
Father Muller School of Nursing Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

LocationMangalore (Karnataka)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 01:38 PM IST

Father Muller School of Nursing Overall Rating

(Based on 2 reviews)
Infrastructure 5.0/5
Placement 5.0/5
Hostel 5.0/5
Faculty 5.0/5
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What students says about Father Muller School of Nursing

  • Soothing atmosphere perfect for studying and learning
  • Highly skilled and professional teachers
  • Detailed information about Nursing
  • Good at this father muller
  • Teaching method is another level

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

Father Muller School of Nursing Reviews

Father Muller School of Nursing - Manglore
By Devananda M S | Diploma in Nursing | 2017
April 21, 2024 04:27:09

Overall: The colleges very famous for its high excellence and educational facilities. The campus looks beautiful and placements are high. Hostel facilities are available.

Placement: Paid and non paid internship programs and several other campaigns on nursing , medicine , technology help students in gaining good quality education and experience.

Infrastructure: Hostel facilities are provided with proper food and sanitation. Campus looks beautiful and the buildings and departments are very well maintained. Libraries , labs , auditoriums are provided.

Faculty: Good faculty members with high experience and knowledge. The help in providing students good quality education and training. Several mentorship programs turn out very helpful.

Hostel: The hostel is very hygienic, and very well maintained full stop the campus looks beautiful with lush green lawns and free internet access throughout the campus.








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Father Muller College of Nursing, Mangalore
By Florance Sebastian Dalmeida | Diploma in Nursing | 2021
April 21, 2024 03:46:38

Overall: Based on my overall experience in the college I would recommend it to every student who is pursuing higher studies. This college provide during the best facilities and prepare use before all the challenges that you have to face in academic as your as professional life. This college is the true companion in your academic journey

Placement: The placement rate of the college is very nice. They you have a tie up with two many continues to come at the times of placement and offer job with decent amount of pay and additional benifits every student gets more than the best job according to his capabilities and performance

Infrastructure: The infrastructure of the college is very impressive. There is a well maintained library with a lot of books from various fields. A well space cafeteria with a good seating capacity is there. Celebrities are well with the latest machinery and take provide us a hand on experience on them. The classrooms are big and eqipped with the latest technology

Faculty: The faculty of the college are very knowledgeable and experience and they are always ready to share their experience with us. They are always available in the college matches at the times of exams and placement to clear all our doubts

Hostel: The hostel accommodation of the college is very good, the rooms are big and are provided with all the basic amenities of a student like study tables bed chairs and adequate stirage spaces. The mess food is hygienic and healthy. Overall environment of the hostel is safe and secure.








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