CA Syllabus & Subjects 2024

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Sep 24, 2024 21:04PM IST

CA Syllabus and Subjects Overview

CA Syllabus spans three levels: Foundation, Intermediate and Final and contains major topics like accounting, taxation, auditing, business law, among other pertinent subjects that makes one a master in accounting and finance.

The CA Foundation Syllabus serves as an introductory stage with subjects such as Principles & Practice of Accounting, Business Laws, Business Mathematics & Statistics, Business Economics and Logical Reasoning.

Deepening understanding in CA Intermediate subjects such as advanced accounting concepts, company law, direct and indirect taxation, auditing IT & strategic management, ethics and communication; indeed play a vital role at this level.

The CA Final Syllabus concentrate on advanced financial reporting; strategic financial management – a crucial aspect in contemporary business operation, auditing and professional ethics – an integral part of maintaining transparency within corporate practices, Corporate & Economic Laws which govern commercial entities' actions; risk management - vital for mitigating potential hazards inherent in any venture or investment portfolio; finally International Taxation– an increasingly significant field that deals with cross-border fiscal responsibilities.

Periodically, the CA Syllabus undergoes revisions: this is done to mirror industry trends--ensuring its unyielding relevance. Upon passing rigorous exams and culminating a three-year practical training under an actively practicing CA, one earns the esteemed designation of 'CA'; this achievement paves way for diverse career paths not limited to finance or accounting but extending beyond them.

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CA Syllabus and Subjects Highlights

Below are the important highlights for CA Syllabus and Subjects:

FeatureCA FoundationCA Intermediate (Group 1 & 2)CA Final
Duration6 months

10 months (

+3 years of practical training after clearing both Group I and II OR in CA Final)

8 months (

+3 years of practical training)

Number of Subjects4 (2 papers each)8 (4 papers each)8 (4 papers each)
Optional SubjectsNoNo

6 (Choose 1):


  • Risk Management
  • International Taxation
  • Economic Laws
  • Financial Services and Capital Market
  • Global Financial Reporting Standards
  • Multidisciplinary Case Study


Syllabus DifficultyModerateHighVery High
Practical Training Duration-3 years (post-Intermediate)3 years (post-Final)
AimStrong foundation in accounting, business, and communicationDeeper understanding of accounting, finance, and taxationSpecialization in chosen areas, advanced analysis, and ethical considerations
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CA Syllabus

While the CA examination consists of three levels individually, the syllabus for all the three CA exam levels are unique and distinct from each other. The CA Syllabus primarily incorporates major topics like: Financial Reporting, Strategic Financial Management, and Advanced Accounting. The following sections explain the current CA syllabus that is correlated to each CA level within the CA exams.

CA Foundation Syllabus

The CA Foundation also known as Common Proficiency Test is the entrance level examination regulated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) which takes the candidates to the Chartered Accountancy (CA) course. The CA foundation syllabus aims to provide a learning platform wherein students can grasp the basic accounting principles not only for their applications in various accounts but also the economics of the field.

The foundation level of each CA subject area is divided into four CA subject areas. The syllabus for CA Foundation offers a thorough understanding of Business Laws, Business Mathematics, Logical Reasoning & Statistics, Business Economics, and Commercial Knowledge.

CA Foundation Subjects

The CA Foundation course lays the groundwork for your Chartered Accountancy journey. It covers four subjects, each with its own unique focus:

