
Guru Nanak College (GNC), Chennai Scholarships 2025 - Details, Eligibility, Amount

LocationChennai (Tamil Nadu)
Updated on - Oct 31, 2023 11:04 AM IST


The Government of India, the State Government and Trusts award fee concessions and scholarships to poor and deserving Students. To avail these fee concessions and scholarships students Should apply in the prescribed form. The payment of the scholarship amount is dependent on Securing 75% of the attendance and no relaxation of this rule will Be granted. The fee concessions and scholarships are liable to be Withdrawn due to poor attendance and progress, misconduct, anti-Social or subversive activities.

  • Central / State Government Scholarships
S.No Scholarships Eligibility
1. State MeritScholarship

(Rank Holder)

For those students who haveSecured First rank in X public

Examination Matric. Anglo Indian,

income limit is Rs.50,000/- p.a.

2. State MeritScholarship 80% and above marks in PlusTwo examinations. Please refer

3. BC/MBC/DNCScholarship a)Income limitRs,2,00,000/-p.a.

b)75% Attendance

c)Should not have availed/

applied for any other scholarship.

4. SC/STScholarship a)Income limitRs,2,00,000/-p.a.

b)75% Attendance

c)Should not have availed/applied for any other scholarship.

5. Converted ChristianAdi-Dravida


a)Income limitRs,2,00,000/-p.a.

b)75% Attendance

c)Should not have availed/applied for any other scholarship.

6. Minority WelfareScholarship a)Income Limit Rs. 1,00,000/-b) Minimum 50%marks in +2

c) Candidates in receipt of any

other scholarship are not eligible

d)only two persons in the family

eligible for scholarship

7. Defence PersonnelChildren Scholarship No ceiling of income Children ofDefence Personnel including

Army, Air-force, Navy and

Dependents are eligible .Children

Of the defence personnel who are

Either missing or wounded or

Dead also are eligible.

8. Ex-ServicemanChildren


Children of Ex-Servicemen orComplete dependents. The

Bi-annual income should not

Exceed Rs. 12,000/-

9. Wounded/Handicapped/Dead

Soldier children


The parent of the children shouldHave been wounded handicapped

/ dead during Indo-Pak. War

10. School TeacherChildren


a)For Post Graduate Studentsonly.

b)Parents should be teachers

11. Disabled personScholarship 40% of marks in the previousAnnual examination Combined

Monthly income of parents/

Rs. 50,000/-p.a.

12. Farmers ChildrenScholarship Students belonging to theFamily of farmer’s Community

Concerned Tashildar office

  • University of Madras Scholarships
1. Mother M.CelineScholarship Highest marks in +2 in firstattempt
2. Sir Tanjore MadhavaRao Scholars Highest marks in +2 in firstattempt
3. Lord PentlandMussalman scholars Based on +2 marks in firstattempt
4. Poet H.A.KrishnaPillai Tamil


Highest marks in Language TamilIn +2 in first attempt
5. Madras OrientalConference scholar Highest marks in Language Sanskrit in +2 in first attempt
6. Dr.A.L.MudaliarScholarship Highest marks in Language “Sanskrit Women” candidate in 2 in first attempt
7. All India Literary


(madras Session)

1955-56 scholarship

Highest marks in Language

Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam,

Kannada,Hindi, Bengali in first attempt






Highest marks in EnglishLanguage in +2 in first attempt
9. The GoschenMemorial



Poor and deserving andUndergoing first year B.A.

Economics, highest marks in +2

In first attempt.

10. The Governor’sEndowment


One student-I year B.A. degree,Two students- I year B.Sc.

Degree, highest marks in +2 in

first attempt

11. The Johnston ofCarnslloch



First year B.A. Degree (2Students) I year B.Sc.Degree

(3 students) Highest marks in +2

In first attempt

12. Syndicate BankGolden Jubilee


Students who is undergoing first IYear M.Com. In B.Com Highest

Marks in first attempt.

