronic systems used in aviation and spacecraft.
Structures of AircraftsStructural AnalysisThis specialization explains the observations of the structures used in airplanes, satellites, etc.
TransportationTransportation SystemsThis specialization explains the transportation methods utilized in the aerospace sector.
AerodynamicsAerodynamics and Fluid DynamicsThis specialization covers the function of fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, and related concepts in making airplanes and other airborne vehicles fly.
Structural DesignStructural Design and EngineeringThis specialization covers the structural design of airplanes, satellites, and spacecraft.
CommunicationInstrumentation And Communication

This specialization discusses the significance of instrumentation and communication systems in the aircraft sector.

PropulsionAerospace PropulsionThis specialization explains the science involved in the space propulsion of airplanes.
Control SystemsNavigational Guidance and Control SystemsThis specialization covers the navigation and control systems used in aeronautical engineering.
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Aeronautical Engineering Subjects

The aeronautical engineering syllabus includes core, optional, and lab subjects. The core subjects are compulsory subjects. Given below is a general list of aeronautical engineering subjects and topics covered within those subjects which can be checked for reference. 

SubjectsTopics Covered
Aerospace Engineering Systems
  • Simulation and Fabrication
  • Computer-aided Design
  • Solid Modelling
  • Introduction to Design
  • Signals and Sensors
  • Microcontrollers
  • Embedded programming
  • Computer-aided Simulation
Aircraft Design
  • Aircraft Polars
  • Aircraft Design process
  • Aircraft Structural Design
  • Aeroelasticity and Wing Divergence
  • Propeller Design
  • Level Flight and Trim
Thermodynamics, Gas and Fluid Dynamics
  • Molecular and Continuum Concepts
  • Flows in Nozzles and Thermodynamics Laws
  • Shock and Expansion Waves
  • Fluid Properties
  • Conservation Laws
Computer-Aided Design
  • Design Parameters
  • Computer Generation of Geometric Models
  • Trade-off Diagrams
  • Computer Designing for Dynamics and Fluids
Aircraft Control
  • Effect of Delay and Zeros
  • Observers, State-space Models, Effect of Nonlinearities, Coupled-axis Control
  • Application to Aircraft and Spacecraft
  • Fundamental Concepts
  • Potential Flow, Turbulence
  • Compressibility Boundary Layers
  • Aerodynamics of 3D Design and High-speed Aerodynamics
Solid Mechanics and Aerospace Structures
  • Beam Theory and Torsion of Bars
  • Axially Loaded Bars
  • Aerospace Structural Components
  • Failure and Fracture Criteria
Aircraft Propulsion
  • Nuclear Propulsion Systems and Rocket Engines
  • Air-breathing Propulsion
  • Combustion Processes
  • Turbojets, Rocket Propulsion, Thermodynamics
Solid and Structural Mechanics
  • Energy Methods, Linear Elasticity
  • Boundary Value Problem Formulation and Solution Techniques
  • Thin-walled Aerospace Structures and Small Strain Elasto-plasticity
Finite Elements in Mechanical and Structural Analysis
  • Linear Finite Elements-based Upon Displacements
  • Virtual Work Energy Formulations
  • Beams, Trusses, General Solids and Quasi-static Displacement
  • Applications to Structures like Shells
Aircraft Dynamics
  • Stability Derivatives and Modern Computational Tools
  • Dynamic Equations of Motion
  • Aircraft Lateral Flight Dynamics, Linear Systems Theory
Aircraft and Spacecraft Structures
  • Equations of Linear Elasticity
  • Mechanics of Structural Stability
  • Deformation of Structural Elements: Plates, Bars, Shafts, etc., Boundary Value Problem
  • Structural Vibration and Numerical Methods
Fluid Dynamics
  • Computer Simulation of Flight Vehicles
  • Equations of Motion for Flight Vehicles
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Aeronautical Engineering Common Subjects for All Semesters

The aeronautical engineering course curriculum is designed in a way that certain subjects are repeated throughout numerous semesters. These subjects are put in several semesters to ensure that students comprehend the vital concepts that are useful to them during on the job work. The following are the common subjects that get repeated in aeronautical engineering courses. 

  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Engineering Physics
  • Engineering Chemistry 
  • Aerodynamics
  • Control Engineering

Also read: Is it worth doing aeronautical engineering?

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Aeronautical Engineering Optional Subjects

The aeronautical engineering programme is divided into core and elective modules. The authorities add some optional subjects along with core subjects so that students can select a few subjects of their choice which interest them and which will be beneficial in their career field. The list of aeronautical engineering optional subjects might vary from college to college. However, the following are some of the common aeronautical engineering optional subjects that universities usually add to the course curriculum.