SubjectsPaperTopics Covered
AccountingPaper 1A: Principles and Practices of Accounting* Theoretical framework of accounting: Meaning, scope, concepts, principles, and conventions. * Accounting process: Journalizing, ledger posting, trial balance, final accounts (Trading and Profit & Loss A/c, Balance Sheet). * Bank reconciliation statement. * Inventories: Valuation methods like FIFO, LIFO, Weighted Average Cost. * Depreciation and Amortisation methods: Straight Line, Reducing Balance, etc. * Accounting for various types of businesses: Sole proprietorship, partnership, company.
Business Laws & Business CommunicationPaper 1B: Business Laws and Business CommunicationBusiness Laws: * The Indian Contract Act, 1872: Formation of contracts, types of contracts, consideration, breach of contract, remedies. * The Sale of Goods Act, 1930: Definition, types of sale, seller's and buyer's rights and duties. * The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Types of instruments, endorsements, negotiation, dishonor. * The Partnership Act, 1932: Formation, types of partners, rights and duties of partners. Business Communication: * Effective communication skills: Writing, reading, listening, speaking. * Business correspondence: Drafting letters, emails, memos, reports. * Presentation skills: Delivering effective presentations.
Quantitative AptitudePaper 2A: Business Mathematics and Logical ReasoningBusiness Mathematics: * Arithmetic: Number systems, fractions, decimals, percentages, averages, ratios and proportions. * Algebra: Equations, inequalities, logarithms. * Statistics: Measures of central tendency and dispersion, correlation, regression. * Time value of money: Present value, future value, annuities. Logical Reasoning: * Number series: Identifying patterns, solving puzzles. * Coding and decoding: Identifying codes and patterns. * Direction tests: Following directions, mental rotation. * Seating arrangements: Logical arrangements of people.
Business Economics & Business StudiesPaper 2B: Business Economics and Business StudiesBusiness Economics: * Introduction to economics: Demand, supply, market equilibrium. * National income and economic growth: GDP, GNP, inflation, unemployment. * Money and banking: Functions of banks, monetary policy. * Business cycles: Boom, recession, depression. Business Studies: * Nature and scope of business: Business environment, types of business organizations. * Business functions: Production, marketing, finance, human resource management. * Entrepreneurship: Traits, skills, types of entrepreneurs. * Business ethics: Corporate social responsibility, ethical decision making.

CA Intermediate Syllabus

The CA Intermediate is the second level in the Chartered Accountancy exams. The course content is divided into two parts, and there are four subjects in each part. The CA Intermediate course includes deeper topics in Accounting, laws of companies, taxes, inspection of accounts, strategic planning and other important subjects.

CA Intermediate Subjects

Below, the CA syllabus for the Intermediate level is presented, detailing the various papers and subjects.

