NSUT cutoff 2024 round 5 for B.Tech has been released by JAC on the official website. For CSE general category the closing rank is 12803 and for EWS, it is 25468 for Delhi region. NSUT cut off for OBC and SC is 17193 and 65585 respectively for outside Delhi region.
CSAI | 9717 | 18327 | 30361 | 82671 | 16573 | 31894 | 66077 | 142608 | 720686 (III) |
CSE | 12803 | 25468 | 49996 | 113605 | 18509 | 30260 | 74635 | 180198 | 575902 (IV) |
CSDS | 15264 | 26286 | 57736 | 130553 | 20647 | 36547 | 85371 | 191918 | 55989 (V(vii)) |
IT | 19074 | 30826 | 76935 | 161096 | 23859 | 38128 | 97244 | 203606 | 124881 (V(vii)) |
ITNS | 21874 | 33072 | 84388 | 187910 | 25681 | 41163 | 105143 | 250069 | 897901 (V(x)) |
MAC | 24436 | 38028 | 90670 | 217029 | 30048 | 47972 | 129421 | 266532 | 35192 (VI) |
ECE | 30182 | 48352 | 117158 | 243281 | 37404 | 80526 | 224857 | 350407 | 41050 (VI) |
EVDT | 31542 | 53078 | 124554 | 268558 | 39639 | 123074 | 271991 | 399514 | 65191 (VI) |
EE | 39515 | 65267 | 162609 | 382617 | 70420 | 153929 | 283338 | 611426 | 92422 (VI) |
ICE | 49909 | 74833 | 199619 | 592273 | 83030 | 170834 | 382011 | 940457 | 127177 (VI) |
ME | 61154 | 96473 | 245326 | 680587 | 88025 | 165335 | 453070 | 1130973 | 436193 (V(vii)) |
BT | 79890 | 149099 | 425798 | 921597 | 83821 | 184979 | 471268 | 1204554 | 179646 (VI) |
CSDA | 35335 | 54376 | 122106 | 242397 | 55920 | 85784 | 213821 | 411039 | 52420 (VI) |
CIOT | 39235 | 58980 | 148000 | 320932 | 70486 | 104695 | 260997 | 489798 | 53904 (VI) |
ECAM | 47145 | 70752 | 181233 | 455021 | 82978 | 165130 | 321682 | 690714 | 67666 (VI) |
MEEV | 75156 | 148509 | 429105 | 901257 | 105529 | 190122 | 500605 | 973904 | 184421 (VI) |
CE | 84121 | 158779 | 474810 | 842323 | 107062 | 218460 | 572569 | 1106765 | 193015 (VI) |
GI | 88631 | 173994 | 570334 | 1064756 | 116027 | 242518 | 621009 | - | 195338 (VI) |
B.Arch. (Paper-2) | 6219 | 21924 | 37937 | 61765 | - | - | - | - | 34909 (VI) |
CSAI | 7417 | 10522 | 16445 | 59869 | 92299 | 12369 | 17491 |
CSE | 8168 | 9983 | 17193 | 65585 | 54467 | 11265 | 28474 |
CSDS | 8757 | 12350 | 18717 | 75070 | 101936 | - | 22348 |
IT | 9422 | 12820 | 20551 | 90292 | 120795 | 14623 | 32335 |
ITNS | 10632 | 12846 | 23144 | 98810 | 132971 | 15112 | - |
MAC | 10680 | 13947 | 24652 | 106590 | 136201 | 17031 | 33167 |
ECE | 12368 | 15727 | 28427 | 115393 | 193912 | 19534 | 33527 |
EVDT | 12959 | 16175 | 30206 | 121494 | 222532 | 18827 | 37553 |
EE | 16229 | 19354 | 34836 | 130342 | 287287 | 25855 | 37437 |
ICE | 18602 | 19970 | 47638 | 179684 | 383479 | 35891 | 58424 |
ME | 22083 | 26025 | 48389 | 180632 | 372164 | 36192 | 43629 |
BT | 29585 | 39335 | 55940 | 194807 | 384046 | 37635 | 61767 |
CSDA | 11227 | 15002 | 24079 | 114392 | 322282 | - | 38248 |
CIOT | 12659 | 16993 | 30278 | 112680 | 339085 | 20758 | 45361 |
ECAM | 13497 | 17679 | 31758 | 123462 | 358129 | 23575 | 43342 |
MEEV | 25061 | 34499 | 50318 | 185194 | 372147 | 39574 | 60641 |
CE | 30115 | 40251 | 56502 | 201942 | - | 42085 | 53241 |
GI | 31389 | 57665 | 193937 | 409628 | 40724 | - | - |
B.Arch. (Paper-2) | 1449 | 5628 | 3059 | 4739 | - | - | - |
NSUT cutoff 2024 round 4 for B.Tech has been released by JAC on the official website. For CSE general category the closing rank is 9869 and for EWS, it is 23021 for Delhi region. NSUT cut off for OBC and SC is 12978 and 65585 respectively for outside Delhi region.
