
Rayat & Bahra Institute of Management Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

LocationChandigarh (Chandigarh)
Updated on - Dec 27, 2023 12:47 PM IST

Rayat & Bahra Institute of Management Overall Rating

(Based on 2 reviews)
Infrastructure 4.0/5
Placement 4.0/5
Hostel 3.0/5
Faculty 4.0/5
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What students says about Rayat & Bahra Institute of Management

  • Helpful faculty
  • Helpful students
  • Good curriculum
  • No air conditioning in all classes
  • Buses and other transportation sometimes unavailable

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

Rayat & Bahra Institute of Management Reviews

Great overall experience
By Arjun singh | Bachelor Of Business Administration (BBA) | 2023
February 28, 2024 06:47:49

Overall: Overall the college will deliver more than what you would expect from a top tier college the exposure that you will get from here will definitely help you going forward in your carrier

Placement: Placements that the university offers is not anywhere near of its reputation.its placement cell is very weak and it is a space where they have to do a lot of work in the future

Infrastructure: Infrastructure is as good as any of the top colleges of the country well planned buildings with great aesthetics students will have no complaints about the infrastructure

Faculty: The professors are of great experience and very helpful as well towards students in clearing any doubts that they might have having great faculty really exceeds the learning experience

Hostel: The hostel aspect is one in which it is lacking behind the other top tier colleges the rooms are very average and the hostel food can get better with variety








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About job and study
By Anit Rajput | MBA in Retail and Supply Management | 2020
February 08, 2024 08:01:00

Overall: In my cologne is study is best for all students and in my college is the best college in the Chandigarh and my college in so many web series and the loved

Placement: The best placement in my college like Amazon,Flipkart,WhatsApp,facebook and hospital job and so many company have my college and the.

Infrastructure: Infrastructure is the best is my college and my college have a so many students and the so many buildings and all labs and hospitals and companyies college or so many




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