Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc
Overall: Infrastructure of the college is great and attractive , in which so many needed facilities are there like labs, library , furnished classes etc. Faculty members are also well qualified.
Overall: there are very well qualified teachers who are gonnacontribute a lot for our journy and yesbgoonna improve my knowldege., thuis is best place to study
Overall: This collage is for the people who the degree for name sake and they don't not expect any much from the college Students from this college are so pathetic you don't even want to stand next to them , if you want your college life to be happy Part , do not join here
Placement: They just say this many companies will come but at the end nk one comes even if a miracle happens any low salary jobs will be offered, if we search jobs outside we will get more salary than the jobs from the miracle placement
Faculty: The teachers are just tired to handle the students nd the intrest in them to teach the subject is dead , they just go crazy and behave the same way to everyone, even they miss behave with the decent student
Hostel: The boys hostel is within the college, and you have to travel through bus to girls hostel as it is our of the college The food is average in the hostel
Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Environment Education and Research, Pune