CSAI | 6798 | 17683 | 29648 | 78663 | 12414 | 30672 | 66077 | 142608 | 720686 (III) |
CSE | 9869 | 23021 | 45998 | 113605 | 14168 | 30260 | 74635 | 179877 | 575902 (IV) |
CSDS | 12202 | 24828 | 57573 | 120879 | 16763 | 31894 | 85371 | 180198 | 55989 (V(vii)) |
IT | 16444 | 29999 | 75656 | 154115 | 18949 | 36547 | 91354 | 203606 | 124881 (V(vii)) |
ITNS | 18878 | 31158 | 83896 | 180558 | 20140 | 41163 | 99270 | 205833 | 897901 (V(x) |
MAC | 20006 | 36330 | 89878 | 199730 | 22238 | 47441 | 106746 | 260145 | 26079 (VI) |
ECE | 25063 | 45095 | 116561 | 233389 | 33648 | 61354 | 200502 | 342915 | 41019 (VI) |
EVDT | 26514 | 48352 | 124554 | 254708 | 33697 | 80526 | 243576 | 359700 | 41050 (VI) |
EE | 33581 | 58348 | 156275 | 350305 | 40487 | 153929 | 283338 | 531775 | 70156 (VI) |
ICE | 39921 | 67915 | 184659 | 456937 | 75684 | 170834 | 327749 | 672456 | 95402 (VI) |
ME | 48544 | 80306 | 223516 | 506356 | 80612 | 165305 | 373660 | 710457 | 436193 (V(vii)) |
BT | 65196 | 113490 | 302858 | 656274 | 83036 | 184979 | 366164 | 729796 | 155430 (VI) |
CSDA | 27936 | 51292 | 113836 | 225169 | 49466 | 85784 | 213821 | 411039 | 52420 (VI) |
CIOT | 31034 | 53987 | 136615 | 287831 | 59349 | 104695 | 260997 | 489798 | 53904 (VI) |
ECAM | 37912 | 63448 | 164450 | 397144 | 75267 | 165130 | 308601 | 557916 | 67200 (VI) |
MEEV | 61744 | 101671 | 330632 | 577237 | 86341 | 165335 | 414827 | 797427 | 127177 (VI) |
CE | 68229 | 120624 | 365910 | 625159 | 93687 | 190122 | 460366 | 694560 | 162479 (VI) |
GI | 73836 | 136696 | 403154 | 680587 | 95327 | 209143 | 445950 | 829856 | 180695 (VI) |
5283 | 9981 | 16445 | 59869 | 92299 | 7680 |
6058 | 9983 | 12978 | 65585 | 54467 | 8165 |
6631 | 10522 | 18717 | 75070 | 97786 | - |
7417 | 12350 | 20406 | 90292 | 117737 | 12369 |
8150 | 12820 | 21054 | 98810 | 120795 | 12866 |
8535 | 13947 | 22000 | 106590 | 136201 | 12519 |
10130 | 12535 | 25602 | 106415 | 140804 | 14623 |
10856 | 16175 | 27173 | 112399 | 154451 | 18827 |
13176 | 17217 | 31384 | 125936 | 218381 | 21015 |
15550 | 18851 | 34988 | 163914 | 256001 | 22966 |
19340 | 24442 | 41750 | 164503 | 322282 | 34608 |
25778 | 35049 | 50324 | 183577 | 339085 | 36213 |
9207 | 14404 | 24079 | 112018 | 217098 | - |
10628 | 15179 | 25872 | 112680 | 305879 | 20475 |
11656 | 16273 | 30140 | 123287 | 318519 | 20685 |
21521 | 28294 | 43926 | 167935 | 339734 | 37926 |
26165 | 34370 | 49755 | 179344 | - | 38879 |
26671 | - | 53195 | 181169 | 368917 | 34479 |
NSUT cutoff 2024 round 3 for B.Tech has been released by JAC on the official website. For IT general category the closing rank is 16101 and for EWS, it is 29999 for Delhi region. NSUT cut off for OBC and SC is 19811 and 90292 respectively for outside Delhi region.
