K.S.M. College of Education for Women is a Private college in Madurai. K.S.M. College of Education for Women offers B.Ed in Education. B.Ed is offered in English, Tamil, Mathematics, Physical Science, Biological Sciences, Commerce, History, Computer Science, and Economics.
Name of faculty | Department | Designation |
Mrs R.Ramya | Psychology of learning and teaching | Faculty |
Mrs O.Jeyanthi | Psychology of learning and teaching, Education in contemporary of india | Faculty |
Mrs S.Benazir | Education in contemporary of india | Faculty |
Mrs. R. Vino | Education and socialization | Faculty |
Mrs R. SelviKumari | Education and socialization | Faculty |
Mrs S.Malaimathi | Essentials of Teaching and learning | Faculty |
Mrs Sumathi | Essentials of Teaching and learning, Environmental Education | Faculty |
Mrs U.S.E. Porkodi | Assessment of learning | Faculty |
Mrs J.Sangeetha | Assessment of learning, Ict in education | Faculty |
Mrs P.Kavitha | Ict in education | Faculty |
Thanjavur (Tamil Nadu)
Indore (Madhya Pradesh)
Tiruchirappalli (Tamil Nadu)
Namakkal (Tamil Nadu)
Namakkal (Tamil Nadu)