Advertisement for ‘Student Internship’ - New advertisement released for student internships at the institute.
Amul Campus Recruitment - Shortlisted Candidates - The following candidates have been shortlisted for the Amul Campus Recruitment Interview: Sudem Narzary, John Star Daimary, San Raja Basumatary, Jyotirmoy Das, Narendhar Lingampelli, Sunsu Mushahary, Samujwal Konch, Jigyas Deka, Ansuli Brahma, Shahil Deka, Hirokjyoti Das, Puja Kumari, Abu Sufian Badsha, Pritam Baishya, Prince Nath, Bitu Rani Narzary.
CHRYSO Campus Recruitment - Shortlisted Candidates - The following candidates have been shortlisted for the CHRYSO Campus Recruitment Interview: Anuj Kumar, Arpan Paul, Subhadeep Das, Abhijit Narzary, Dhritismaan Parasor, Umor Al Rashid, Shamim Shahinur Rahman.
Recent Selections in Campus Recruitment - The following students have recently been selected in various campus recruitment drives: Hemanga Das at RDC Concrete, Anuj Kumar at L&T, Jwngshar Basumatary at Numaligarh Refinery, Assam, and Pritam Baishya at Amul (GCMMF LTD.).
Placement: Central Institute of Technology have the dedicated career enhancement cell where they guide students what things can help students to land on their dream jobs.
Placement: The placement of our Institute is not so good. The departments like Computer science and Food technologies have good placements but in Civil engineering branch the placement is not good.
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Hyderabad (Telangana)
Bengaluru (Karnataka)
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh)
VESIT Mumbai
HKBK bangalore
IIT Roorkee