IIIT Agartala JEE Main cutoff for round 5 has been released on July 17, 2024, by JoSAA. As per the cutoff data, the IIIT Agartala cut off general category is 39356 for AI quota and gender neutral category. IIIT Agartala SC cutoff is 9014 and EWS cutoff is 6856 for gender neutral and All India quota. Candidates can check below round wise IIIT Agartala cutoff JEE Main 2024 and also download PDF by clicking on the link below:
Round | Cutoff PDF |
round 5 | Click Here |
IIIT Agartala cutoff 2024 is now out for round four for BTech courses. These cutoffs are released by JoSAA on July 10, 2024. IIIT Agartala cutoff for general category is 23898 OR and 42934 CR in round four in 2024. The cutoffs are released separately for multiple categories like general, ST, SC, OBC, EWS, etc. IIIT Agartala cut off CSE is 42934 rank in round four.
Round | Cutoffs |
Round 4 | Click Here |
IIIT Agartala cut off JEE Mains 2024 is announced for round 3 on July 5. The cutoff is released in the form of opening and closing rank. IIIT Agartala cutoff General category is 23898 OR - 37413 CR. IIIT Agartala cutoff CSE OBC category is 12044 OR and 15595 CR.
Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 23898 | 37413 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 30606 | 42934 |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 6079 | 6602 |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7432 | 7432 |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 12044 | 15595 |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 18025 | 18825 |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 4576 | 9014 |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9794 | 11283 |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 3557 | 4278 |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 4749 | 4749 |
Overall | Click Here |
IIIT Agartala cut off based on JEE Mains 2024 is now out for round 2. The cutoff was released by JoSAA on June 28, 2024. IIIT Agartala cutoff General category is 23898 OR - 37033 CR. IIIT Agartala cutoff CSE is 37033.
Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
GEN | Gender-Neutral | 23898 | 37033 |
GEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 30606 | 42759 |
Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
GEN | Gender-Neutral | 23898 | 37033 |
GEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 30606 | 42759 |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5983 | 6404 |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7226 | 7226 |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 12044 | 15013 |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 17907 | 18745 |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 4576 | 8686 |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9794 | 10357 |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 3509 | 4185 |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 4558 | 4558 |
IIIT Agartala cutoff for 2024 based on the JEE Mains score is now out. JoSAA has released the cutoff on June 20, 2024, for round 1. IIIT Agartala cut off is released in the form of opening and closing ranks. IIIT Agartala cut off 2024 for CSE programme is 33852 for general (gender neutral) category. The cutoff list is separate for all the categories. IIIT Agartala cutoff 2024 is 13245 for CSE programme under OBC (gender-neutral) category. Candidates can check the category and programme-wise cutoff of IIIT Agartala in the table below:
Course Name | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering | Gender-Neutral | 23898 | 33852 |
Computer Science and Engineering | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 30606 | 38949 |
Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 23898 | 33852 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 30606 | 38949 |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5767 | 5844 |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7226 | 7226 |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 10190 | 13245 |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 16308 | 16827 |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 3905 | 7287 |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9393 | 9794 |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 2058 | 3509 |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3758 | 3758 |
IIIT Agartala cutoff for CSE may range between 35182-35192 (Gender-Neutral) for the Open candidates, while female CSE admission seekers from the same category may expect the closing ranks to be within the 42856-42866 range. On the other hand, IIIT Agartala cutoff 2024 for CSE may stay between 13517-13527 (Gender-Neutral) and 17867-17877 (Female-only) for OBC-NCL.
IIIT Agartala JEE Main cutoff 2024 for CSE is expected to be within the 8277-8287 range for the Gender-Neutral candidates from the SC category. Female SC category students may witness the cutoff ranks to be within 9871-9881 at IIIT Agartala. IIIT Agartala cut off for CSE course in 2024 for the ST category may be 4179-4190 for Gender-Neutral and 4616-4626 for female candidates.
