The College has computerised library which plays a key role in the academic life of the college. All the intellectual activities of the college centre round this library to inculcate the habit of reading. Students, teachers and genuinely interested readers get an easy access to make use of this library in the most efficient manner. The library has’ a good’ collection of text books, references, periodicals and jounals.There is Encyclopedia Britannica for ready reference of readers.The College publishes its annual Magazine ‘The Jawahar Jyoti’ in every academic session. Articles, Stories, Poems etc. are invited both from the students, teachers and interested writers to contribute to this magazine. This magazine is considered as the mirror of the college and all possible care is taken by the magazine secretary & the Professor-in-charge concerned to maintain the standard of this magazine.
Mohali (Punjab)
Gurgaon (Haryana)
Tiruchirappalli (Tamil Nadu)
Bengaluru (Karnataka)