The college provide the following facilities:
About 75% of our students are from different parts of West Bengal as well as various states of India. Thus residential needs for such students are of prime attention to our institutional management. We provide on-campus accommodation to girls in hostels where they are rendered utmost care, comfort and a friendly environment for a comfortable and educationally productive stay. Accommodations for boys are arranged in a residential hostel situated within walking distance from our campus.
Facilities in the girl’s/ boy’s hostel include
Strict disciplines are enforced upon the conduct of the boarders of the hostels in terms of their habits, pass times, behavior, routine, ensuring that they grow up in a healthy atmosphere. The management of the institution strictly deals with violation of any code of discipline. Ragging of boarders in the hostel premises is punishable following legal orders by the “Supreme Court of India.”
Infrastructure: Thi college are so good. In this college two main building are present.Other side canteen and one other side girls hostel are present. And in the middle of the college is ground for playing outdoor games like cricket, football, volleyball etc.
Hostel: In This college gils hostel are present.This hostel are so big and girls hostel food are so tasty. Because girl hostel present in the college. And boys hostel present out side the college but not near but boys hostel are so good
Infrastructure: it is established in 2000. the building is old in look. But the building is maintained properly by the official. there is a ground area of the building.
Hostel: College provides both girls and boys hostel. the girls hostel is into the collage but the boys hostel situated 1or2 kilometers away from the collage .hostel provides the food thrice in a day . there are also available mess ,paying guest and flat.
Infrastructure: Collge infrastructure are good two big buildings are their in collge. Many room and laboratories are their in college.This college playground is big .
Hostel: This college hostle are so big. Many room is present in their college hostle and many guest room are present in their college hostle. The hostle and clg distence 500-800m long.and gils hostle in the college.
Infrastructure: Its well build because it was earlier an ashram so the infrastructure us quite good till now some places may seemed to be cracked through time is went loose at some point .
Hostel: The hostle condition is very good till now abd many more students to come and stay there the girls hostel is very close and beside the college but the boys hostel is quite far away from the college.
Mohali (Punjab)
Indore (Madhya Pradesh)
Kolkata (West Bengal)
Mohali (Punjab)
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)