The Institute has a separate building for its Library divided in three parts. The Library supports the academic aspects of the Institution. It helps in meeting the teaching and research needs of the students and faculty. It not only provides study facilities, but also facilities like Photo-copy, computer, Internet, television and recreational books for reading to all the members of the Institution. The Institution endeavors to make the Library user friendly. It is equipped with approximately 70266 (Seventy Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Six) books, i.e. references, text, literature, autobiographies, biographies, encyclopedias, dictionaries, rare books, old books, bound volumes of journals, bulletin, reports etc. The library also subscribes to forty six different national & international research journals/periodicals, magazines, news magazines, competitive magazines and twelve newspapers in three different languages.
Mohali (Punjab)
Pune (Maharashtra)
Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Kolhapur (Maharashtra)