Group I
Paper 1: AccountingPaper 2: Corporate and Other Laws
Process of formulation of Accounting Standards including Ind ASs (IFRS converged standards) and IFRSs; convergence vs adoption; objective and concepts of carve outs.Part I: Company Law
Framework for Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements (as per Accounting Standards).The Companies Act, 2013 - Sections 1 to 148
Application of Accounting StandardsPart II: Other Laws
Company AccountsThe Indian Contract Act, 1872
Accounting for Special TransactionsThe Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
Special Type of AccountingThe General Clauses Act, 1897
-Interpretation of Statutes
Paper 3: Cost and Management AccountingPaper 4: Taxation
Overview of Cost and Management AccountingSection A: Income-tax Law
Introduction to Cost and Management AccountingBasic Concepts
Elements of Cost and preparation of Cost SheetsResidential status and scope of total income
Ascertainment of Cost and Cost Accounting SystemIncomes which do not form part of total income (other than charitable trusts and institutions, political parties and electoral trusts)
Material CostHeads of income and the provisions governing computation of income under different heads
Employee CostIncome of other persons included in assessee's total income
OverheadsAggregation of income; Set-off, or carry forward and set-off of losses
Concepts of Activity Based Costing (ABC)Deductions from gross total income
Recording and Accounting of CostsComputation of total income and tax liability of individuals
Methods of CostingAdvance tax, tax deduction at source and introduction to tax collection at source
Single Output/ Unit CostingProvisions for filing return of income and self-assessment
Job CostingSection B: Indirect Taxes
Batch CostingConcept of indirect taxes
Contract CostingGoods and Services Tax (GST) Laws
Process / Operation Costing-
Costing of Service Sectors-
Cost Control and Analysis-
Standard Costing-
Marginal Costing-
Budget and Budgetary Control-
Group II
Paper 5: Advanced Accounting)Paper 6: Auditing and Assurance
Application of Accounting StandardsNature, Objective and Scope of Audit
Special Aspects of Company AccountsAudit Strategy, Audit Planning and Audit Programme
Reorganization and liquidation of CompaniesAudit Documentation and Audit Evidence
Banking Companies and Non-Banking Financial Companies and regulatory requirements thereof.Risk Assessment and Internal Control
Consolidated Financial StatementsFraud and Responsibilities of the Auditor in this Regard
Dissolution of partnership firms including piecemeal distribution of assets; Amalgamation of partnership firms; Conversion of partnership firm into a company and Sale to a company; Issues related to accounting in Limited Liability Partnership.Audit in an Automated Environment
-Audit Sampling
-Analytical Procedures
-Audit of Items of Financial Statements
-The Company Audit
-Audit Report
-Audit of Banks
-Audit of Different Types of Entities
Paper 7: Enterprise Information Systems & Strategic ManagementPaper 8: Financial Management & Economics for Finance
Section A: Enterprise Information SystemSection A - Financial Management
Automated Business ProcessesFinancial Management and Financial Analysis
Financial and Accounting SystemsIntroduction to Financial Management Function
Information Systems and its ComponentsFinancial Analysis through Ratios
E-commerce, M-commerce, and Emerging TechnologiesFinancing Decisions
Core Banking SystemsSources of Finance
Section B: Strategic ManagementCost of Capital
Introduction to Strategic ManagementCapital Structure Decisions
Dynamics of Competitive StrategyLeverages
Strategic Management ProcessCapital Investment and Dividend Decisions
Corporate Level StrategiesCapital Investment Decisions
Business Level StrategiesAdjustment of Risk and Uncertainty in Capital Budgeting Decision
Functional Level StrategiesDividend Decisions
Organization and Strategic LeadershipManagement of Working Capital
Strategy Implementation and ControlManagement of Working Capital
-Section B: Economics for Finance
-Determination of National Income
-Public Finance
-The Money Market
-International Trade

CA Final Syllabus 

The CA Final stands out as one of the most challenging examinations in the country, owing to its low passing percentage. It encompasses an extensive syllabus, delving into diverse facets such as Risk Management, International Finance Laws, Financial Management, Advanced Auditing, and other subjects outlined in the CA Syllabus. The detailed CA Final Syllabus is provided in the tabulated format below:

CA Final Subjects

Below is a comprehensive breakdown of the latest CA Final Syllabus, organized by individual subjects: 

