
Faran College of Nursing Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

LocationBengaluru (Karnataka)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 01:38 PM IST

Faran College of Nursing Overall Rating

(Based on 1 reviews)
Infrastructure 4.5/5
Placement 4.5/5
Hostel 4.5/5
Faculty 4.5/5
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What students says about Faran College of Nursing

  • Good management.
  • Helpful and familiar staff.
  • Course curriculum is good.
  • Well equipped hospital for learning and practical practice.

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

Faran College of Nursing Reviews

Faran College of Nursing, Bangalore
By Bineeta Varghese | B.Sc Nursing | 2019
April 27, 2024 10:09:48

Overall: This college will assist you with your excellent knowledge and make an effort to uplift you. Overall, the college is excellent and will provide you quality faculty, so you'll have a better overall experience.

Placement: This college have a nice placement cell which will help you to regain your low confidence and will help you to interact with other teams regarding your courses.

Infrastructure: This college's infrastructure is kept up nicely, and it offers you excellent classrooms, well-equipped computer labs, and an auditorium. This offers you a pleasant setting as well.

Faculty: This college's faculty is polite and well-mannered. It will assist you with college premises and provide a comfortable environment. If you're having issues with college, you can get in touch with them.

Hostel: Nice hostels are available. They have a pleasant atmosphere and are airy. It might also provide you with a positive experience and has good internet connectivity. Food will arrive on schedule.








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Please contact the college directly to know more about the same. If you wish to know more about GNM admissions please click on the link given below:

General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) - Course Overview

Top GNM Colleges in India

Here is a list of best colleges in India offering the GNM course. You can apply to these colleges without going through a daunting experience by simply filling our Common Application Form (CAF). After filling this form, you will be assigned an expert to guide you through the admission process. You can also try our toll-free number - 1800-572-9877 to avail instant guidance.

GNM Colleges


T. John Group of Institutions, Bangalore

INR 40,000 Per Annum

SEA Group Of Institutions (SEA College), Bangalore


Biyani Group of Colleges (BGC), Jaipur

INR 50,000 Per Annum

P P Savani University, Surat

INR 75,000 Per Annum

IIMT University (IIMTU), Meerut

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G.C.R.G Group of institutions (GCRG), Lucknow


Noida International University - NIU, Greater Noida

INR 80,000 Per Annum

Universal Group of Institutions (UGI), Mohali

INR 70,000 Per Annum

Yamuna Group of Institutions (YGI), Yamunanagar

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