
Sushant University Scholarships 2025 - Details, Eligibility, Amount

LocationGurgaon (Haryana)
Updated on - Nov 21, 2024 10:54 AM IST

Sushant University / Ansal University Scholarship Facilities

To attract bright and meritorious students to various programmes of Ansal University, scholarship schemes have been devised. There are also the schemes aimed at helping students who are unable to afford the fees due to financial constraints. This documents includes a note on fee structure and all the scholarship schemes including the eligibility criteria to be eligible for them.

Fee Structure

The fee structure is the basis of awarding scholarships. These are defined as percentage of either the Tuition Fee or the Total Fee. The Fee Structure is as defined in the prospectus as per following guidelines:

(a)For Students Resident in India:As per the fee structure published every year



For Foreign Nationals (Except SAARC Countries)/ NRIs/ OCIs: Students from SAARC Countries (Except Nepal):

1.5 Times of the Fee applicable to those residents in India

Same as applicable to those residents in India

(d)Students from Nepal:Same as applicable to those residents in India but treating one Indian Rupee
equal to one Nepali Rupee

Entry Level Scholarships (at the time of admissions): All students (except those from Nepal) are eligible, subject to criteria specified below:

ProgrammeQualifying ExaminationEntrance ExaminationSibling of existing/past students of AU/AIT***
All Undergraduate≥ 95%100% of Tuition Fee

Nata Score* ≥ 75%

IIT-JEE Main* ≥25000

100% of Tuition Fee10% of Tuition Fee
90% to 94.99%75% of Tuition FeeIIT-JEE Main* 25001-5000075% of Tuition Fee
85% to 89.99%50% of Tuition FeeIIT-JEE Main* 50001-10000050% of Tuition Fee
80% to 84.99%25% of Tuition FeeIIT-JEE Main* Qualified25% of Tuition Fee


Post Graduate Programmes

≥ 90%100% of Tuition FeeMAT Score** ≥700 CAT/XAT** ≥75 Percentile Composite Score100% of Tuition Fee10% of Tuition Fee
85% to 89.99%75% of Tuition Fee

MAT Score** 650-699

CAT/XAT** 70-75 Percentile Composite Score

75% of Tuition Fee
80% to 84.99%50% of Tuition Fee

MAT Score** 600-649

CAT/XAT** 65-70 Percentile Composite Score

50% of Tuition Fee
75% to 79.99%25% of Tuition Fee--


*The criteria mentioned based on the Entrance Examinations are subject to securing a minimum of 75% score in qualifying examination.

**The criteria mentioned based on the Entrance Examinations are subject to securing a minimum of 60% score in qualifying examination. We may include scores of NEET and NCHM after getting more details.

***In case of siblings, only one of them with higher fee will be eligible.

Entry level scholarships will be applicable for first semester only and will be as a percentage of tuition fee. Therefore, it is to be noted that any scholarship granted at the time of admissions does not guarantee the continuation of the same in the subsequent semesters. Please refer to Section 3 of this policy for scholarships from second semester onwards.

Lateral/migration students are not eligible for the entry level scholarships.

Students from Nepal are not eligible for entry level scholarships.

Merit-based scholarships for UG and PG programmes (second semester onwards)

Scholarship after first semester (i.e. second semester onwards) shall be awarded based on academic performance during the previous semester and other eligibility conditions which are as follows:

(a)SGPA ≥9.5 in the previous semester:100% of the tuition fee in the semester
(b)SGPA 9.0-9.49 in the previous semester:75% of the tuition fee in the semester



SGPA 8.5-8.99 in the previous semester: SGPA 8.0-8.49 in the previous semester:50% of the tuition fee in the semester 25% of the tuition fee in the semester

Based on the eligibility mentioned above, the merit-based scholarships shall be awarded subject to following limits:

  • Maximum 10 students in order of merit in a programme with batch size of 60 or more on-roll students
  • Maximum 5 students in order of merit in a program with batch size of 30 to 59 on-roll students
  • Maximum 2 students in order of merit in a program with batch size of 10 to 30 on-roll students
  • NIL students if the on-roll students in a batch are less than 10.
  • If there is a conflict while drawing the merit due to multiple students having same SGPA, it can be resolved by calculating SGPA up to three decimal points. If still not resolved, the amount of scholarship available for that rank will be distributed equally among number of students securing that rank.