CSAI | 6612 | 17683 | 29648 | 78663 | 12197 | 30672 | 66077 | 142608 | 720686 |
CSE | 9514 | 23021 | 45998 | 113605 | 14125 | 30260 | 74635 | 179877 | 575902 |
CSDS | 12202 | 24828 | 57573 | 120879 | 16573 | 31894 | 85371 | 180198 | 55989 |
IT | 16101 | 29999 | 75656 | 154115 | 18949 | 36547 | 91267 | 203606 | 124881 |
ITNS | 18878 | 31158 | 83896 | 180558 | 20140 | 41163 | 98375 | 205833 | 897901 |
MAC | 19943 | 36330 | 89878 | 197701 | 22234 | 47441 | 106746 | 260145 | 26079 |
ECE | 24557 | 45046 | 116561 | 226505 | 33648 | 61354 | 200502 | 280248 | 35922 |
EVDT | 25769 | 48352 | 124554 | 242971 | 33697 | 80526 | 243576 | 300955 | 41050 |
EE | 33297 | 57379 | 156275 | 291439 | 40487 | 153929 | 283338 | 345521 | 70156 |
ICE | 39140 | 67915 | 184571 | 351074 | 75684 | 170834 | 327749 | 502872 | 95402 |
ME | 47948 | 80283 | 215106 | 377986 | 80612 | 165305 | 373660 | 482088 | 436193 |
BT | 63744 | 103693 | 275217 | 441151 | 83036 | 184979 | 366164 | 502229 | 155430 |
CSDA | 27460 | 51292 | 113836 | 211320 | 43284 | 85784 | 213821 | 292595 | 52420 |
CIOT | 30740 | 53987 | 136537 | 248213 | 58286 | 104695 | 260997 | 417704 | 53904 |
ECAM | 36980 | 63374 | 160128 | 300047 | 75267 | 165130 | 308601 | 503663 | 67200 |
MEEV | 58347 | 99045 | 289873 | 406256 | 86341 | 165335 | 390766 | 500736 | 127177 |
CE | 66965 | 117025 | 317288 | 451476 | 93687 | 190122 | 402067 | 513616 | 162479 |
GI | 71873 | 134446 | 348361 | 472053 | 95327 | 209143 | 397755 | 576775 | 180695 |
CSAI | 5226 | 9981 | 16445 | 59869 | 92299 | 7680 |
CSE | 5560 | 9913 | 12978 | 65585 | 54467 | 8165 |
CSDS | 6286 | 9983 | 17492 | 75070 | 97786 | - |
IT | 6734 | 11675 | 19811 | 90292 | 115456 | 11077 |
ITNS | 7605 | 12350 | 20406 | 93441 | 117737 | 11102 |
MAC | 7288 | 13627 | 20947 | 98810 | 136201 | 11685 |
ECE | 9422 | 12535 | 24194 | 106415 | 132971 | 12519 |
EVDT | 9755 | 14161 | 24329 | 94648 | 154451 | 13579 |
EE | 11581 | 15280 | 28739 | 118323 | 152954 | 19439 |
ICE | 13176 | 18207 | 30680 | 128726 | 256001 | 22966 |
ME | 17447 | 20752 | 38122 | 141185 | 287287 | 34479 |
BT | 23624 | 31965 | 49002 | 171169 | 293253 | 32314 |
CSDA | 8142 | 14198 | 24074 | 109496 | 153546 | - |
CIOT | 9937 | 14404 | 24701 | 112018 | 166361 | 13868 |
ECAM | 10414 | 14484 | 25872 | 112680 | 276460 | 15432 |
MEEV | 18392 | 25397 | 41750 | 135541 | 283040 | 34911 |
CE | 24120 | 28838 | 43845 | 149827 | 35620 | - |
GI | 24464 | 49052 | 172994 | 317449 | 29231 | - |
NSUT cutoff 2024 round 2 for B.Tech has been released by JAC on the official website. For CSE general category the closing rank is 9514 and for EWS, it is 21360 for Delhi region. NSUT cut off for OBC and SC is 12978 and 65585 respectively for outside Delhi region.