13. The Balarama IyerEndowment


Girl student branch-IMathematics Highest marks in

+2 in  first attempt

14. The HemingwayMemorial



3rd year B.A. branch –IV-Economics after passing 1st and

2nd year B.A.Eco. in first attempt

Without any arrears in part-III


15. The LionsInternational



I year M.A. degree & M.Sc.Degree, by securing highest

Marks in U.G. in

16. The MarshEndowment


Highest marks in I year M.Sc. Chemistry
17. The V.Rama Ayyangar Memorial Scholarship Highest mark in I year M.Sc. Chemistry

Scholarships and ConcessionsThe Government of India and State Government and Trusts award fee concessions and scholarship to poor and deserving students. To avail these fee concessions and scholarships students should apply in the prescribed form.Scholarships will be sanctioned subject to 75% attendance of the student. The payment of the scholarship amount is dependent on maintenance of 75% of the attendance and no relaxation of this rule will be granted.

The fee concessions and scholarships are liable to be withdrawn due to poor attendance and progress, misconduct, anti-social or subversive activities.

S.No. Name of the Scholarship Eligibility Conditions Value of the Scholarship
1. Merit Scholarship # First Rank in 10th Pub. Exam
# Income limit Rs. 50,000/- p.a.
Rs. 50/- p.m. for Day scholar
Rs. 75/- p.m. for Hostellers
2. Collegiate Scholarship # High Marks in +2 Exams
# Income limit Rs. 24,000/- p.a.
Rs. 30/- p.m. for 9 months
3. Post Graduate Scholarship # Based on Marks Secured in UG Exam Rs. 130/-p.m. for Hosteller
Rs. 170/- p.m. for Day Scholar
Rs. 120/- p.m. for Day Scholar Hosteller
4. Scholarship for Backward Class # 75% of attendance
# Income limit Rs. 50,000/- p.a.
# should not have applied for any other scholarship
Rs. 121/- p.a. & Exam Fees (I Yr.) Rs. 50/- p.a. & Exam Fees (II & III Yr. B.A. & B.Com)Rs. 133/- p.a. & Exam Fees (I Yr.) Rs. 62/- p.a. & Exam Fees (II & III Yr. B.Sc.)**HostellerRs. 70/- p.m. for 10 months (I Yr.) for 12 months (II & III Yr. UG & PG) & admissible allowances
5. Scholarship for Most Backward Class # 75% of attendance
# Income no limit
# should not have applied for any other scholarship
Non-HostellerRs. 121/- p.a. & Exam Fees (I Yr.) Rs. 50/- p.a. & Exam Fees (II & III Yr. B.A. & B.Com)Rs. 133/- p.a. & Exam Fees ((I Yr.) Rs. 62/-p.a. & Exam Fees (II &III Yr. B.Sc.)**HostellerRs. 90/- p.m. for 10 months (I Yr.) for 12 months (II & III Yr. UG & PG Arts & Com.)Rs. 100/- p.m. for 10 months (I Yr.) for 12 months (II & III Yr. UG & PG Sci. ) & admissible allowances
6. Scholarship for SC and ST # 75% of attendance
# Income limits Rs. 1,00,000/- p.a.
# should not have applied for any other scholarship
Non-HostellerRs. 140/-p.m. for 10 months (I Yr. UG)Rs. 185/-p.m. for 12 months (II & III Yr. UG)Rs. 330/-p.m. for 10 months (I Yr. PG) & for 12 months (II & III Yr. PG)** HostellerRs. 235/-p.m. for 10 months

Rs. 355/-p.m. for 12 months

Rs. 510/-p.m. for 10 & 12 months

7. Scholarship for Christians (Converted from SC & ST) # 75% of attendance
# Income limits Rs. 1,00,000/- p.a.
# should not have applied for any other scholarship
Non-HostellerRs. 60/-p.m. for 10 months (I Yr. UG)Rs. 90/-p.m. for 12 months (II & III Yr. UG)Rs. 125/-p.m. for 10 months (I Yr. PG) & for 12 months (II & III Yr. PG)** HostellerRs. 115/-p.m. for 10 months