Additional Conditions applicable for grant of merit-based scholarships:

  • The percentage of scholarships will be calculated on tuition fee only
  • Students should not have been debarred from taking end-semester examinations due to short attendance in the previous semester.
  • The student should have passed all the examinations in first attempt in previous semester.
  • The student should not have been involved in any act of indiscipline or any police case inside or outside the University during his/her period of studies at AU, till the scholarships are decided.
  • If a student is not eligible for scholarship in a semester, he/she can be eligible in subsequent semester(s) subject to fulfilling all the conditions except (d) above under “Additional Conditions”.
  • Lateral entry/ migration students will not be eligible for merit-based scholarships until they complete one semester at AU and fulfill all the conditions mentioned herein. For example, if a student joins AU at the beginning of 3rd semester, he/ she can become eligible for merit based scholarship only during the 4th semester based on academic performance in 3rd semester and fulfilling other conditions.
  • If these scholarships are not finalized before the date of payment of the semester fee, the students will be required to pay full fee and if he/ she is granted scholarship, the amount will be adjusted against the fee of next semester or be refunded (in case of final semester students).
  • Students from Nepal will not be eligible for these scholarships due to their special fee structure.
  • Haryana domicile Fee Concession (Applicable to both UG and PG Programmes)
  • The fee concession to the students of Ansal University will be awarded on the basis of merit-cum- means and shall be awarded to 25% of students who are domicile of Haryana in accordance with Haryana Private Universities Act, 2006. The fee concession shall be as per Clause No. 36 (2) of the Act which states that;
  • The fee structure for the 25% of total intake of students who are domicile of Haryana shall be based on merit cum means as follows:
  • One Fifth of the twenty five percent shall be granted full (100%) fee concession
  • Two fifth of the Twenty Five Percent shall be granted fifty percent (50%) Fee Concession
  • The balance two fifth of the twenty five percent shall be granted twenty Five percent (25%) fee concession
  • The actual expenses on account of the fee concessions for all the programmes running under Ansal University would be provided for, after completion of the admission process each year based on actual number of enrolments.
  • Notwithstanding the fee concessions, all candidates selected for admission will have to deposit their fee as per clause 2 of the Ordinance 6 to secure their admission. On grant of fee concessions, if at all, by the Fee Concession/Fellowship/ Scholarship Committee, the fee concession amount will be refunded/or adjusted against subsequent semester fee.
  • Fee concessions shall be granted to admitted students in the First year on the basis of the performance in the merit cum-means list of the concerned programme and in the later years on the basis of their satisfactory academic performance during the course of study and as per the conditions laid down.

Application Process for Fee Concession

  • Interested eligible candidates shall submit their application in the prescribed form along with the required proofs on or before the last date notified each year by the University at the Commencement of the Academic session. Applications received after the last date will not be considered.
  • Candidate along with parents may be called for interaction with the Committee to help in assessment of the financial position. Failure of parents to come can invalidate the application and/or delay the disbursement if at all applicable.
  • Applicability & Continuity of Fee Concession
  • 1. Haryana domicile Fee Concession is applicable to both UG and PG Programmes.
  • 2. This fee concession is awarded on “merit-cum-means” basis. Merit will be considered as the first criteria followed by means.
  • Must meet the eligibility criteria for continuation of registration in terms of relevant Ordinance
  • on “Course Credit Regulation and Grading System” and promotion and pass in all the courses.
  • Must meet the attendance criteria of Ansal University as per relevant Ordinance and should not be debarred from taking the examinations due to shortage of attendance.
  • Must not have been suspended for any grave act of indiscipline as decided by the Disciplinary Committee of the Ansal University in terms of relevant Ordinance
  • There should not have been any case of use of Unfair Means in examinations.No case of ragging against the applicant.
  • Fee concession shall be reviewed yearly. In case the family income surpass the minimum prescribed limit, the scholarship will be withdrawn.
  • Lateral/Migration entry admission shall not be considered for Haryana Domicile fee concession Students should pass all subjects in the first attempt in order to continue to get the scholarship.
  • Candidate whose parents’ annual income is above 6 lakhs shall not be eligible for fee concession in Haryana Domicile category.
  • Once a student is placed under a category of scholarship as mentioned in clause 4.1 and is eligible for continuation, he/ she cannot move to a higher category (percentage of fee concession).

General Notes:

A student will be eligible to avail only one type of scholarship/ fee concession out of the ones mentioned in this policy.

The percentage of aggregate marks for the purpose of calculating eligibility for a programme or for the purpose of ascertaining the eligibility for scholarships will include all the subjects taken by a student in class 10+2 that are considered for calculating the results/ SGPA.