Subject TitleSubject Details
Advanced Aerospace StructuresThis subject includes the study of cutting-edge aeronautical structures that can be used to build high-tech aircraft.
Advanced Propulsion SystemsThis subject explains the cutting-edge propulsion technology that assists airplanes in flying faster.
Computational Fluid DynamicsThis subject includes the investigation of an aircraft's performance with regard to thermal loads, structural loads, noise, combustion, etc.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing

This course teaches students how to control the manufacture of airplanes using computers.

Fundamentals of CombustionThis course covers the basic principles of combustion that lead to the propulsion of the airplane. It covers the study of thermodynamics, 
Civil Aviation RequirementsThis topic involves learning about the standards for CO2 emissions, aviation fuels, etc. for the aircraft to check them from various bodies.
Renewable Energy for Aeronautical EngineeringThis course will cover the uses of renewable energy in aeronautical engineering.
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Aeronautical Engineering Lab Subjects

A few lab courses are included in the aeronautical engineering curriculum to allow students to apply what they have learned in theoretical lectures to real-world conditions. The institution mixes core and optional topics with a few lab courses and practical workshops to provide students with technical capability. 

The lab courses also provide students with technical knowledge and real-world job experience that will be beneficial when they begin working professionally.

Following is the list of aeronautical engineering lab subjects that are added to the curriculum. 

  • Aerodynamics Laboratory
  • Control Engineering
  • Propulsion Laboratory
  • Avionics Lab
  • Chemistry Laboratory
  • Material Strength Laboratory
  • Fluid Systems Lab
  • Thermodynamics Lab
  • Engineering Graphics
  • Electives Lab
  • Material Strength Laboratory
  • Workshops

Quick link: BSc aeronautical engineering colleges in India

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Specializations Offered in Aeronautical Engineering

Aeronautical engineering provides a variety of specializations that allow students to pursue their ideal careers in aerospace, astronomy, and other related fields. Candidates can select their specialization as per their interests. The following table lists the specialized subjects available in aeronautical engineering, along with their details:

  • Ground Vehicles
  • Aerospace Electronics
  • Structures of Aircrafts
  • Transportation
  • Aircraft Structures
  • Aerodynamics
  • Control Systems
  • Structural Design
  • Communication
  • Propulsion

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Syllabus for Aeronautical Engineering Distance Programs

Candidates can study aeronautical engineering distant programme course if they want to work or take other classes concurrently. The remote program's Aeronautical Engineering curriculum may differ from one institute to the next. Despite the fact that certain universities provide online learning programmes in aeronautical engineering, it is not suggested to pursue a BTech. through distance learning because it is not allowed by either AICTE or the Supreme Court of India.

Quick Link: Career as an aeronautical engineer

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Aeronautical Engineering Entrance Exam Syllabus

There are many engineering entrance examinations that students can take to get admission to aeronautical engineering programmes, including JEE Main, GATE, MHT CET, BITSAT, and WBJEE. For students who are interested in taking these courses, several universities also offer their own entrance tests. Entrance exams at the national, state, or university levels must be passed by applicants for the Aeronautical Engineering programme. 

Check the list of some of the popular aeronautical engineering entrance exams and their syllabus by clicking on the link given below. 

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Aeronautical Engineering Syllabus Specialization Wise

Candidates can check the specialization-wise aeronautical engineering syllabus from the table below.

SpecializationSpecialization SubjectsSubject Details
Ground VehiclesGround Vehicle SystemsThe ground vehicle systems used in the aerospace industry and their significance is demonstrated in this specialization.
Aerospace ElectronicsElectronic SystemsThe electronic systems utilized in aircraft and spacecraft are referred to in this specialization.
Structural DesignStructural Design and EngineeringThe structural design of aircraft, satellites, and spacecraft is conferred in this specialization.
Structures of AircraftsStructural AnalysisThe observations of the structures used in aircraft, and satellites, are exemplified in this specialization.
Aircraft StructuresAircraft Structures and MaterialsThe structure of aircraft and the materials used in these structures are explained in this specialization.
AerodynamicsAerodynamics and Fluid DynamicsThe role of fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, and corresponding topics related to making aircraft and other air vehicles fly is covered in this specialization.
PropulsionAerospace PropulsionHow an aircraft is propelled into space and the science behind it is described in this specialization.
TransportationTransportation SystemsThe transportation systems used in the aerospace industry are illustrated in this specialization.
CommunicationInstrumentation And CommunicationThe importance of instrumentation and communication systems in the aerospace industry is explained in this specialization.
Control SystemsNavigational Guidance and Control SystemsThe navigation and control systems used in aeronautical engineering are discussed in this specialization.
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Aeronautical Engineering Important Books

While studying for an aeronautical engineering exam, a candidate should refer to the best books and study material only. Exam toppers and education experts frequently advise choosing the book by the best author since it offers a better understanding of the subjects. The greatest books will also aid in your thorough understanding of each subject and aid in your ability to do well on exams. Attempting previous papers, mock examinations, and sample papers for Aeronautical Engineering may help your preparation in addition to learning from the top books. Check out some of the best aeronautical engineering books given below. 