Rs. 175/-p.m. for 12 months

Rs. 190/-p.m. for 10 & 12 months

8. Scholarship for Children of School Teachers # For PG Students only
# Parents should be Teachers
Rs. 120/-p.m. for Day Scholar
Rs. 170/-p.m. for Hosteller
9. Girl Free Degree Scholarship (EVR Nagammai Memorial Scholarship) # For PG students only
# Income limit Rs. 24,000/- p.a.
Free Education (Tuition Fees)
10. Scholarship for Disabled Persons # 40% in Previous Annual Examination
# Combined Income limits Rs. 50, 000/- p.a.
Rs. 60/- p.m. for I Yr. Day ScholarRs. 100/-p.m. for II & III Yr. HostellerRs. 90/-p.m. for II & III Yr. Day Scholar
11. Scholarship for Children of Defence Personal # Income no limits Rs. 300/-p.m., Book Allowance of Rs. 215/- for Degree Course, Tuition Fee & Spl. Fees Refundable.HostellersRs. 40/-p.m. for 10 months
12. Scholarship for Children of Ex-Servicemen # Bi-annual income limit Rs. 12,000/- Rs. 215/- for Book allowance for Degree Courses.HostellersRs. 40/-p.m. for 10 months
13. Scholarship for Children of Wounded/Dead Servicemen # Parents of the children should be wounded handicapped/dead during Indo-Pak. War Full Hostel FeesFull Expenditure of Books & Stationary
** Hosteller – Students staying in Pvt. Hostels only eligible

Maharani Vidyavati Devi of Vizianagaram

Endowment Scholarship

The trustee of the late Maharani Vidyavati Devi Estate Offer a few scholarship to poor and deserving students in the college. The value of scholarship is Rs.5,000/- per annum.

  • The following are the REVISED RULES for the grant of Maharani Vidyavati Devi of Vizianagaram Trust Scholarship for the Academic year 2009-2010:
  • All I. II, III Year College Students and all Post Graduate/ M.Phil students are eligible.
  • Applicants must have passed in every subject in Plus 2  or in 1st, 2nd or 3rd year college. (i.e., there should be no arrears/failure/absent in any subjects).
  • Applicants MUST have a min average of 50% marks overall.
  • Gross Income of the Parents/Guardians of the applicant should not exceed Rs.9000 (Rupees Nine thousand only) per month from all sources.
  • Income certificate of Parents/Guardians should have been obtained from the Employer where he/she is working and dated after 01 June 2010. Pensioners should provide the latest certificate from the bank of post office or where ever the monthly Pension is credited in their respective accounts.
  • Those in receipt of any other scholarships or fee Concessions are NOT eligible.
  • Final year students who are applying afresh should attach copy of their 1st and 2nd year marks sheet. Post Graduate and M.Phil students should attach all the 3 year marks and pass in all subjects.
  • Application form should be submitted through the college only. Incomplete form will be rejected.
  • On receipt of the forms submitted by the college it will be scrutinized and prepare the list of approved candidates. Any deficiencies in the remaining applications will be notified to the college for corrections and re-submission.
  • The list of students selected for grant of scholarship will then be sent to the college with a request that the students should present themselves personally at the  trustee office to sign the Scholarship Register. This is only required once in every academic year.
  • The scholarship amount should be paid directly to the college in TWO instalments every year. The first instalments will be paid after submission of the scholarship forms with income certificate and mark sheet, The 2nd instalment will be paid on receipt of confirmation from the head of the institution certifying that the students have  achieved 75% attendance and satisfactory performance in studies. The letter requested certification from the head of the institution will be sent by Trustee office to college office in Jan 2011. It will only be necessary for you to have this certified and returned to the Trust, where upon and the 2nd instalment of the scholarship will be forwarded.
  • The Scholarship will only be paid to one member in a family during any academic year.
  • The forms should be submitted within the stipulated time given.
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Guru Nanak College (GNC), Chennai Scholarship Statistics 2025

Gender Male Female
Total 1046 575
OBC 404 290
SC 639 284
ST 3 1
Muslim 0 0
PWD 0 0
Minority Community 0 0
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