Overall: Don't have to say anything, just read the links below and one with potential will know never come to this university, only corrupt people should come here. https://arunachaltimes.in/index.php/2018/07/27/serious-anomalies-revealed-as-apus-can-of-worms-bursts-open/ https://indiankanoon.org/doc/97436014/ https://www.sangaiinternationaluniversity.net/about.php https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.business-standard.com/amp/article/pti-stories/chancellor-of-private-varsity-arrested-114031301297_1.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/indianexpress.com/article/india/india-others/11-named-in-chargesheet-against-cmj-varsity-that-gave-away-434-phds-in-one-year/lite/ https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=709383700774097
Placement: No companies come for placement into this universities because this is a fake university at one corner of India and nobody is coming to check this university even UGC does not come or AICTE it does not come
Infrastructure: No infrastructure, no curriculum, no pedagogy. Anything that chancellor babaji says is done. No proper faculty or classes. Unnecessary fines, taken without receipt.fake faculty on register, comes when pci comes to visit.
Faculty: Faculty keeps changing every semester and no one stage in the university. All good faculties leave and only bad faculties stay back. No regular classes and no regular labs are conducted. Fake faculties come on the date of PCI inspection.
Hostel: No hostel is there in the university. So one has to arrange for any place near the university. No proper food or canteen facility is there in the university.
Overall: My collage are a most beautiful infrastructure and most importantly my inspiration of this university are a very special for my life and take a moment and this life to make this university.
B.J.S. Rampuria jain Law College