Placement: You go to a prestigious college, pay a very large amount of money. Study very acutely. Expecting for a great future. But and the end of your course you get a job where you have to work 9 to 5 and at the end of the month you get only 18000 in your hand. That's the highest placement offer we get in this college.
Placement: Placemets of the college is so good. The Placement cell of the institute was set up with the single goal of helping the students community for getting them placed in industries.
Placement: Placement are done through the placement cell of the university. About 70% of the students got placed in our course. recruiting companies visit our campus for hiring students,internship also offered to the students.
Placement: Placement based on their skills and their grades. Internship providing facilities are also here. Upto 1000 of companies come across every year for selection.
Placement: Only limited number of students get placed in various companies. Student mostly prefer to get placement off campus. The placement provided by the colleges average so they should improve.
Placement: there is average 90% placement rate of the college last time the highest package is 84lpa so its give good placement but you should good in communication skill,good in dsa itc, there are 30-40 companies visited
Placement: The placements cell are very helpful. They help the students in exploring placements opportunities by inviting many companies. Many job opportunities are there in the field of health care centers, pharmaceutical companies, chemist shops, etc.
Placement: All the students of our course are placed this year. Our course made history in this college by getting 100% placements, and all the students got placed in well-reputed companies with good salary packages.
Placement: The college has a commendable track record of placements, with top companies recruiting students and offering promising career prospects. You must take admission here .
Placement: Unlike other institutions Scottish has been well known for the better placements and entry level packages at the top companies around India and global companies so if you are a freshman consider keeping good grades so you will be selected against the odds and ya do keep up with old year syllabus may come in handy if groups like tcs,mahindra,E and Y are at the interview table if front you then you might feel uneasy and dumb so keep good grades and follow up as good as you probably can....
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Kolkata (West Bengal)