It is located at Anjarakandy Integrated Campus, 15 km. away from Kannur, Kerala, where many excellent centers of professional education, including Medical College, Dental College, Engineering College, Nursing College/School, Paramedical Institute, etc., are based. A well-equipped and modern Super Speciality Hospital is also functioning in the same Campus. The Campus spread over an area of 220 acre, known as ‘Cinnamon Green Belt’, with imposing buildings, healthy and unpolluted environment and magnificent infrastructure. Kannur is well connected by road and rail. An international airport, very near to the Campus, is expected to start soon. Within a short span of its inception, Anjarakandy Campus has made its mark in the field of medical education and quality health care.
Mohali (Punjab)
Indore (Madhya Pradesh)
Mohali (Punjab)
Namakkal (Tamil Nadu)
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Yashodeep Institute of Pharmacy