Course Name | Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 22126-22136 | 35182-35192 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 37931-37941 | 42856-42866 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 1473-1483 | 1463-1473 |
Computer Science and Engineering | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5609-5619 | 6542-6552 |
Computer Science and Engineering | EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 7128-7138 | 7118-7128 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 10377-10387 | 13517-13527 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 15102-15112 | 17867-17877 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OBC-NCL (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 873-883 | 873-883 |
Computer Science and Engineering | SC | Gender-Neutral | 3973-3983 | 8277-8287 |
Computer Science and Engineering | SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 9556-9566 | 9871-9881 |
Computer Science and Engineering | ST | Gender-Neutral | 3949-3959 | 4179-4190 |
Computer Science and Engineering | ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 4616-4626 | 4616-4626 |
IIT Agartala JEE Main cutoff trends reveal that the CSE closing rank increased by 7250 ranks in 2022 compared to 2021 (40963 rank) and closed at 33713 for the Gender-Neutral Open category. However, it declined by 1479 ranks in 2023, ending up at 35192.
Course Name | Seat Type | Gender | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 40963 | 33713 | 35192 |
Computer Science and Engineering | OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | - | - | 42856 |
The JoSAA cutoff plays a crucial role in the admissions process for prestigious institutions like the NITs, IITs and IIITs. JoSAA recently released the IIIT Agartala cutoff for Round 5. Admission to the B.Tech programme at IIIT Agartala is solely based on the counselling conducted by JoSAA. Candidates eagerly awaited the release of the JoSAA cutoff, and it served as a benchmark for their chances of securing a seat at IIIT Agartala. The cutoff ranks may vary for each round of counselling, and subsequent rounds are released as per the schedule defined by JoSAA. Students who aspire to study at IIIT Agartala can refer to the IIIT Agartala consolidated cutoff for round 3, 4, and 5.
Cutoff Round | Result |
Round 5` | Click here |
Round 4 | Click here |
Round 3 | Click here |
Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 22126 | 33314 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 31873 | 38918 |
OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 1473 | 1473 |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 5231 | 5541 |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 6714 | 6714 |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 10387 | 13056 |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 15102 | 17273 |
OBC-NCL (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 873 | 873 |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 3983 | 7637 |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 8440 | 8853 |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 3465 | 3909 |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 4387 | 4387 |
Seat Type | Gender | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 18138 | 29603 |
OPEN | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 31122 | 35523 |
OPEN (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 974 | 974 |
EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4751 | 5239 |
EWS | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 5692 | 5692 |
OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 8654 | 11737 |
OBC-NCL | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 12206 | 14538 |
OBC-NCL (PwD) | Gender-Neutral | 852 | 852 |
SC | Gender-Neutral | 3983 | 6655 |
SC | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 5702 | 6957 |
ST | Gender-Neutral | 1637 | 3179 |
ST | Female-only (including Supernumerary) | 3881 | 3881 |
Unlock your future with JEE Main/JEE Advanced/GATE College Predictor & Rank Predictor:
Admission to IIIT Agartala is possible only if a student passes the cut-off marks. The IIIT Agartala Cut-Off 2022 has been released by JoSAA Round 5 on https://josaa.admissions.nic.in/Applicant/seatallotmentresult/currentorcr.aspx. You can also view the IIIT Agartala Cut Off 2022 in the table below. Aspiring students should know that IIIT Agartala only accepts admission after the counselling round by JoSAA and passing the IIIT Agartala CutOff 2022. The IIIT Agartala cutoff 2022 is released just after the announcement of JEE Mains 2022 results.
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
AI | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 32495 |
AI | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4675 |
AI | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 11531 |
AI | SC | Gender-Neutral | 6515 |
AI | ST | Gender-Neutral | 3172 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
AI | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 32355 |
AI | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4674 |
AI | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 11531 |
AI | SC | Gender-Neutral | 6515 |
AI | ST | Gender-Neutral | 3172 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
AI | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 32352 |
AI | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4674 |
AI | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 11531 |
AI | SC | Gender-Neutral | 6515 |
AI | ST | Gender-Neutral | 3172 |
Quota | Seat Type | Gender | Closing Rank |
AI | OPEN | Gender-Neutral | 30457 |
AI | EWS | Gender-Neutral | 4653 |
AI | OBC-NCL | Gender-Neutral | 11467 |
AI | SC | Gender-Neutral | 6129 |
AI | ST | Gender-Neutral | 3120 |
Academic Programme Name | Quota | Gender | Closing Rank |
Computer Science and Engineering | AI | Gender-Neutral | 29138 |
IIIT Agartala admission 2021 is done after passing the IIIT Agartala Cut Off 2021 and the counselling by JoSAA. Moreover, students also need to score well enough in JEE Mains 2021 exam to be able to get admission to IIIT Agartala.
