
L. S. Raheja School of Architecture Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

LocationMumbai (Maharashtra)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 10:31 PM IST

L. S. Raheja School of Architecture Overall Rating

(Based on 4 reviews)
Infrastructure 5.0/5
Placement 5.0/5
Hostel 5.0/5
Faculty 5.0/5
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What students says about L. S. Raheja School of Architecture

  • One of the top colleges in Mumbai
  • Easily accessible
  • Disciplined environment
  • Good teaching faculty
  • Not much good about placement
  • Need improvement in events, competitions, and accommodation

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

L. S. Raheja School of Architecture Reviews

L.S. Raheja School of Architecture - Mumbai
By Shweta Garg | Bachelor of Architecture | 2023
April 24, 2024 07:58:46

Overall: There are many good teachers and labs in college. There are many big class room and labs in college . We have comfortable chairs in classrooms. Foods in our college canteen is good .

Placement: This college placement is job opportunities are available in this college. They are conducted interviews and selected candidates to given the jobs. Starting salary is 12000 they are giving.

Infrastructure: This college infrastructure was awesome. This college so things and different kind of facilities. This college was that were super. Labs and sports fest for one week.

Faculty: This college faculty is they are conducting sports fest for one week and debates and fresher parties, farewell parties are given to the students. Our seniors are very supportive for juniors.

Hostel: Hostel facilities are high class , 4 members a room , nice weather , and ac rooms. Hostel seats are available for every student. No disturbance and peaceful area.








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Overall review for this college
By Shraddha Gupta | Bachelor of Architecture | 2018
March 29, 2024 09:47:22

Overall: The college has a nice infrastructure, It does have good classrooms , clean washrooms, well maintained library ,workshop ,auditorium and have a great cafeteria.

Infrastructure: This college have a very nice infrastructure as it is divided into different blocks and have good classrooms, libraries ,workshop ,labs, large auditorium etc.

Faculty: The faculty are very supportive and encouraging they have a great experience in there field and subject ,you will get a lot to learn from them, there always available for you in the college premises.

Hostel: The college hostel is very nice all the facilities are available here like internet connectivity ,services like laundry, etc. the hostel do have a safe and secure environment.






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Overall review for this college
By Shraddha Gupta | Bachelor of Architecture | 2018
March 29, 2024 08:08:00

Overall: The college will provide you a great experience to your academic journey, this college does have very good facilities for the students such as good placements ,different societies ,good faculties, etc.

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Reviews on raheja course
By Zainab Rajkotwala | Certificate in Interior Design And Decoration | 2024
February 11, 2024 07:36:25

Overall: The college is super nice and academics are very good it works in the competition with rachna and the faculties also sometime visit the college of raheja the course is very good and it lies under Mumbai University and above all the staff and campus is also good and there is fun activities they conduct and you can get internships and jobs easily under the name of this college

Placement: But you can get placements anywhere as the college come in top 5 colleges for interior and has a very good reputations though sometimes faculty also take you in as an intern and give you jobs

Infrastructure: There is just one building with three colleges in it and as for there is one but you wouldn't consider it a campus it is in Bandra East very close to the station

Faculty: They are very helpful, chill and experienced and also give you proper guidelines all together and they are also practicing the field all together they are also very strict when it comes to submissions

Hostel: But they do provide you or suggest with some good pgs around but you will find a place to stay easily near the college and the faculty and the staff helps you in the process








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riya •  Feb-08-2023
Lovely Professional University is one of the world's leading universities and attracts national and international students every year. Each program at LPU is unique and well-suited to the student's requirements. Interior design is a fast-growing professional field where students can get a career as an Architect, Estate manager, Furniture designer etc. LPU School of Interior & Furniture Design is among the top-ranked Colleges in India that offers diploma, B.Sc., M.Sc. and integrated courses after 10th/12th/Graduation. The focus is on providing a professional degree offering skills in practical interior design and execution and full-scale furniture design and fabrication through rigorous studio work and hands-on workshops. With faculty drawn from various domains like product design, interior design, graphic design, UX designer, mechanical, electronics, architecture, fine arts etc., the school focuses on critical inquiry through theoretical and applied interdisciplinary research. At LPU, the applicant is required to have 50% aggregate marks in 10+2 (with English) or equivalent, subject to qualifying LPUNEST or UCEED or Under Graduate NID DAT (Prelims) or Under Graduate NIFT. For a candidate, who has not studied English as a subject, the condition of English may be waived off provided the candidate in his qualifying exam has studied in English medium. Last year the highest salary bagged by the interior design students of LPU was 12 LPA by Bullspree and the average was 4.6 LPA. The companies where LPU students got employment were Bullspree, Collins India, Elerx, Hafeez Constructors, McKinley & Rice, Soben, Dharam Consulting, Hettich India, Luxotic Homes, Navigus, Pepperfry, R Tech Infra, Space 5, Thence, Wooden Street, Xoxoday, Asian Paints, Citiyano De Solutions, Essential Environments, Adorno Crafts, Casa Mobilia, Sensen Networks, Visions, Artico Homes, Sleek International, Omar Moujaes Architect (Dubai), PVR, Habitat Architects, Christopher Charles Benninger Architects (Pune), etc.
Harleen Kaur •  Aug-23-2022

Dear Student, 

Interior design is a good career path to take, especially for those who want to express their creativity in the simplest of ways. Graduates may continue their education in relevant interior design fields by pursuing an MA, MSc, Master of Interior Design, Master of Design, or Master of Architecture after receiving their diploma. Graduates may pursue PG Certificate and PG Diploma programmes in addition to Master's Degree programmes both the MA and MSc. 

The Post Graduate Diploma in Interior Design is an option for candidates. The Post Graduate Diploma in Interior Designing Admissions Process is based on the candidate's performance in the qualifying exam or through a test for admission to the institute held or by means of a series of in-person interviews at the institute. Click here to know more about Career as an Interior Designer

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