Paper 1: Financial ReportingPaper 2: Strategic Financial Management
Framework for Preparation and Presentation of Financial StatementsFinancial Policy and Corporate Strategy
Application of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS)Risk Management
Indian Accounting Standards on Group AccountingSecurity Analysis
Accounting and Reporting of Financial Instruments (as per Ind AS)Security Valuation
Analysis of Financial StatementsPortfolio Management
Integrated ReportingSecuritization
Corporate Social Responsibility ReportingMutual Funds
-Derivatives Analysis and Valuation
-Foreign Exchange Exposure and Risk Management
-International Financial Management
-Interest Rate Risk Management
-Corporate Valuation
-Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring
-Startup Finance
Paper 3: Advanced Auditing & Professional EthicsPaper 4: Corporate and Economic Laws
Auditing Standards, Statements and Guidance NotesPart I: Corporate Laws
Audit Planning, Strategy and ExecutionSection A: Company Law
Risk Assessment and Internal ControlThe Companies Act, 2013
Special aspects of Auditing in an Automated EnvironmentCorporate Secretarial Practice
Audit of Limited CompaniesSection B: Securities Laws
Audit ReportsThe Securities Contract (Regulation) Act, 1956 and the Securities Contract (Regulation) Rules, 1957: Introduction and important provisions
Audit Committee and Corporate GovernanceThe Securities Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, and SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2015
Audit of Consolidated Financial StatementsPart II: Economic Laws
Special features of audit of Banks, Insurance & Non Banking Financial CompaniesThe Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
Audit under Fiscal LawsThe Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002
Audit of Public Sector UndertakingsThe Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
Liabilities of AuditorsForeign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010
Internal Audit, Management and Operational AuditThe Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
Due Diligence, Investigation and Forensic AuditThe Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
Peer Review and Quality Review-
Professional Ethics-
Paper 5: Strategic Cost Management And Performance EvaluationPaper 6A: Risk Management
Part A: Strategic Cost Management and Decision MakingIntroduction to Risk
Sub Part I: Strategic Cost ManagementSource and Evaluation of Risks
Introduction to Strategic Cost ManagementRisk Management
Modern Business EnvironmentEvaluation of Risk Management Strategies
Lean System and InnovationRisk Model
Cost Management TechniquesCredit Risk Measurement and Management
Cost Management for Specific SectorsRisk Associated With Corporate Governance
Sub Part II: Strategic Decision MakingEnterprise Risk Management
Decision MakingOperational Risk Management
Pricing Strategies/DecisionsPaper 6B: Financial Services and Capital Markets
Part B: Performance Evaluation and ControlGlobal Financial Markets
Sub Part I: Performance Evaluation and ReportingImpact of various Policies of Financial Markets
Performance Measurement and EvaluationCapital Market - Primary
Divisional Transfer PricingCapital Market - Secondary
Strategic Analysis of Operating IncomeMoney Market
Sub Part II: Managerial ControlInstitutions and Intermediaries
Budgetary ControlCommodity Market
Standard CostingBanking as source of Capital including NBFCs
Part C: Case StudyMutual Funds
Case Study (covering Course Concepts)Private Equity
-Investment Banking
-Credit Rating
-Treasury Operations
-Risk Management
-Credit Derivatives
-Leasing Decision
-SEBI Guidelines
-Paper 6C: International Taxation
-Part I: Taxation of International Transactions & Non-resident Taxation in India
-Transfer Pricing provisions under the Income-tax Act, 1961, including
-Other Provisions relating to taxation of international transactions and non-resident taxation under the Income-tax Act, 1961
-Law and Procedures under the Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015 - An Overview.
-Part II: Other aspects of International Taxation
-Overview of Model Tax Conventions
-Tax treaties, Application and Interpretation
-Anti Avoidance Measures
-Taxation of E-Commerce Transactions
-Paper 6D: Economic Laws
-Economic Laws
-Paper 6E: Global Financial Reporting Standards
-Global Financial Reporting Standards
-Paper 6F: Multi-disciplinary Case Study
-MCS - Multidisciplinary Case Study
Paper 7: Direct Tax Laws & International TaxationPaper 8: Indirect Tax Laws
Part I: Direct Tax LawsPart I: Goods & Services Tax
Law and Procedures under the Income-tax Act, 1961Goods and Services Tax (GST) Law as contained in the Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) Act, 2017 and Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST) Act, 2017
Part II: International TaxationPart II: Customs & FTP
Taxation of international transactions and Non-resident taxationCustoms Law as contained in the Customs Act, 1962 and the Customs Tariff Act, 1975
-Foreign Trade Policy to the extent relevant to the indirect tax laws
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CA Subjects

The subjects covered in the Chartered Accountancy (CA) course vary depending on the level of study.Here's an overview of the level-wise CA subjects:

CA Foundation Subjects:

Principles and Practices of Accounting: This module helps to understand the theory of double-entry bookkeeping, preparation of financial statements, and generally accepted accounting principles.
Business Laws & Business Communication and Reporting: The topic will enable students to learn the legal framework of business in India and communication abilities, as well as report writing.
Business Mathematics & Logical Reasoning & Statistics: This subject is geared to develop students' mathematical and calculation skills, which includes the key to understanding financial data. That is the basis of the process of making sound business decisions.
Business Economics & Commercial Knowledge: This topic is essential in giving students insight on the Indian economy and business sphere.

