The Institution has well equipped lab of science containing multiple set of apparatus and device which are helpful for the scientific methods of teaching. Institute has introduced a scheme in which students are require to deliver seminar and participate in day to day activityEducational Education Technology lab has multimedia, audio video, computer assisted instruction and system approach. The students has positive attitude about the programme which improve the teaching process by new approaches, methods and techniques like joyful activities , co-operative learning and project learning material like maps, charts , globe etc. The case of overhead and slide projector in the classroom, for teaching increased the interaction of the students toward studies. A well spacious computer lab is furnished with most advance system i.e. P-IV along with internet facility. Students are allowed to work on computer round the clock to build their software developing skills. An Institution library is spacious and well equipped. The library has more than 3500 books and the variety of book of education management computer and allied subjects. National journal from various profession are been procured by the Institution. library has multiple sets of books of encyclopedia, reference, Magazines, employment newspaper and national newspaper.
Mohali (Punjab)
Raipur (Chhattisgarh)
Indore (Madhya Pradesh)
Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)