Boys and Girls are provided with independent hostels along with necessary amenities and facilities. The rooms are airy, well ventilated and cozy , situated at peaceful and serene environment far distant from the noise and other pollutions. Both the hostels are provided with spacious mess halls and modern kitchens. Effective waste disposal using bio-gas and waste water treatment plants ensures environment protection. Caring wardens and tight security ensures a pleasant stay, allowing students to focus on their studies.
Started initially in 37 universities involving 40,000 volunteers, the scheme has grown over the years and it is implemented today with an involvement of more than 2.6 million volunteers spread over in 200 Universities, Polytechnics and +2 Systems. The efforts of NSS volunteers have been widely acclaimed by the community, universities, colleges and general public as the NSS volunteers have been rendering selfless service to the community.
Infrastructure: Interesting to raise this institute.Is average buildings are not very much creatively made?They are good area for sports.Is there area for library is there but little congested
Hostel: Hostile facility is average in nature.It is congested because of the number of students are more than the number of rooms.Available label food quality is really nice.And hygiene is maintained here
Mohali (Punjab)
Bhubaneswar (Odisha)
Hyderabad (Telangana)
Bengaluru (Karnataka)
Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh)
GEC Bhavnagar
University of Engineering & Management (UEM), Jaipur
IIT Roorkee