Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc
Overall: Overall: If you want to do something in your life than choose best course and choose nest colleges and C. E.R.T. college is best for you. Placement: 101% placement give by our college to all students. All students who are doing any course after completing the course our college give placements to all. Infrastructure: C. E.R.T. have best infrastructure from other colleges. Faculty: our college has best and more time gate exam qualify teachers and they give more knowledge to their students Hostel: Best facilities gibe in hostel from our college
Overall: If you want to do something in your life than choose best course and choose nest colleges and C. E.R.T. college is best for you.
Placement: 101% placement give by our college to all students. All students who are doing any course after completing the course our college give placements to all.
Infrastructure: C. E.R.T. have best infrastructure from other colleges.
Faculty: our college has best and more time gate exam qualify teachers and they give more knowledge to their students
Hostel: Best facilities gibe in hostel from our college
Overall: Here you can get best education. All faculties are excellent in education and have good behavior. All syllabus is completed at right time. The best college suggested for engineering and other course.
Lourdes Matha College of Science and Technology
IIT Roorkee