Overall: Overall experience was average. I have got some very good friends. Some teachers who motivate us even infrastructure was really nice. Hostel was also good.
Faculty: Faculties of this institute are really helping in nature and supportive at the same time. They are well qualified and motivates the students to do well in all the areas
Overall: my experience in this institute was really good I have got some good teachers, lot of memories, Friends, beautiful campus life and yes i got placement from here
Faculty: one of the best thing of this institute is that faculties of this institute are really hard working well qualified well knowledgeable and always motivates each and every student in their life and overall college things
Overall: For a engineering collage , the environment should be good enough for better studies and the campus also. This collage has an excellent environment and the campus has good amount of activity.
Faculty: As an engineering, college should have a very good faculty members. So we have a very good faculty members who also always supports us and there are very good teachers and excellent professors to teach us.
Overall: About the jamwal nawabganj nonsense asking background of collage Under the college ground have hostel. canteen and alay ground. This Colleg. Thanks You
Faculty: ground of collage Under the college ground have hostel. carreen and alay ground. This Colleg Thanks You the are ofground of collage Under the college ground have hostel. carreen and alay ground. This Colleg Thanks You the are of
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Jamshedpur (Jharkhand)
IIT Roorkee