CSAI | 6612 | 15738 | 29648 | 78663 | 12197 | 30672 | 66077 | 142608 | 720686 |
CSE | 9514 | 21360 | 47913 | 113605 | 14125 | 30260 | 74635 | 179877 | 575902 |
CSDS | 12202 | 24055 | 57573 | 119212 | 16573 | 31894 | 85371 | 180198 | 55989 |
IT | 16098 | 26286 | 74124 | 152380 | 18949 | 36547 | 89878 | 203606 | 124881 |
ITNS | 18878 | 30803 | 82907 | 161096 | 20140 | 41163 | 91354 | 205833 | 897901 |
MAC | 19943 | 34498 | 89619 | 192480 | 22234 | 47441 | 105143 | 196218 | 26079 |
ECE | 24457 | 43818 | 115229 | 215510 | 33648 | 61354 | 193469 | 278507 | 35922 |
EVDT | 25769 | 47979 | 123555 | 236359 | 31665 | 80526 | 252749 | 250634 | 41050 |
EE | 33297 | 56842 | 146476 | 275404 | 40487 | 152461 | 270009 | 342915 | 70156 |
ICE | 37900 | 65088 | 167272 | 309415 | 75684 | 161011 | 307363 | 477834 | 95402 |
ME | 46516 | 78979 | 199003 | 325704 | 80612 | 165130 | 327649 | 475782 | 436193 |
BT | 61744 | 96272 | 248164 | 382617 | 78657 | 184979 | 359926 | 476447 | 139590 |
CSDA | 27460 | 43881 | 98848 | 192452 | 34742 | 85784 | 163797 | 246142 | 52420 |
CIOT | 30504 | 48352 | 118682 | 202055 | 43420 | 91833 | 181502 | 342361 | 53904 |
ECAM | 36420 | 62449 | 149324 | 251288 | 71520 | 143490 | 252284 | 445041 | 67200 |
MEEV | 55503 | 98993 | 235668 | 358342 | 86341 | 165305 | 365520 | 439913 | 127177 |
CE | 65749 | 109334 | 266962 | 396234 | 93799 | 175414 | 372763 | 489603 | 162479 |
GI | 67805 | 121767 | 273077 | 414196 | 93848 | 187890 | 368386 | 502872 | 180695 |
CSAI | 4787 | 9981 | 16130 | 59869 | 92299 |
CSE | 5104 | 9358 | 12978 | 65585 | 54467 |
CSDS | 5333 | 9983 | 16368 | 66396 | 96472 |
IT | 5535 | 11675 | 18553 | 75070 | 97786 |
ITNS | 6674 | 12309 | 18783 | 77700 | 104949 |
MAC | 6734 | 12093 | 20551 | 85848 | 122528 |
ECE | 8478 | 12535 | 21624 | 91931 | 120795 |
EVDT | 9149 | 12841 | 21927 | 90292 | 154451 |
EE | 10763 | 15179 | 25602 | 108531 | 150958 |
ICE | 11958 | 15586 | 29530 | 106355 | 153791 |
ME | 16432 | 19365 | 35064 | 124653 | 221247 |
BT | 20651 | 25890 | 43638 | 135744 | 271702 |
CSDA | 6286 | 13433 | 20325 | 94128 | 117737 |
CIOT | 7702 | 13839 | 20947 | 93441 | 146846 |
ECAM | 9506 | 14251 | 22269 | 101347 | 145213 |
MEEV | 17761 | 24424 | 38010 | 114293 | 242975 |
CE | 21352 | 24866 | 41583 | 126659 | - |
GI | 23032 | - | 45667 | 140244 | 294741 |
NSUT cutoff 2024 for B.Tech has been released by JAC on the basis of JEE Main scores. Candidates have to rank within the closing rank to be eligible for admissions at the institute. NSUT cutoff has been released separately for Delhi and outside Delhi regions. For CSE general category the CLSO rank is 7050 and for EWS, it is 20019 for Delhi region. NSUT cut off for OBC and SC is 10627 and 41625 respectively for outside Delhi region.