Wherever the results have been given based on CGPA on different scales, it will be converted to a 10- point scale or percentage (out of 100) for the purpose of ascertaining the eligibility criteria.

If a student intends to avail any other scholarship/ financial assistance from other central/ state Government or non-Governmental agencies in India or abroad, which is less than the scholarship amount he/ she is awarded by AU, the amount received from external agencies will be deducted from the amount receivable from AU. It is the responsibility of the student to inform AU authorities about such external scholarship/ financial aid (whatever name it might have) and submit relevant documents related to the same. If any such information is concealed by the students, it will be treated as misrepresentation of facts.

The schemes may be changed for subsequent batches.

Scholarships based on Admission/ Scholarship Tests Conducted by Schools of the University

Schools of AU may conduct their own admission/ scholarship tests to attract meritorious students. Based on the performance in such tests, the following scholarships may be awarded:



Performance in TestScholarshipNumber of ScholarshipsRemarks
1.Score ≥ 95%

100% waiver of fee payable to Foreign Institutional Partners like UoW, AUB and others


100% tuition fee waiver for first Semester

Up to 2Subject to securing 75% and 60% for UG and PG admissions respectively

Score 90% -


75% tuition fee waiver for first SemesterUp to 2Subject to securing 75% and 60% for UG and PG admissions respectively

Score 85% -


50% tuition fee waiver for first SemesterUp to 3Subject to securing 75% and 60% for UG and PG admissions respectively

Score 80% -


25% tuition fee waiver for first SemesterUp to 4Subject to securing 75% and 60% for UG and PG admissions respectively


  • These are one time scholarships
  • Since there may be multiple tests conducted by a School, each of the above scholarships may not be awarded for each of the tests conducted. The average scores of a test will guide the decision. The scholarships will be recommended by the Dean concerned and will be approved by the Vice Chancellor. However, the number of scholarships for a programme during the year will be as per limits specified.
  • The Dean concerned will ensure that the tests are of good standard in line with national level tests conducted by testing agencies.
  • This is applicable for admissions in 2024 and may change for subsequent years.

Fee Structure and Scholarships for Students from Nepal

The following fee structure and scholarship policy will be applicable to students from Nepal:

The fee payable by students from Nepal will be as applicable to students resident in India in nominal terms. However, they can pay it in Indian Rupees equivalent to those many Nepali Rupees. For example, if the fee for a programme of Ansal University is Rs 2,00,000, they will be required to pay 2,00,000 Nepali Rupees in Indian Rupees equivalent.

  • Since this applies to fee for all programmes including hostel fee for the entire duration of the programme concerned, these students will not be eligible for any other scholarships.
  • To continue to avail the special fee, they need to fulfill all other criteria for admissions and academic criteria as per regulations.
  • The special fee benefit may be withdrawn if these students are found involved in any act of indiscipline inside or outside the University and/ or use of Unfair Means during any examinations, as defined in various regulations and guidelines of the University.
  • This is applicable to students seeking admission in 2024 and may change for subsequent batches.

Special Scholarships and Policy on Wards of J&K Migrants

Special Scholarships

  • 1% of total intake in academic session 2024-20 can be granted special scholarships by the management based on student's financial background, academic excellence, achievements in sports and co-curricular activity, if duly recommended by the committee appointed by the Vice Chancellor from time to time.
  • Wards/ Spouses of Employees working in any School/ Department of AU/API/CCT will be granted fee concession of 20% of tuition fee. The status of such students will be confirmed by the Dean concerned from the Head of the School/ Department of AU/ API/ CCT where the parent is working, before renewal of such scholarship every semester.

Reservation and Relaxation to Wards of J & K Migrants

  • The Kashmiri migrant’s wards will be provided following concessions, in observance of UGC communication D.O. No, F.1-1/2012 (SA-III) dated 13 March, 2015 and D.O. No F.1- 13/2010 CPP-II) dated 23 March 2015:
  • Relaxation in cut-off percentage up to 10% subject to minimum eligibility requirements.
  • Two supernumerary seats in each programme or 5% increase in intake capacity course wise shall be provided.
  • At least one seat in merit quota shall be reserved in all schools of study in the university.
  • Wards of Kashmiri migrant will not be required to submit domicile at the time of admission.

