At Govt. College Sundargarh the students are endowed with modern infra and convenient amenities that make their life 'go easy' in college hours, alongside make learning more interesting. Some of the facilities include well ventilated classrooms, recreational areas, hostel facility for boys and girls, indoor and outdoor games, stocked library, seamless internet connectivity, medical facilities etc.
Infrastructure: There is a computer lab In this computer live you will get free facility of Internet and there is the facility to go there and study you can use the computer live anytime you want the computer lab is open up to 6:00 p.m. there are many other departments such as physics chemistry math and zoology botany geology there is also a commerce department and in arts we have Sanskrit history psychology political science etc
Hostel: There are about five boys hostels in two girls hostels In the four boys hostels we have the silver jubilee hostel the old hostel and there is UGC hostel and gangpur hostel and there is also another hostel called khandadar hostel these hostels are boys hostels and we have two girls hostel and this two girls hostel are one of them is erawati hostel and another is also connected nearby this has room and they provide an accommodation of 3 in a room Khandar hostel is like a dormitory hostel you can stay there and there is a big hall and you can stay there
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Bhubaneswar (Odisha)
Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Indore (Madhya Pradesh)