The IIIT Agartala cut-off 2021 is released just after the announcement of JEE Mains 2021 results. The ‘National Testing Agency (NTA)’ conducts the JEE Mains exam. In other words, NTA conducts the entrance exams aka JEE Mains for IIIT colleges like IIIT Agartala.
The wait is over; IIIT Agartala has posted its cut-off list according to subject specialisation. Aspiring students waiting to get admission to IIIT Agartala with their JEE Mains 2020 results can now get admission to the college. In short, JEE Mains, conducted by the NTA (National Testing Agency), is the qualifying exam for admission to IIIT colleges.
So if you are interested in getting admission to IIIT Agartala, we recommend you to visit the official website of IIIT Agartala cutoff 2020 or scroll down below as we have updated IIIT Agartala Cut-Off 2020 below.
IIIT Agartala Cut Off 2020 B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering
Programme Name | Seat Type | Closing Rank |
B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering | OPEN (Gender-Neutral) | 54431 |
B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering | EWS (Gender-Neutral) | 56611 |
B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering | OBC-NCL (Gender-Neutral) | 67489 |
B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering | SC (Gender-Neutral) | 204301 |
B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering | ST (Gender-Neutral) | 308280 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General | 37033 | 23898 |
General (AI - Female-Only) | 42759 | 30606 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 6404 | 5983 |
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 7226 | 7226 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 15013 | 12044 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only) | 18745 | 17907 |
OBC-NCL(PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 1763 | 1398 |
SC (SC) | 8686 | 4576 |
SC (AI - Female-Only) | 10357 | 9794 |
ST AI | 4185 | 3509 |
ST (AI - Female-Only) | 4558 | 4558 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General | 37413 | 23898 |
General (AI - Female-Only) | 42934 | 30606 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 6602 | 6079 |
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 7432 | 7432 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 15595 | 12044 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only) | 18825 | 18025 |
SC (SC) | 9014 | 4576 |
SC (AI - Female-Only) | 11283 | 9794 |
ST AI | 4278 | 3557 |
ST (AI - Female-Only) | 4749 | 4749 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General | 37788 | 23898 |
General (AI - Female-Only) | 42934 | 30606 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 6602 | 6079 |
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 7848 | 7848 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 15595 | 12044 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only) | 19007 | 18037 |
SC (SC) | 9014 | 4576 |
SC (AI - Female-Only) | 11310 | 9794 |
ST AI | 4278 | 3557 |
ST (AI - Female-Only) | 4749 | 4749 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General | 39356 | 23898 |
General (AI - Female-Only) | 44100 | 30606 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 6856 | 6602 |
EWS (AI - Female-only (including Supernumerary)) | 7848 | 7848 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 16297 | 12044 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Female-Only) | 19570 | 18037 |
SC (SC) | 9014 | 4576 |
SC (AI - Female-Only) | 11310 | 9794 |
ST AI | 4278 | 3557 |
ST (AI - Female-Only) | 4931 | 4931 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 15707 | 29138 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 4462 | 4473 |
EWS (PwD) (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 209 | 217 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 7640 | 10330 |
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 3738 | 5230 |
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 1223 | 2601 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 15707 | 30457 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 4462 | 4653 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 8136 | 11467 |
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 4905 | 6129 |
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 1223 | 3120 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 15707 | 32352 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 4653 | 4674 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 9082 | 11531 |
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 4905 | 6515 |
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 1223 | 3172 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 15707 | 32355 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 4653 | 4674 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 9082 | 11531 |
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 4905 | 6515 |
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 1223 | 3172 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 15707 | 32495 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 4674 | 4675 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 9082 | 11531 |
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 4905 | 6515 |
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 1223 | 3172 |
Category | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
General (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 15707 | 32495 |
EWS (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 4674 | 4675 |
OBC-NCL (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 9082 | 11531 |
SC (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 4905 | 6515 |
ST (AI - Gender-Neutral) | 1223 | 3172 |
Mohali (Punjab)
Bhubaneswar (Odisha)
Hyderabad (Telangana)
Bengaluru (Karnataka)
Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh)
NIT Agartala
TIT Agartala