The college has five full-fledged impressive buildings having academic and administrative blocks, laboratories, hostels situated on 33 acres beautifully planned and splendidly landscaped land with huge lawns and playgrounds. The college library with a seating capacity of 300 students is housed in a fully Air-Conditioned building and is open till late in the evening for the benefit of the students. The college has an independent, spacious and centrally air-conditioned Computer-Centre with a seating capacity of 200 students at a time. To enhance the capabilities of the instruction delivery process campus is equipped with the state of the art teaching aids. Emphasis of the college is not concentrated exclusively on theoretical study but is combined with rigorous practical sessions for which each stream of Engineering has its own independent department with well-equipped labs and workshops. In order to improve the communication skills and personality development of the students, the college has also established a language lab with the latest software. The campus has four boy’s hostel and on girl’s hostel like a home away from home with all modern facilities. Thirty-six residential accommodations, beautifully designed for staff members are also being constructed in the campus for providing interactive platform for the faculty and the students.
Gurgaon (Haryana)
Gurgaon (Haryana)
Gurgaon (Haryana)
Sonepat (Haryana)
Bahadurgarh (Haryana)
HCE Sonepat
KNS Institute of Technology
IPS Gwalior
IIT Roorkee