
BPC bangalore Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

LocationBengaluru (Karnataka)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 01:30 PM IST

BPC bangalore Overall Rating

(Based on 1 reviews)
Infrastructure 5.0/5
Placement 5.0/5
Hostel 5.0/5
Faculty 5.0/5
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It doesn't matter if it's good or bad, as long as it's honest and true.

What students says about BPC bangalore

  • The course provided by the college is good.
  • The faculty is good.
  • The syllabus and exam procedure is very well compared to any other college.
  • The extra curriculum activities are awesome.
  • The placement cell of our college always try to call the companies to make interviews.
  • The only negative mark is about the college hostel food.

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

BPC bangalore Reviews

Excellent college in the district
By Jagadish mandal | D. Pharmacy | 2024
February 19, 2024 11:13:42

Overall: The college is awesome and the lecture and all the staff manegement are very communicable and very friendly I never forget the college memories and I'll always love my college

Placement: The bapuji pharmacy college have good placements in big and respectful hospitals and other Pharma companies just have to work hard for the placements and then we can found an good jobs..

Infrastructure: The infrastructure and the management of this college is totally good and awesome if you're looking for a good and quality college this is the one of them......

Faculty: The faculty and the management staffs are very good and cooperative their are the most educated and qualified staffs the faculty was very good nd nice..

Hostel: The hostel is also good and the mess food is Lil bit better but the hostel is very good and the hostel ground and all the things in the hostel is very good..








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