B.Tech IV & VI SEM II Sessional Exam Time Table - April 2025 - B.Tech IV & VI SEM II Sessional Exam Time Table for April 2025 has been released.
Apply for M.Tech I Sem Reg and II Sem Supp Exams of Feb – 2025 - Students are invited to apply for M.Tech I Semester Regular and II Semester Supplementary Examinations scheduled for February 2025.
The college offers COMPLETE TUITION FEE WAIVER FOR ALL THE FOUR YEARS of the B.Tech course to students who join this college with less than 1000 rank in EAMCET.
The Government of Andhra Pradesh offers tuition fee reimbursement and scholarships to eligible students.
The Government of Andhra Pradesh offers Tuition Fee Reimbursement and Scholarships to eligible students.
Stipend & Tuition Fee Reimbursement & Scholarships
Students who are admitted on the basis of GATE rank are eligible for stipend from AICTE.Students who are admitted based on PGECET rank are eligible for Tuition Fee Reimbursement from the Government of Andhra Pradesh if they satisfy the eligibility criteria.
Gender | Male | Female |
Total | 733 | 384 |
OBC | 367 | 173 |
SC | 119 | 57 |
ST | 41 | 16 |
Muslim | 52 | 29 |
PWD | 1 | 0 |
Minority Community | 0 | 0 |
Chittoor (Andhra Pradesh)
Vijayawada (Andhra Pradesh)
Guntur (Andhra Pradesh)
Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh)
Tirupati (Andhra Pradesh)
Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering Chennai
MANIT Bhopal
IIT Roorkee