
Calcutta Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Allied Health Sciences Reviews & Rating - Student, Faculty, Hostel, Placements, Campus

LocationHowrah (West Bengal)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 01:30 PM IST

Calcutta Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Allied Health Sciences Overall Rating

(Based on 3 reviews)
Infrastructure 4.5/5
Placement 5.0/5
Hostel 4.5/5
Faculty 5.0/5
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What students says about Calcutta Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Allied Health Sciences

  • Admission is based on WBSCTE exam
  • The college provides a soothing atmosphere perfect for studying and learning
  • The college has highly qualified and skilled teachers
  • The college provides job opportunities in various companies
  • The highest package offered till now is 10 Lacs p.a.
  • In first few days, one may have problems like food and drinking water

Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc

Calcutta Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Allied Health Sciences Reviews

Beginning of journey as being a pharmacist
By Sahil Sk | Diploma in Pharmacy | 2021
February 19, 2024 09:59:32

Overall: College is quite good because of it's rules and regulations. On the staring of college we face difficulty because of late admission and late addmission isn't our fault it is because of government of West Bengal,but now every thing is all right and run smoothly also it is ragging free and full of friendly teacher are present. According to me it is a best college i ever see

Placement: After my college end we lots placement to all over the india and also some other countries. Our college will give us full support for any types of placement. Placement companies like Cipla, Apollo, Pharmacy,Netmed, MedPlus

Infrastructure: One the infrastructure is present in this college . Almost everything is present in this college,from instrument to lab, Good and teachers to lab assistant professor,for every class a special room and lab , they still developing everything

Faculty: Faculties are good enough, Every professor are so professional and skilled except some newbie teacher and assistant so it not so bad but we are okay they develop there skill for us for better understanding

Hostel: For boys there is a hostel available, I am not in hostel but I heard that hostel quite good in affordable price,and there also a cantine available and it's located 5 min far from main college








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Overall knowledge of college from first year to last year
By Suman Chowdhury | Bachelor in Pharmacy | 2018
March 24, 2018 09:18:01

Overall: I am Suman Chowdhury.i am final year student of this college. I am specially thank full our director debnath sir and vice principal Majumder sir. Majumder sir and manas sir, r.n pal sir, shamal sir they solve our problems. Deepak sir, pahari sir they specially help our project. Drug relative seminar also organised in our college which developed our knowledge. Various types of sports are organised like cricket,cram are organised. Specially our library is best because various type of book are taken without any problem and librarian are helpful and helps to find out our best book for reference book purposes. Our college canteen are served good food with normal range.our semester fees also our control level 42000-43000 per sem. Our college infrastructure is also developed by our new management.All overall the college is best compare to other pharmaceutical college because teacher teaches students like a friend this is the best part in this college and they contain a high degree like dr degree.

Placement: Placement is the main part of our college life. Previous year they not serve any good company but now our new placement incharge Deepak sir, nilajan pahari sir serve best placement for our students. They give 95 percent placement in this year it is true. Because Nestle company, omec, Macloid, marketing and production company comes and various student get the job.omec give 9 person job journal purpose up 12 students. Salary 24000 and shift Hyderabad. And mecloid company give production good salary 11000 and after training period 16000 per month. This college also give hospital job desun hospital 5 student.

Infrastructure: Our Calcutta institute of pharmaceutical technology and allied health sciences college not a good infrastructur. But our new management and new vice principal and new director they develop our college infrastructure. But our classroom and labroom are stylish and neat and clean

Faculty: Our faculty member shamal sir, r.n pal sir, balaram sir etc they always help our student. And they have good attitude. Our faculty member are helpful and solve our problem immediately and they hair our problem and try to solve this.

Hostel: Our hostel are neat and clean. They serve good food and water. Bathroom are also good. Our hostel fees are also our range. Our hostel is short distance from our college campus. Current are always available.








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Practical performance and laboratory performance and equipment availability
By Suman Chowdhury | Bachelor in Pharmacy | 2018
March 24, 2018 09:18:01

Overall: Practical equipment are available in lab but sometimes problem through some equipment like digital balance. They are very important equipment in pharmaceutical college but this is a big problem in our college. But now its available. Practical notebook and handling is maintained continuously and vatious type of practical experts like jana sir, shamal sir, hiranmay pariya sir, manas sir are give our practical best performance.

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