Overall: My college is very nice I love my teachers and watchmans I love mahh sweet nature in this college I always positively working hard and lovely students arelike my ssisters
Placement: Ibhsjdvdjsnsvsbsjsbsgsbjsbsisnsgdbsjsbgsbsjsgsbsv gok bsgshvsgsvshsbsgsvsbshsvsbbsbsgsysgsvsvshsjushdhsjsjshsbsbshdgdhsbshjshsbshsbsbshsbsbsbsjshshbsbsbsnsjssn
Infrastructure: My college is very nice and beautiful like all people are lovely my teachers are great working and hard working my studies are my all classmate is very nice
Hostel: I love my hostel it's all big and good form sallary and work very hard I slookinga a very high study like a commerce studies science maths etc both are