Overall: College which means higher educational institutions. This college is very different from other college and offers good and excellent facilities at an affordable fees Fees of our college is only 2190 rupees per year and for BCA is 30000 per semester
Overall: As I know my collage, Professors give their 100 and 1% for youth. But games are essential parts of aur lives. They impart to us a lesson in civic responsibility and discipline. Let's come to point...There should be some tournament here in which college kids can participate.so that they can make their future in sports also... Please children should also know about these tournaments. Including me
Overall: My is best college in the world for my college campus is very beautiful and devoted and my college entrance is very great full so and I thinking my college is best college
Overall: The collage is very good and all the facilities are available in the college and with out batter and with out batter is my withdrawals from my side and with out batter and the information contained in this product and with out battery
Mumbai (Maharashtra)
Mohali (Punjab)
Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
Una (Himachal Pradesh)
School of Management - Bahra University
UCBS Shimla