
Arts and Commerce College (ACC Bhandara), Bhandara Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

LocationBhandara (Maharashtra)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 12:22 AM IST

Arts and Commerce College (ACC Bhandara), Bhandara Overall Rating

(Based on 1 reviews)
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What students says about Arts and Commerce College (ACC Bhandara), Bhandara

  • Good and disciplined college
  • Easy to score high in course curriculum
  • Monthly unit tests and class tests
  • Good faculty with rich experience
  • No placement or internship opportunities
  • No boy common room

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

Arts and Commerce College (ACC Bhandara), Bhandara Reviews

Arts and Commerce College , Bhandara - Bhandara
By NABILA SHAREEK KHAN | Bachelor of Business Administration | 2023
April 09, 2024 05:11:26

Overall: Arts and commerce college is good with limited seats. The infrastructure of this college is good. There is smart classes available. There is computer lab in update version. There is library well organised. There is cafeteria with good food. There is sports area with all required material. There is activity center where all the activity held. The faculty of this college is good. They are experienced and professional. They are qualified with knowledge. Their way of teaching is easy and unique. They are helpful and friendly in nature. They are supportive and motivate to their student.The placement of this college is good. Maximum student got their placement in good company. The average salary package offered to their student is good. Almost every student got their internship in good company. The hostel of this college is good. The food of this hostel is not bad. The staff of this hostel is helpful. The room of this hostel has required facility available. The environment of this hostel safe for both boys and girls.

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