Note: Insights gathered through various sources across internet like student reviews, ratings, student testimonials etc
Uttar Banga Womens' B.Ed. College
Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan B.Ed. College
Vidyasagar Primary Teachers Training Institute (VPTTI), Malda
Janardan College of Education
Universal College of Education (UCE), Malda
Uttar Banga Primary Teachers Training Institute
Knowledge Valley College of Education
North Malda Teachers Education College
Donyi Polo B.Ed College
Maharishi Institute Of Management (MIM), Indore
Athena B.Ed. College (ABEDC), Bankura
D.A.V. College (DAVC), Meerut
Education College
District Institute of Education and Training (DIET), Lucknow
Pakuahat Teachers Education College