Referral Policy

  • Referral by current students and alumni of any academic institution is the best recognition of the quality of education it imparts. Therefore, the current Students/Alumni of Ansal University are encouraged to refer candidates for admission to various programmes offered by the University.
  • Any current student of AU can refer a maximum of two candidates in 2024.
  • The final decision of the admission will be taken by Dean of concerned School with the approval of Vice Chancellor.
  • The referee has to carry a hard copy of Ansal University admission form duly signed by the referrer and referee himself. These will be pre-numbered forms available in the office of Dean concerned. Such forms will be signed by both the Dean and Admission Coordinator of the School concerned.
  • The referrer will be rewarded for referral as follows:
For Programmes having Tuition Fee of <1.25 Lakhs per annumFor Programmes having Tuition Fee of >1.25 Lakhs per annum
AlumniPay Rs 20,000 by ChequePay Rs 30,000 by Cheque
Current studentAdjust Rs 15,000 against feeAdjust Rs 20,000 against fee
payable or pay Rs.15,000 bypayable or pay Rs 20,000 by
Cheque if entire programmeCheque if entire programme
fee already paid by him/herfee already paid by him/ her


The referred students will not be the siblings of student/ alumni

The referred student should not currently studying at AU

The incentives will be paid only after the referred student has paid the second semester fee.


  • In continuation of recognition for excellence in academics at AU, it has been decided to provide concession to current students/ alumni of Ansal University with a waiver of 20% of the first semester tuition fee for admission to Post Graduate programmes of AU in the session 2024-20.
  • However, such students/ alumni should not have any backlog in their qualifying examination at the time of applying for admission and should not have been involved in any act on indiscipline while at AU.

Sushant University Scholarship - Highlights

ScholarshipsMerit-based up to 100% (Class 12: 95% and above, JEE Main: rank 1-25,000); Haryana domicile scholarship up to 100% on "Merit-cum-Means basis"
Education LoanTie-ups with over 10+ leading Banks & NBFCs
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Related Questions

what is the fee for dmlt course?
-Himanshu -Updated on June-28-20231 Answers

Saniya Pahwa, Content Team

-Answered on June-28-2023

Dear Himanshu,

Sushant University does not offer a Diploma in Medical Lab Technology (DMLT) course. However, it offers a similar course namely its B.Sc in Medical Lab Technology course. It is a Lateral Entry course and the duration is 4 years. The basic eligibility criteria for this course is passing class 12 with at least 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and, Biology. The Sushant University fee for this course is Rs 1.8 lakh. 

Hope this helped! In case of any queries, please feel free to contact us!


Diksha Nautiyal, Content Team

-Answered on May-27-2020

Dear Student, 

In order to be considered eligible for B.Sc. Opthalmology/ Ophthalmic Technology, you must have studied Biology, Physics and Chemistry as compulsory subjects in Class 12. Since your subject combination was PCM instead of PCB, you will not be considered eligible. To know more about B.Sc Opthalmology course criteria, Click Here.


Jayita Ekka, Content Team

-Answered on July-31-2017

Dear student,

Ansal University offers all its medical courses in multi-speciality hospitals. AU has a collaboration with Max Institute of Health Education & Research (MIHER), where MIHER brings together these courses in such a manner that helps the students in practicing the necessary changes in an evolving health care. 


Sushant University QnA

Who are excluded from the scholarships at Ansal University, Gurgaon?

Candidates availing any other scholarship/fee concession from Ansal University will be excluded from the scholarships. Also, student already availing benefit of any government scheme/support and those gaining admission through special approval from Vice-Chancellor cannot apply for the same.

How can I avail a scholarship at Ansal University, Gurgaon?

One can avail a scholarship by applying online for any of the scholarships offered by Ansal University, Gurgaon.

Can the Ansal University, Gurgaon scholarships availed only once?

Yes, scholarships offered at Ansal University, Gurgaon can be availed only once.

Are there any scholarships for girl students at Ansal University, Gurgaon?

There are no exclusive scholarship schemes for girl applications. All the available scholarship opportunities at Ansal University, Gurgaon are open for both girls and boys.

What is the eligibility of merit-based scholarship at Ansal University, Gurgaon?

To be able to apply for scholarships at Ansal University, Gurgaon, one must meet the eligibility criteria for the selected programme.

What are the types of scholarships offered at Ansal University, Gurgaon?

There are various types of scholarship schemes offered by Ansal University, Gurgaon which are entry Level Scholarship and Merit Based Scholarship for UG & PG Programmes, Haryana Domicile Fee Concession, Fee Structure and Scholarships for Students from Nepal and Special Scholarships for Students from J&K and North East. For both UG and PG programmes, 25%-100% of first year tuition fees is covered through the scholarship schemes depending upon the merit of the candidate in the qualifying exam and entrance exam. Schools of the university may conduct individual scholarship tests to award meritoriuous candidates.
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