The institute offers numerous need-based and merit-based scholarships for the students. Candidates can take a look at the table given below to check the scholarship details :
State Sponsored Scholarship Schemes | Central Sponsored Scholarship Schemes |
Swami Vivekanand Utkrisht Chhatervritti Yojna | Pre–Matric Scholarship to the children of those engaged in unclean occupation (Centrally Sponsored Scheme)
Maharishi Balmiki Chattarvriti Yojna | Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme to ST students (Centrally Sponsored Scheme)
Rashtriya Indian Military College Scholarship | Upgradation of Merit of SC/ST students (CSS)
Financial Assistance to the children of the Armed Forces Personnel killed/disabled during the different War/Operations | Post–Matric Scholarship Scheme to students belonging to Minority Community(CSS)
NDA Scholarship Scheme | Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Scholarship for College and University students (CSS)
Mukhiya Mantri Protsahan Yojna | INSPIRE (CSS)
Dr. Ambedkar Medhavi Chattarvriti Yojna | Scholarship to disabled Students (CSS) |
Thakur Sen Negi Utkrisht Chhatervritti Yojna | Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme for Scheduled Tribe Students (9th & 10th) CSS |
Indira Gandhi Utkrisht Chhatervritti Yojna for Post Plus Two Students | Incentive to SC/ST girl students for Secondary Education |
IRDP Scholarship Scheme | Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme to SC students (Centrally Sponsored Scheme) |
Sainik School Sujanpur Tihra Scholarship | Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme to OBC students (Centrally Sponsored Scheme) |
Kalpana Chawla Chhatravriti Yojna | Merit cum means Scholarship Scheme for Students belonging to the Minority community (CSS) |
Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme to students to belonging Minority community (CSS) | |
Maulana Azad National Scholarship Scheme for Meritorious Girls students belonging to Minorities | |
National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship (CSS) | |
Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme for Scheduled Caste Students (9th & 10th) CSS | |
Pre-Matric Scholarship to OBC Students (Centrally Sponsored Scheme)
Syllabus of BA and B Com ICDEOL/CDOE - Updated syllabus details for BA and B Com Indian Collaborative Distance Education and Open Learning.
General Elective Classes - Information about General Elective Classes has been released.
General Elective Classes Announcement - Announcement regarding the General Elective Classes issued by the Institute of Vocational (Tourism) Studies.
Fee Notice 2025 - A notice regarding the fee structure for the year 2025 has been issued.
Extension of Submission Date for NEP-MERU Research Projects - The last date for submission of Research Projects under the NEP-MERU Scheme has been extended to 17-03-2025.
Circular from Admin and Recruitment - A circular has been released from the Admin and Recruitment Portal.
B Ed. Exam Centre Shifted - Notification regarding B Ed. Exam Centre Shifted to HPU Evening Studies.
Notification regarding the shifting of B.Ed. Examination Centre - Details about the new location for the B.Ed. examination centre have been provided to ensure students are informed and able to prepare accordingly.
B.Tech. Fee Notice - Fee notice for 2nd, 4th, 6th, & 8th semester B.Tech. students has been released.
Guidelines for M. Com. Project Report and Viva Voce - Guidelines and Performa for M. Com. PROJECT REPORT AND VIVA VOCE MC-405 and 406.
Counseling Notice for Short Term Courses - Counselling Notice for the candidates applied for merit-based Short Term/Add-on/Skill Development Certificate Courses.
Counseling Notice for Microbiology Certificate Course - Notice regarding counseling for Certificate Course in Microbiology.
Notification regarding members of the Court of the University - Notification concerning the appointment or details regarding the members of the Court of the University.
Circular for Notification Issuance - Circular regarding adherence to instructions for the issuance of notifications.
Circular for Ph.D. Computer Science Students regarding Plagiarism Report Form - Ph.D. students in Computer Science are informed about the requirements for submitting a Plagiarism Report Form.
Circular regarding criteria for promotion under career advancement scheme - A circular has been released regarding the criteria for promotion under the career advancement scheme.
Generic Elective Courses - Information regarding the generic elective courses offered in the upcoming semester.
Notification regarding anti-plagiarism certificate - Recent notification regarding the anti-plagiarism certificate implementation.
Date Sheet (Final Practical Examination) - Schedule for the final practical examinations for the Department of Evening Studies.
Date Sheet for Final Practical Examination - Release of the Date Sheet for the Final Practical Examination.
NEP Ordinance and Examination Sub-Committee Notification - Notification regarding NEP Ordinance and Examination sub-committee.
Conduct of Under-Graduate Practical Examinations - Notification regarding the conduct of Under-Graduate (BA/B.Sc./B.Com 1st, 2nd, 3rd year Annual System) practical examinations to be held.
Time Table PhD Course Work in Management - The time table for the PhD Course Work in Management has been released.
Time Table of MBA Second Semester - Time table for the MBA Second Semester as published by Himachal Pradesh University Business School.
Time Table of MBA Fourth Semester - The time table for the MBA Fourth Semester has been released.
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Mohali (Punjab)
Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Baddi (Himachal Pradesh)
Sunderwati Mahila College
Durga Mahavidyalaya