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (CSAI) | 4378 | 14486 | 26776 | 58121 | 204007 | 7129 | 25502 | 51494 | 124861 | 720686 |
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) | 7050 | 20019 | 39109 | 90642 | 245506 | 10480 | 30260 | 66849 | 142608 | 575902 |
Computer Science and Data Science (CSDS) | 8677 | 22019 | 48351 | 93763 | 275726 | 12197 | 31894 | 53814 | 145771 | 55989 |
Information Technology (IT) | 12421 | 25468 | 63906 | 118906 | 406425 | 14168 | 36005 | 78622 | 175296 | 124881 |
Information Technology and Network Security (ITNS) | 14907 | 28791 | 70755 | 136714 | 438875 | 16061 | 41163 | 88156 | 179858 | 897901 |
Mathematics and Computing (MAC) | 16753 | 30826 | 78372 | 154766 | 513161 | 18892 | 38128 | 89878 | 196218 | 22644 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) | 21184 | 38485 | 95774 | 184887 | 610799 | 26657 | 57147 | 131344 | 250281 | 35192 |
Electronics and VLSI Design Technology (EVDT) | 22617 | 41504 | 103252 | 196287 | 965976 | 28893 | 80526 | 222587 | 250634 | 41019 |
Electrical Engineering (EE) | 28512 | 53078 | 124554 | 217129 | 1176223 | 35931 | 126482 | 228853 | 298868 | 67200 |
Instrumentation and Control Engineering (ICE) | 34237 | 62618 | 143154 | 254591 | - | 68224 | 155858 | 271991 | 361229 | 86127 |
Mechanical Engineering (ME) | 40984 | 69120 | 159695 | 278705 | 1228375 | 72959 | 160216 | 283338 | 333697 | 436193 |
Biotechnology (BT) | 57223 | 89811 | 199295 | 310115 | 995112 | 70926 | 161011 | 238246 | 417447 | 137598 |
Computer Science and Data Analytics (CSDA) | 19839 | 42827 | 84434 | 158842 | 419463 | 28895 | 85784 | 136956 | 205131 | 48549 |
Computer Science and Internet of Things (CIOT) | 24383 | 45435 | 102317 | 173549 | 586310 | 36212 | 67386 | 176092 | 224102 | 53904 |
Electronics and Computer Engineering (ECAM) | 30083 | 55733 | 123837 | 224140 | 779239 | 51594 | 143490 | 215617 | 304926 | 62898 |
Mechanical Engineering and Electric Vehicles (MEEV) | 47390 | 80306 | 181753 | 298966 | - | 80642 | 165305 | 298508 | 439913 | 88675 |
Civil Engineering (CE) | 59554 | 93497 | 201837 | 313335 | 650615 | 84467 | 173725 | 294570 | 453103 | 162479 |
Geoinformatics (GI) | 63963 | 96210 | 210076 | 341609 | - | 83751 | 184979 | 282825 | 483455 | 164207 |
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (CSAI) | 2473 | 7487 | 10661 | 38787 | 2859 | 4126 |
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) | 2818 | 5605 | 10627 | 41625 | 54467 | 3763 |
Computer Science and Data Science (CSDS) | 3534 | 7998 | 12590 | 42866 | 75896 | - |
Information Technology (IT) | 4288 | 9358 | 12371 | 54099 | 97786 | 6548 |
Information Technology and Network Security (ITNS) | 4914 | 9221 | 14240 | 58715 | 104949 | 7469 |
Mathematics and Computing (MAC) | 5202 | 10522 | 15813 | 60114 | 106903 | 5817 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) | 6350 | 11505 | 18553 | 65585 | 120795 | 10014 |
Electronics and VLSI Design Technology (EVDT) | 7525 | 11675 | 20947 | 59869 | 125374 | 11469 |
Electrical Engineering (EE) | 8547 | 13422 | 22777 | 77597 | 129697 | 12130 |
Instrumentation and Control Engineering (ICE) | 10142 | 15280 | 26128 | 93052 | 142256 | 17934 |
Mechanical Engineering (ME) | 12205 | 17426 | 29530 | 93984 | 166774 | 19207 |
Biotechnology (BT) | 18334 | 20976 | 38219 | 100005 | 194690 | 22966 |
Computer Science and Data Analytics (CSDA) | 4583 | 10040 | 13566 | 43841 | 117737 | - |
Computer Science and Internet of Things (CIOT) | 6208 | 12045 | 18460 | 63380 | 124846 | 9400 |
Electronics and Computer Engineering (ECAM) | 7754 | 13240 | 20803 | 69822 | 116285 | 10911 |
Mechanical Engineering and Electric Vehicles (MEEV) | 14098 | 17789 | 28142 | 98810 | 186949 | 23614 |
Civil Engineering (CE) | 18505 | 20372 | 31121 | 108493 | - | 28138 |
