The Central Library in the College will be established. It will be housed in a building with more than 1255 volumes of books to start with. The following features are in our thought. The Library has excellent collection of books, journals and non-book material in Science, Engineering, Technology, Humanities and Management. We maintain separate collections of Reference Books, Standards, and Back volumes of journals, Technical Reports, Theses and Compact Discs. We are using Modern lib OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue), where the users can search the Library Online Catalogue by Author's name, title, subject, and keywords available on the campus LAN. A fleet of college buses are being operated for convenience of students coming from different places. Subsidised fare is charged as a welfare measure for the students.Excellent Transportation is one of the special features of our institution. We have a buses running to all the parts of the Karur town and surroundings. A variety of hygienic food & snack items which includes Cakes, Fresh Juices, Chinese Food, Meals, Variety Rice, Ice Creams, etc are served at a nominal rate. It is mainly used by the students and staff. Separate common rooms for boys and girls and staff are available.
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Namakkal (Tamil Nadu)
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Ajeenkya DY Patil University (ADYPU), Pune
IIT Roorkee