CA Intermediate Subjects:

Advanced Accounting: Boosting your knowledge of the financial statements, consolidations, and accounting standards deepening your comprehension.
Corporate Law and Capital Markets: The knowledge of corporate governance laws, securities regulations, and capital market is a valuable one.
Taxation: Educating the students about Direct tax (income tax) and Indirect tax (GST), and providing the tax planning tips.
Auditing and Assurance Standards: Learning the fundamentals and practices involved in auditing financial statements and supplying an unbiased opinion regarding truthful compliance.
Strategic Financial Management and Cost Management: Skipping financial planning, budgeting, risk analysis and cost optimization which need to be learned in full.
Information Technology and Systems: Understanding the role of technology in accounting and auditing is the most important issue in my semester plan.

CA Final Subjects:

Advanced Corporate Law and Professional Ethics: Exploring carefully the complex legal concepts that are beyond the scope of the lecture and preserving the professional ethics.
Direct Tax Laws (Advanced) and International Taxation: Discovering advanced methods of planning and international taxation.
Indirect Tax Laws (Advanced) and Goods and Service Tax (GST): In-depth knowledge obtained from learning of complicated GST theory and requirements of compliance.
Financial Management and Valuation: Grasping concepts, techniques, and valuation methods related to corporate finance and analysis of investments.
Elective Subjects: You can either choose one from the advanced skills such as Risk Management, Security Law & Compliance, or Financial Services & Capital Markets.

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CA Optional Subjects

The CA Final course is a course with an optional six units from which candidates are to pick only one elective paper. Discussed below are the six elective subjects in the CA Final level of the course:

1. Risk Management: Journey into risk identification and assessment, also reduction and control over financial, operating and tech environments. Learn to implement internal controls, risk assessment frameworks and disaster recovery plans. Listen to the given audio, then say the phrase given below.

2. Financial Services and Capital Markets (FSCM): Go into the complex reality of the finances, where investment banking, mutual funds, insurance and derivatives are the heart of the financial system. How financial products, markets regulation and valuation techniques are used, is a good lesson to learn.

3. International Taxation: Oversee cross-border tax laws which include transfer pricing, and global tax treaties. Analyze the nature of cross-border trade and draft strategies for tax optimization measures.

4. Economic Laws: It is the legal setting where the economic activities including competition law, intellectual property rights and foreign trade regulations should be studied. Learn the liability part of contractual issues, arbitration and bankruptcy.

5. Global Financial Reporting Standards (G-FRS): International accounting standards convergence will be a focus level; know enough about IFRS and its impact on business financial processes.

6. Multidisciplinary Case Study: The purpose of the exercise is to build on and utilize the knowledge you gained in the other CA courses to arrive at solutions in cases where you are required to integrate concepts from different subjects to analyze complex business problems.

Identifying the appropriate course to choose can, in part, be due to you presenting your professional ambitions and your spontaneity among other career considerations. Remember your strengths that exist now and may, if desirable, develop your talents as well as specializations within the areas of work of the CA professional.

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CA Important Books

Below mentioned are some of the important and helpful books that will surely help you in your CA preparation. These books are vetted as per their current popularity amongst CA aspirants in India, their ability to clear and concisely deliver the concepts, etc.

