This college has been recognized under 2f 8.10.90 and 12(b) 8.10.90 by the university grant commission and have been affiliated to Dr. Hari Singh Gour University Sagar M.P. As it is a govt. college its' administrative and financial control rests with the state government. A library with a computer, treasure of books, CDs, tapes, a well equipped computer lab, internet connection, a multipurpose hall, NCC, NSS units, a hostel accommodating 50 students (under construction) are some of its' attributes. Although the college confronts financial restraints and limited teaching staff; yet to keep pace with the advancement in the academic scenario, a Janbhagidari Sammiti has been constituted to recruit qualified teachers and generate funds. Our institutional milieu exudes co existence of cultural homogeneity, fraternity and communal harmony. Also, it enjoys a healthy academic environment and actively partakes in extension work spanning over community development. Above all we make a conscious effort to impart an education of head and heart to the learners perseverance.
Indore (Madhya Pradesh)
Indore (Madhya Pradesh)
Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)
Indore (Madhya Pradesh)
Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)