College Provides to free Bus facility .
Ganesh College of engineering is a residential college and provides accommodation to students wishing to reside in hostel. The hostel is an independent unit in respect to its internal administration under the overall supervision of the council of wardens and hostel management.
The hostel provides affordable accommodation and has a beautiful landscape and carefully tended gardens. It provides an ideal environment for a congenial living experience. Each room in the hostel is provided with a cot, a table, a chair, a bookshelf and a ceiling fan.
The mess attached to the hostel provides sumptuous food to suit the taste of students of various states. It works an dividing system, the menu being finalised by the hostel representatives. Smoking, consumption of alcoholic drugs and use of any drugs is strictly prohibited and punishable.
National Service Scheme popularly known as NSS, the scheme was launched in Gandhiji Centenary year, 1969 and aimed at developing student’s personality through community service. The overall objective of National Service is Educational. This objective is attained through the service to the community.
The overall objective of NSS is Personality Development through community service.
Understand the community in which they work
Understand themselves in relation to their community
Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving process.
Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility
Utilize their knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community problems
Develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities
Gain skills in mobilizing community participation
Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude
Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disaster and
Practice national integration and social harmony
Under this, students undertake various need based programmes in the adopted villages, College Campuses and Urban slums during weekends or after college hours.
One NSS unit consists of 100 student volunteers guided by one Programme Officer who will be a faculty member. The Programme Officer is expected to motivate the student youth to understand the values and philosophy of NSS. The overall functions of Programme Officer are to help the students to plan, implement and evaluate the activities of NSS under his/her charge and give proper guidance and directions to the student volunteers.
Ganesh College of Engineering
The activities under NSS are two-fold, viz.,
Regular Activities which are undertaken during the working days of the semester and
Special Camping activities for 10 days duration in the adopted villages / Urban slum during vocation.
Each NSS unit in the college is expected to adopt a near by village/slum and work for its all round development. Regular Activities and Special Camp should preferably be organized in the adopted village/rural unit/slum for this purpose
The Youth Red Cross (YRC) is the most important constituent of its mother organization, Indian Red Cross .It is a group movement organized for students in colleges and Technical institutions.
It is a non-religious, non-political and non-sectarian International body. Regardless of either frontiers or race, the Red Cross remains a voluntary organization and also an independent one having considerable welfare activities to its credit. It is the biggest relief organization in the world with two hundred million members and tens of thousands of employees.
A qualified Professor is recognized as the leader and he is called the programme Officer.The students are trained and encouraged to manage the affairs of the group and elect their own office-bearers.
The YRC movement is based on the following three principles:
Protection of health and life
Service to the sick and suffering
Promotion of national and international friendship, to develop the mental and moral capacities of the youth.
Youth peer Programme.
AIDS awareness programme.
BLOOD Donation Camp.
Road Safety Programme.
Personality Development Programme.
Assistant Professor,CSE
Ganesh College of Engineering
Red Ribbon clubs are envisaged to instill among all the students in the educational institutions values of service, develop healthy life styles, and increase access to safe and adequate quantities of blood to all the needy by promotion of Regular voluntary blood donation.
Apart from this, RRC aims at harnessing the potential of the youth by equipping them with correct information on Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Nutrition and Reproductive & Sexual Health and building their capacities as peer educators in spreading messages on positive health behavior in an enabling environment.
Role of Principals in Red Ribbon Club Programme
Formation of Red Ribbon Club advisory committee in college.
Selection of two lecturers (Preferably one male and another female) for Red Ribbon Club.
Oversee and participate in the implementation of Red Ribbon Club Programme, including development of youth interactive programme, implementation, and evaluation of activities.
Provide technical support to NGO and RRC incharge/Programme Officer to develop youth friendly and youth focusing IEC materials.
Facilitate NGO representatives in implementing RRC programme effectively.
Establishment linkages with other health services to increase assess of youths to them.
Support in developing capacity of faculty to understand adolescents /youths’ mental, reproductive and sexual health Problems and provide students enabling environment to cope with them.
Motivate students to donate blood regularly.
Five important Health issues for Health Promotion
Healthy Life Style and Stress & Strain free Enviournment,
Drug Addiction,
Blood Donation Promotion,
Life skill Development and good eating habits.
Reproductive & Sexual Health including RTI/STI and HIV/AIDS,
The specific objectives of the programme are:
To instill life skills into youths to live better and healthier life.
Increasing the capacity of the education system in teaching, training of various basic health aspects and helping the adolescents and youths for achieving positive health.
To motivate youth and build their capacity as peer educators and change agents by developing their skills on leadership, negotiation, and team building.
To promote voluntary non?remunerated blood donation among youth.
Promote Regular voluntary blood donation by young people and increase access to safe and adequate quantities of blood.
To know their healthcare needs better.
To develop and reinforce life skills that enables them to protect themselves from various health hazards
To dispel myths and clarify misconceptions regarding various health issues and events.
And to find out a way where they can identify various health problems and can fight them out
A grass-roots organisation consisting of business professionals and community leaders that volunteer time, talent & resources in order to remedy vital community needs. Over 1.2 million members worldwide...
We are neighbors, community leaders, and global citizens uniting for the common good. With you, we can accomplish even more.
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The heart of Rotary is our clubs—dedicated people who share a passion for both community service and friendship.
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In Ganesh College of Engineering, Rotary Club of Salem Galaxy was Inaugurated and Installed on 27th February 2013.
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Thanjavur (Tamil Nadu)
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Namakkal (Tamil Nadu)
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Abha Gaikwad-Patil College of Engineering (AGPCE), Nagpur
IIT Roorkee