CA Foundation



Accounting Principles and Practices"Accounting Simplified" by T.S. Grewal
-"Financial Accounting - Theory & Practice" by S.N. Maheshwari & S.K. Gupta
Business Laws and Business Correspondence"Business Law" by R.C. Ahuja & Vivek Ahuja
-"Effective Business Communication" by R.K. Singh & Suresh Kumar
Business Mathematics, Logical Reasoning & Statistics"Mathematics for CA Foundation" by Manish Goel & Sharad Sharma
-"Logical Reasoning & Statistics" by A.K. Sinha
Business Economics and Commercial Knowledge"Business Economics" by V.K. Ahuja
-"Commercial Knowledge" by S.K. Gupta & Mamta Gupta

CA Intermediate



Advanced Accounting"Advanced Accounting" by P.C. Tulsian & P.K. Tulsian
-"Accounting Standards & IFRS" by S.N. Maheshwari & Suneel Maheshwari
Corporate Law and Capital Markets"Corporate Law" by Munish Bhandari & Swapnil Pathak
-"Securities Law & Capital Markets" by V.K. Gupta & Rachana Agarwal
Taxation"Income Tax" by Vinod Gupta & Vikas Gupta
-"GST - Theory & Practice" by Bimal Jain
Auditing and Assurance Standards"Auditing & Assurance" by R.K. Gupta & M.K. Jain
-"SA & CAR for CA-Intermediate" by Parveen Sharma & S.K. Gupta
Strategic Financial Management and Cost Management"Financial Management" by I.M. Pandey
-"Cost Management" by Ashish K. Gupta
Information Technology and Systems"IT & Systems for CA-Intermediate" by Sunil Gupta & Meenu Gupta
-"Computer Applications for CA" by P.K. Sinha & Preeti Sinha

CA Final



Advanced Corporate Law and Professional Ethics"Advanced Corporate Law" by Rajesh C. Arora
-"Professional Ethics & Values" by D.R. Arora
Direct Tax Laws (Advanced) and International Taxation"Advanced Income Tax Planning" by Vinod Kumar Gupta & Vikas Kumar Gupta
-"International Taxation" by Amitabh Singh & Pankaj Jain
Indirect Tax Laws (Advanced) and Goods and Service Tax (GST)"Advanced GST & Customs Laws" by Bimal Jain & Bimal Jain
-"Indirect Tax Laws & Practice" by V.K. Mittal
Financial Management and Valuation"Investment Management" by I.M. Pandey
-"Valuation & Financial Modeling" by Ashish K. Gupta
Elective SubjectsChoose from specialised books based on your chosen elective
-Risk Management: "Risk Management in Financial Institutions" by M.N. Arora & Ritu Arora
-Financial Services and Capital Markets: "Investment Banking & Financial Services" by Ashok Sahoo
-International Taxation: "International Tax Planning" by Girish Ahuja & Amitabh Singh
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CA Course Structure

The CA course in India is structured into three levels: Beginner, Elementary, and Proficiency levels, each with its own standardized tests and criteria.

CA Foundation:

Eligibility: Attained Class 12 with at least 50% marks(general) or 45% (SC/ST/OBC).
Duration: 6 months

Accounting Principles and Practices
Business Rules and Business Communication
The areas of Business Mathematics, Logical Reasoning & Statistics.
Business Economics and Market Skill

Emphasis: Boosts a career which is built on accounting, business, and communication competencies.

CA Intermediate:

Eligibility: The CA Foundation exam has been cleared.
Duration: 10 months

Group 1: Paper 1 (Accounting), Paper 2 (Corporate & Other Laws), Paper 3 (Cost and Management Accounting), Paper 4 (Taxation)
Group 2: Paper 5 (Advanced Accounting), Paper 6 (Audit and Assurance), Paper 7 (Financial Management), Paper 8 (Information Technology and Systems).

Emphasis: Enriches ideas about main accounting, taxation and finance theories.

CA Final:

Eligibility: CA Inter cleared
Duration: 8 months

Group 1: Subject 1 (Financial Reporting), Subject 2 (Strategic Financial Management & Valuation), Subject 3 (Corporate and Economic Laws), Subject 4 (Professional Ethics)
Group 2: Note-5 (Advanced Auditing & Professional Ethics), Note-6 (Taxation Planning & Advanced Direct Taxes), Note-7 (Direct Tax Laws & International Taxation), Note-8 (Indirect Tax Laws & GST)

Emphasis: Dives deep into finance, taxation, and audit areas.

