Contrary to the common notion that Pharmacy students who have devoted all their time to academics, MMCOP students are recognized for their athletic skills at national and state level. Not only does MMCOP provide the best training facilities for sports activities, but also induces the spirit of sportsmanship in the students. Though a cliché, but still very true is the fact that a healthy body hosts a healthy mind. Healthy, in the fullest sense.efficient, quick and un corrupt. Many students are exposed to a sport for the first time, but it is not long before they become experts in that game. Such is the variety and vibrancy of extracurricular life in MMCOP, that you are destined to find worthwhile and meaningful activities to pursue for every year you spends in this campus. Sports here becomes one of the most cherished part of your MMCOP Life. MMCOP provides the students with many opportunities to demonstrate their talent on a platform much wider than their immediate peer circle in the form of events like the Inter MMCOP Sports Week and other inters college sports meets. Active participation in sports therefore makes your body physically fit and the time spent in it lively and enjoyable. It is no less important and educating than other extracurricular and academic activities.The college has student's activity center for the indoor games. Large play field is also reserved so that students can have adequate participation in sports for healthy and constructive activities. A Research Facility is of utmost importance in any academic institution where state-of-the-art analytical and high-end instruments are housed at a single location manned by qualified personnel to provide scientific and technical services for supporting research carried out by UG, PG, PhD students. Such a facility represents a key commitment for preserving and raising the efficiency of research to top international standards. It strengthens the research-relevant infrastructure of basic science and technology. In this connection, the laboratories of MMCOPare well plannedas per the norms and standards of Pharmacy Council of India and are in compliance with international standards,whichare house with the most modern sophisticated equipments to service users of the ever expanding number of UG and PG students and researchers with various needs. The facilities are also made available to other academic and research institutions, industries and organizations in the neighborhood. Three floors (ground + two floors) function as Laboratory Section. The laboratories will have 24 x 7 power supply and the central instrument room backed by suitable UPS Supply. All amenities/utilities such as gas supplies (compressed LPG, nitrogen, water) will be provided by suitable pipes to the concerned laboratories in various floors. Respectivelaboratories have safety measure devices, preparation room(s) fitted with fume hood for handling materials, chemicals, biochemicals etc.The college has spacious, well organized, well stocked and well-furnished library with an integrated automation system. It is one of the important resources centers of the college serving both, students as well as the faculty of the college. The library has adequate number of titles and volumes of text and reference books. It also subscribes National, International journals and periodicals related to the field of Pharmacy. The Computer Centre of the MMCOP was established in the year 2006 with the objective of providing computational environment for the academic and research community of the Institute. The college is having its state of the art computer center with terminals of latest configuration connected by network (LAN) and internet facility. The Centre also caters to the computational needs of different projects of students, faculty and staff it alsoprovide use of multimedia and digital video to enhance curriculum projects.The Centre offers training and development apart from being a support service for the faculty, students and staff.The whole campus of the college is Wi-Fi which enables the students to use internet facility anywhere. The facility is committed towards providing free access to the Students, staff and Faculty.
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