Geoinformatics (GI) | 18958 | - | 39383 | 80199 | 198687 | 29231 |
Netaji Subhas University of Technology cut off 2023, for the B.Tech courses is determined by the JEE Main scores and JAC Counselling. The Joint Admission Committee (JAC) conducts counselling and admission for engineering programmes at the university. The NSUT JAC Delhi cut off 2023 for was released for the B.Tech programmes. The table below has the details:
Categories | Details |
NSUT JAC Round 3 Cut Off (Delhi Region) | Click Here |
NSUT JAC Cut Off Round 3 (Outside Delhi) | Click Here |
Categories | Details |
NSUT JAC Cut Off Round 2 (Delhi Region) | Click Here |
NSUT JAC Cut Off Round 2 (Outside Delhi) | Click Here |
Region | Category | Cut Off Rank |
Delhi | GNGND | 4695 |
EWGND | 17605 | |
OBGND | 33144 | |
SCGND | 71344 | |
STGND | 237213 | |
Outside Delhi | GNGNO | 1896 |
EWGNO | 3453 | |
OBGNO | 7450 | |
SCGNO | 23334 | |
STGNO | 53171 |
Region | Category | Cut Off Rank |
Delhi | GNGND | 9905 |
EWGND | 24844 | |
OBGND | 50433 | |
SCGND | 99927 | |
STGND | 369090 | |
Outside Delhi | GNGNO | 3022 |
EWGNO | 5962 | |
OBGNO | 9019 | |
SCGNO | 31102 | |
STGNO | 86060 |
Region | Category | Cut Off Rank |
Delhi | GNGND | 42080 |
EWGND | 71168 | |
OBGND | 147446 | |
SCGND | 256466 | |
STGND | 1043524 | |
Outside Delhi | GNGNO | 11320 |
EWGNO | 14306 | |
OBGNO | 22571 | |
SCGNO | 71978 | |
STGNO | 133039 |
Region | Category | Cut Off Rank |
Delhi | GNGND | 27305 |
EWGND | 54049 | |
OBGND | 114907 | |
SCGND | 203008 | |
STGND | 937185 | |
Outside Delhi | GNGNO | 7106 |
EWGNO | 10503 | |
OBGNO | 16872 | |
SCGNO | 55565 | |
STGNO | 112962 |
Region | Category | Cut Off Rank |
Delhi | GNGND | 20472 |
EWGND | 41102 | |
OBGND | 87288 | |
SCGND | 157435 | |
STGND | 696027 | |
Outside Delhi | GNGNO | 5172 |
EWGNO | 9322 | |
OBGNO | 13613 | |
SCGNO | 48731 | |
STGNO | 111224 |
The JEE Main scores and JAC counselling are used to determine admission to the courses at the NSUT BTech programme. The cut-off list is curated using the results of the entrance examinations, for admission to Netaji Subhas University of Technology. The number of candidates for a programme, the difficulty of the exam, and other factors all have an impact on the cut-off marks or ranks, which changes every year.
Admission to the B.Arch courses at NSUT is based on JEE Main (Paper-II) scores and JAC counselling. The Joint Admission Committee (JAC) handles admissions and counselling for the university's architecture programmes. For the architecture courses, the NSUT JAC Delhi cut off for round 3 has been released. The table consisting of the NSUT JAC round 3 cut off for B.Arch is given below:
Region | Category | Cut Off Rank |
Delhi Region | GENERAL | 2997 |
SC | 15693 | |
OBC | 27273 | |
EWS | 19540 | |
DEFENCE (CW) | 7268 | |
Outside Delhi | GENERAL | 720 |
SC | 829 | |
OBC | 1745 | |
EWS | 2981 |
The details for the Netaji Subhas University of Technology cut off for B.Arch via JAC counselling for round 2 are provided in the table below:
Region | Category | Cut Off Rank |
Delhi Region | GENERAL | 2366 |
SC | 9770 | |
OBC | 22492 | |
EWS | 25561 | |
DEFENCE (CW) | 2963 | |
Outside Delhi | GENERAL | 739 |
SC | 829 | |
OBC | 1489 | |
EWS | 2680 |
The NSUT JAC Delhi cut off for round 1 of the B.Arch programmes was made public. The information is in the table below:
Region | Category | Cut Off Rank |
Delhi | GENERAL | 1039 |
SC | 6688 | |
OBC | 14330 | |
EWS | 19540 | |
DEFENCE (CW) | 21483 | |
Outside Delhi | GENERAL | 192 |
SC | 829 | |
OBC | 801 | |
EWS | 1112 |
MTech Admission Announcement - Announcement regarding the admissions for the MTech program.
Delhi (Delhi)
Hyderabad (Telangana)
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh)
Manipal Institute of Technology
Jaypee Group Of Institutions
HBTU Kanpur
IIT Roorkee