Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc
Narayanaguru College of Engineering Kanyakumari
Ponjesly College of Engineering Kanyakumari
Maria College of Engineering And Technology Kanyakumari
C.S.I.Institute of Technology
DMI Engineering College
Jayamatha Engineering College
Marthandam College of Engineering and Technology Kanyakumari
M.E.T. Engineering College
Lord Jegannath College of Engineering and Technology Kanyakumari
St Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering Kanyakumari
Vins Christian College of Engineering Kanyakumari
Vins Christian Women College of Engineering Kanyakumari
Tamizhan College of Engineering & Technology Kanyakumari
Stella Mary's College of Engineering Kanyakumari
Bethlahem Institute of Engineering