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BVJNIOT Pune Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

  • 1 Reviews
    Pune (Maharashtra)
  • Private
  • Approved by : Mahashtra state board.
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BVJNIOT Pune Overall Rating

(Based on 1 reviews)
Infrastructure 5.0/5
Placements 5.0/5
Faculty 5.0/5
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BVJNIOT Pune Reviews

About the faculty and infrastructure of college
By Harshal badgujar
Feb 09, 2024 0:30:30

Overall: Bharti Vidyapeeth College in Pune offers a diverse range of academic programs and has a vibrant campus life. The faculty members are knowledgeable and supportive, providing students with valuable insights and guidance. The infrastructure is well-maintained, with modern facilities and resources to enhance the learning experience. The college also encourages extracurricular activities, fostering holistic development among students. Overall, Bharti Vidyapeeth College in Pune provides a conducive environment for academic growth and personal development

Placement: I had a great experience in my college days but as I was an average boy so I could not get selected for the campus placement but there are many big companies who visited our college and they got placed too

Infrastructure: College infrastructure is good and the surrounding is also good I have enjoyed my college life very much in the beautiful surroundings of college and it was really a great experience.

Faculty: I would like to rate about the teaching staff 7 out of 10 I was regular in college but still I could not get what the teacher were teaching and non teaching staff were frndly

Hostel: Hostel rooms are tiny but they are neat and clean and the food provided both time is up to date I never realised that I am leaving for from home I loved there service very much








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