Reliance Animation Academy Alwar was established in 2017. It is a private institute under Reliance Entertainment located in Alwar, Rajasthan. This institution offers six courses, two master programmes and four advance programmes for its students. Some popular Reliance Animation Academy courses are Master Programme in Animation, Master Programme in Game Design & Game Development, Advance Programme in 3D Animation, and Advance Programme in Graphics Design & Digital Animation. For admission to these courses, candidates need to pass the class 10 exam.
Reliance Animation Academy Alwar is a co-ed institute where students can learn about the latest tools and techniques to become successful graphic designers, VFX experts, and more. Students of Reliance Animation Academy Alwar are placed in reputed companies like Green Gold Animation, Redmint Interactive, Byju's Adon Publicity, Global VFX, Nihal Productions, and High Level Film Productions.
Course Name | Short Eligibility | Fees | Apply Now |
Diploma | ₹72,000 - 1,13,280 | ||
M.Sc. (Master of Science) | ₹1,00,000 | ||
M.Des. (Master of Design) | ₹88,005 |
Reliance Animation Academy Alwar admission process is the same for all courses. The institute offers admission to six courses. These courses are offered in the stream of animation, game design, VFX, motion graphics and graphics design. For Reliance Animation Academy Alwar admission to various courses, candidates need to pass the class 10 exam from a recognised board. More information on the eligibility criteria for each course can be found in the table below.
Courses | Eligibility Criteria | Total Fees |
Master Programme in Animation | Class 10 pass | Rs 2,00,000 |
Master Programme in Game Design & Game Development | Class 10 pass | Rs 1,76,010 |
Advance Programme in 3D Animation | Class 10 pass | Rs 72,000 |
Advance Programme in Graphics Design & Digital Animation | Class 10 pass | Rs 1,13,280 |
Advance Programme in VFX | Class 10 pass | Rs 1,13,280 |
Advance Programme in Motion Graphics | Class 10 pass | Rs 1,13,280 |
Reliance Animation Academy Alwar placement support is offered to all students. During the course period, the students are trained to become job ready. Some top recruiters who offer jobs to students of this institute are Green Gold Animation, Redmint Interactive, Byju's Adon Publicity, etc
Green Gold Animation | Global VFX | Byju's Adon Publicity |
High Level Film Productions | Nihal Productions | Redmint Interactive |