Additional Requirements:

Articleship Training: 3 years of on the job training in CA office.
Continuing Professional Education (CPE): Continued instruciton and development to ensure professional growth.

The CA exam is challenging but in the end it opens the door for a successful and respected career. The organized curriculum guarantees students acquire the groundwork in accounting, finance, management, and business that they can apply in their careers.

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FAQs about CA Syllabus

What is the CA Foundation Syllabus?

The CA Foundation Syllabus covers four major topics like Accounting Principles and Practices, Business Laws with Communication, Quantitative Skills (which has Logical Thinking & Statistics), and Business Economics plus Commercial Insights. It provides you with the basics of accounting, knowledge of the business law, ability to analyse things and an understanding of business ideas.

Is CA easy after B Com?

CA might not be simpler following B Com, but it does build a strong base. In B.Com you study similar subjects such as accounting and finance, which helps to grasp the important ideas earlier. However, CA goes more into depth with increased complexity. You will find it beneficial to know the basics but you will also encounter new difficult content and tests. So, while BCom helps, prepare for a significant step up in difficulty.

Which is the toughest CA Subject?

Many people consider Audit to be the most difficult subject in Chartered Accountancy, especially at the Intermediate stage. Its broad range includes topics such as internal controls, evaluating risks and extensive audit processes. To succeed, it is important to understand the ideas well and know how to use them in different situations. Practising often and looking at old test papers are very helpful for getting better at this difficult topic.

Which CA level has the lengthiest Syllabus?

The CA Intermediate level usually has the longest syllabus. It goes more into detail on basic accounting rules and brings in complex topics such as internal controls and managing costs. Subjects such as Corporate Laws increase the amount of work because they have many complicated rules. Although it is challenging, this detailed base gets you ready for the higher level of CA Final.

What is CA Education?

CA education is a 3 - 5 years of professional certification offered by the ICAI institute in India for candidates to become a certified Chartered Accountant. The course contains three levels that are mandatory to pass along with the completion of 3 years of articled training period to earn the CA charter in India. It is a worldwide recognised accounting, taxation and auditing course that attracts a very high annual salary when compared to other similar jobs.

What is the best optional subject to choose during CA?

Optional subject for CA varies from one aspirant to another as it depends on your career goals. If you aim for international exposure, then look at International Taxation or the Global Financial Reporting Standards (GFRS). Alongside Financial Reporting and Accounts, GFRS is the perfect foundation in accounting. If you have a legal inclination then go ahead with Economic laws. Finally, choose what you like best and think will be good for your future profession.

Which CA level syllabus is toughest?

Often, students find the CA Intermediate to be very challenging because it has a large syllabus with much detail. Subjects such as Audit that include topics like internal control and assessing risks, along with Corporate Laws which have many complex rules, require one to understand concepts well and they can be difficult to become skilled at. Moreover, this stage teaches learners about subjects such as Cost and Management Accounting. This involves using accounting rules to examine expenses and make important choices, increasing the study load even more.

Can we do CA without maths?

Yes, maths is not compulsory to pursue the CA course in India. You can complete your 12th in any stream with a minimum aggregate percentage of 50% to be eligible for the CA course. However, you will need to have strong calculation and basic maths skills to solve various numerical problems in accounting, taxation, and finance at various levels of the CA course.

How many subjects are in CA?

Chartered Accountancy or CA course has a total of 19 subjects spread across 3 levels i.e. Foundation (4 subjects), Intermediate (8 subjects in 2 groups), and Final (8 subjects in 2 groups). 

What is the syllabus for CA?

The CA Syllabus is very broad, including many topics such as financial accounting, cost accounting, auditing, taxes, company laws and business finance. It's a difficult program but it readies you for different jobs in the fields of accounting, finance and managing a business. The course plan seeks to create versatile experts who understand accounting rules, legal structures, and how to make strategic choices.

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