SubjectName of the bookAuthor/publisher Overview of the book

General Aeronautical Engineering


Introduction to FlightJohn D. Anderson Jr.A comprehensive introduction to the field of aeronautics, covering basic principles and applications.
Aircraft Performance and DesignJohn D. Anderson JrFocuses on the performance aspects of aircraft and the principles behind their design.
AerodynamicsFundamentals of AerodynamicsJohn D. Anderson Jr.A thorough exploration of aerodynamic theory, including both subsonic and supersonic flows.
Aerodynamics for EngineersJohn J. Bertin and Russell M. CummingsProvides an in-depth look at the principles of aerodynamics, tailored for engineering students.
Aircraft StructuresAircraft StructuresDavid J. Peery and J.J. AzarAnalysis and design of aircraft structures
Mechanics of Aircraft StructuresC.T. SunMechanical behavior of aircraft structures and materials.
PropulsionElements of Propulsion: Gas Turbines and RocketsJack D. MattinglyComprehensive coverage of propulsion systems, including jet engines and rocket technology.
Mechanics and Thermodynamics of PropulsionPhilip G. Hill and Carl R. PetersonDetailed examination of the principles of propulsion, suitable for advanced students.
Flight Mechanics and ControlFlight Stability and Automatic ControlRobert C. NelsonPrinciples of flight stability and control systems in aircraft.
Aircraft Control and SimulationBrian L. Stevens and Frank L. LewisTheoretical and practical aspects of aircraft control and simulation techniques.

Aircraft Design


Aircraft Design: A Conceptual ApproachDaniel P. RaymerConceptual design process of aircraft.
Airplane Design: Part I-VIIJan RoskamDetailed guidance on various aspects of airplane design.
Specialized TopicsHigh-Speed Flight Propulsion SystemsS. N. B. Murthy and E. T. CurranExplores propulsion systems used in high-speed flight, including ramjets and scramjets.
Hypersonic and High-Temperature Gas DynamicsJohn D. Anderson Jr.Discusses the unique challenges and principles of flight at hypersonic speeds.
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Aeronautical Engineering Course Structure

The Aeronautical Engineering curriculum is organized in an orderly progression of increasing complexity. Aspirants pursuing the B.Tech Aeronautical Engineering programme can obtain theoretical and practical experience in aviation and avionics in commercial and defense planes.

During the first year of this programme, students are exposed to all of the major engineering streams and foundation disciplines. Basic sciences studies and other communication modules are included in B.Tech Aeronautical Engineering disciplines to help students improve their overall strengths. Students will also be able to select electives depending on their areas of specialty and interest. At the end of the VIII semester, they will be required to submit research-based practical projects.

For the final year project, students must work as a team or individually to develop practical solutions to aeronautical operations. The study project and voyage training inspire students to conduct more in-depth research, comprehend aviation science and operations and provide technically sound engineering solutions. Aeronautical Engineering projects are often focused on specialized aviation and aerospace operations and technologies. Projects in this sector are mostly concerned with aviation and the incorporation of robotic techniques in the domains of aerospace research. 

Group projects, practicals, workshops, internships, industrial visits, and trips are all part of the curriculum. The internship also includes required pilot training for those students who intend to finish this programme.

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FAQs about Aeronautical Engineering Course Syllabus

Does aeronautical engineering have maths?

Yes, aeronautical engineering consists of mathematics throughout the course.

How can I prepare for Aeronautical Engineering?

To prepare for the aeronautical engineering course, candidates should take the science stream in class 12 with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Prepare for an engineering entrance exam which can be at a national level, state level, or institute level. Opt for BTech in aeronautical engineering.

Is there a lot of physics in aeronautical engineering?

Yes, there is a need for a solid understanding of Phyiscs for the candidates willing to pursue aeronautical engineering courses.

How many subjects are there in Aeronautical Engineering?

There are 6 to 7 subjects in each semester of aeronautical engineering.

What are the subjects in Aeronautical Engineering?

Aeronautical engineering syllabus includes subjects such as Aircraft Structures, Aerospace Materials and Manufacturing Technology, Fluid Dynamics and Mechanics, Aircraft Design, Thermodynamics, Flight Mechanics and Aerodynamics, etc.

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